But what about that terrible port of Strider? We can't forget that fucking terrible port of Strider.
Don't even get me started on that brother.
I'm a HUGE Strider fan - have the US PCB (love the cheesy dialogue), have both the Genny and MD versions (love the MD art), have PSX Strider, have the PS3 LE (even though I don't have a PS3), have both prints of the OST and the Strider 2 OST.
Having said that, I just can't with the PCE version. It would have been bad enough if it was just a shitty regular release that was butchered beyond sanity like Golden Axe, but no, they had to, just to spit in the eye of Strider fans, make it an Arcade CD release. It's so atrocious that the only thing I can think is that someone was just fucking with NEC to see if they could make pure shit and still get it approved for release (and Capcom, I know you couldn't give less of a shit about the PCE and the MD compared to your beloved SFC, but screw you too for permitting this rancid garbage to be spewed unto humanity). Then again, given the multitude of utter tripe on the PCE, I guess that isn't that much of a accomplishment. This ranks up there with the Punisher port on the Genny (another Capcom special of fetid refuse) as one of the most inexcusable half-assed attempts at a conversion I've ever seen and whoever is responsible for it should be forced to play PCE Strider for all eternity as his punishment in damnation.
Feels good to have gotten that off my chest, as it's been simmering for a few days since you posted