ah, i always forget these things. much love anyway man, hope it finds a happy home!
ah, i always forget these things. much love anyway man, hope it finds a happy home!
Anybody doing repros of that turd of a game, Space Fantasy Zone?
I need some Weponalds in my life.
Great game by Game Freak, too bad it is so rare and expensive.
Tobias did, I have a copy. It's an earlier boot of his though and pretty much a high end CD-R with nice packaging. I think music is missing in a level but otherwise it's complete.
Anywhere to buy now?
someone.. somewhere (on another forum.. somewhere in Japan) else has this in their collection..
Also if anyone needs any replacement for vinyl sleeve wallets you can try out this guy. They also have an ebay shop under the same name seymoronion but this is their direct website:
Not that I know of. If it helps, it isn't a very good game. Very wonky hit detection in some areas. I'd suggest burning a copy yourself and seeing; that really wouldn't be any different than the Tobias edition since he used CDRs for those.
Oh shit, is he making replacement HuCard trays? Also, what IS that Gamefreak game like? I've seen that collection on the PCE forum and wondered.
I think they are in production those card trays.
its called Bazaru De Gozaru No Game De Gozar バザールでござーるのゲームでござーる
and released around 1996 so it's one the late pc engine games and probably had a very limited print run.
I think it's an adventure puzzle game
Oh wow! That's incredibly charming. Looks like the text is mostly Katakana?
You might be right but I think I can see hiragana in there too
Here's a question.
My Duo R pad cable is short as balls, much like my SuFami pad and SCPH-1000 pad. Is the TG-16 pad cable longer? I'm aware extensions exist but I don't use third party accessories.
Good lord man, just buy the extensions from monoprice. That's an insane line to draw in the sand.
Eh, you're probably right. If there isn't an official version of something then I guess I'll have to settle for third party, like my PCE SCART lead.
Just sit more closer to your pc engine/Duo as illustrated in the manual. That way you get better acquainted with your game console!
Eh, you're probably right. If there isn't an official version of something then I guess I'll have to settle for third party, like my PCE SCART lead.
Sega CD Gameplay:
No briefcase setup tho? Doesn't get more business than that.
guys what do you think about component image quality for pc engine? I might get one from a modder but he doesn't have an RGB monitor to do the RGB modding so next best will be S-Video or component.
Man, I'd just hold out for RGB. What if the TV you're using doesn't do 240p?
well it's a panasonic plasma and it's pretty much displayed most stuff I've chucked at it.. I just wonder what the picture quality will be like in component.
I had issues with component 240p on my Panasonic plasma.well it's a panasonic plasma and it's pretty much displayed most stuff I've chucked at it.. I just wonder what the picture quality will be like in component.
hmmmmm ok gonna put it on hold for a while then.
Just found this site out. Might have to look into it later on as there seems to be some useful info on low res stuff for HDTVs.
Isn't that the site of that guy behind those shady Sapphire bootlegs?
I think his site is
No, it definitely seems to be that "Fudoh" guy who did the Sapphire bootlegs:
What're you implying then, he isn't to be trusted? lol
Fudoh provides exceptional resources.
I just wouldn't knowingly buy any of his stuff. It's more of an ethical thing.
My ethics it to give money to someone who works for it, not hoard it.
So you would give money, provided you'd have had the choice, to the fan translators whose work Fudoh "borrowed" to sell his products to you too? Then our ethics are quite similar.
You're bringing in stuff unrelated to the valuable wealth of information at the XRGB mini info site though. Yes, we all know about the bootlegs. Yes, the ethics are questionable.
I can't really afford to avoid everything from Beyer and Nestle because of their indiscretions though, can I? That's not really the world we live in. Yeah, I'm pretty much Gowdin'ing this.
So you would give money, provided you'd have had the choice, to the fan translators whose work Fudoh "borrowed" to sell his products to you too? Then our ethics are quite similar.
What's the difference between making a disc myself and asking for someone else to make a disc for me? Is it the exchange of money that troubles you? I pay him for the object, not the data in it. If I just wanted the translation, I know where to find it and I don't need to ask permission to download it and burn it myself.
Already got me some PC Engine games (nothing too special at the moment though, these games are expensive as hell!) and in a few days I'll finally have my RGB modded PC Engine Duo R.
I really want to get more into shooters, but the ones I really wanna play are just to costly for me, but I'll keep my eye out for any good deals. Even a common game such as Blazing Lazers commands a hefty price it seems...
Already got me some PC Engine games (nothing too special at the moment though, these games are expensive as hell!) and in a few days I'll finally have my RGB modded PC Engine Duo R.
I really want to get more into shooters, but the ones I really wanna play are just to costly for me, but I'll keep my eye out for any good deals. Even a common game such as Blazing Lazers commands a hefty price it seems...
What's the difference between making a disc myself and asking for someone else to make a disc for me? Is it the exchange of money that troubles you? I pay him for the object, not the data in it. If I just wanted the translation, I know where to find it and I don't need to ask permission to download it and burn it myself.
Not only are you condoning piracy, but you just threw the whole intellectual rights legislation under the bus here.![]()
I'm done with this anyway, let's talk games again.
Yea I'm late but you can buy repro PCE games!?
AKA "I've made my point and want the last word on this. Let's move on."
That's not what I meant. I just don't feel this discussion is going anywhere, when people ask me stuff like "Is it the exchange of money that troubles you?". That is just ridiculizing any argument I tried to make before, rather than bringing up any valid points. So I'm good and don't need more of that.
That's some Mr Magoo level accidental comedic timing there.
Yea I'm late but you can buy repro PCE games!?
Lol. Honestly outside of a my tunnel vision collecting, the entirety of the retro gaming scene is rather new to me. I knew about NES/SNES/GEN, but not PCE.