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Perfect Dark Zero!!! (1UP)


Because he needed the dildo hammer (ok, last one I swear)



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
m0dus said:
Fear not: A team has been dispatched from Redmond to deal with this thread.



:lol Gears of war to the rescue, eh? Some of the trolls can crawl back into your holes now.

I think all these PD0 shots were just tooooo damn early. Jeers to MS for rushing out incomplete work.

(btw, thanks again, thorns)

Much better. Why the hell was Microsoft pushing Perfect Dark Zero if they had Gear of War to show off?

I kept thinking to myself "Maybe PD0 will look good in motion." And it still looked like crap in the videos. I'm just going to stare at Gear of War until I forget all about Rare.


So they're showing artwork and a render that look completely different from the ingame model?

I mean shouldn't this be her ingame, not the stupid timesplitters-looking character?


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
that leaning against the wall guy looks like



Well, there was a similar reaction to SFA, and they turned that project around pretty quick, still being one of the NGCs visual showcases (first gen anyway) - there is no reason why they cant replicate that render ingame.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch


ecliptic said:
Maybe those screenshots are fake or were of the very early Xbox version and were leaked sometime down the road?

it was on 1up.com. I don't think they'd be fake. I think the backlash prompted the recall. :lol :lol :lol

Oh man, you missed such a funny unveiling.


I thought it was about time for this...


Edit... Gribbix, we are on the same wavelength, I was photoshopping this and when I posted I saw you did the same!!! :lol
Mooreberg said:
Holy shit, the pictures are gone from 1up, gamespot, and IGN. :lol

I can still see the screens at 1up.com, and I believe neither IGN nor GameSpot had them at all, since this is a 1UP-EGM exclusive.


Damn, that's beyond ugly. I am at a loss for words here...

And I just downloaded IGN's Kameo high quality videos... what a crock of shit. Looks like e PS2 game with some more polygons :(


newsguy said:
I thought it was about time for this...


Edit... Gribbix, we are on the same wavelength, I was photoshopping this and when I posted I saw you did the same!!! :lol

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Man, I think I can die. These responses are the only thing that are making Xbox 360 revelation worthwile :lol
Endymion said:
Damn, that's beyond ugly. I am at a loss for words here...

And I just downloaded IGN's Kameo high quality videos... what a crock of shit. Looks like e PS2 game with some more polygons :(

Those are Xbox 1 videos. The retards at IGN linked the new Kameo 360 profile with all the media from the canned Xbox 1 version.


newsguy said:
Gribbix, we are on the same wavelength, I was photoshopping this and when I posted I saw you did the same!!! :lol

Haha, I was suprised no one had made it already. BTW, I decided to steal your first panel. Hope you don't mind :D
Mooreberg said:
Which ones? If Microsoft actually asked people to take down the screens that were released... :lol

The 1up shots are down, which I guess was the only site to have them.

EDIT: Thanks, Khalid-S.


Junior Member



Well, I'm going to sleep now, so if MS do want to get in touch with me to remove these, they'll have to wait. Oh, and yeah it is so funny that it is going to be forward compatible with the original xbox.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
Here is my hope with rare and PD0

Remember conker live and reloaded when it was first announced for xbox



and look where it is now




thanks to france i can see the measley 4 pictures...

seems like they're bad captures. i wouldn't lose all hope.

What Microsoft has to convince us is that we are unhappy with our current consoles. I'm still happy with my Gamecube, it's graphics are good for another year. Which is exactly when the PS3 and Rev come out.

This might just be the ballsiest decision Msft could do, launching so soon. I've been itching to predict an oversaturation of the videogame market for a long time...
RE4 vs. SH4 said:
You just proved that they are. :lol


*white screen*


I'm on a cable connection BTW.
Well something's wrong with your connection or the browser since I can see them from that very link.
oh, man. I put aside all bias and was ready to welcome the FIRST HOT NEXTGEN CHICK, and then this..... :'(

m0dus said:
Fear not: A team has been dispatched from Redmond to deal with this thread.



:lol Gears of war to the rescue, eh? Some of the trolls can crawl back into your holes now.

I think all these PD0 shots were just tooooo damn early. Jeers to MS for rushing out incomplete work.

(btw, thanks again, thorns)

much better. although, WTF is up with all the roided up people and big, bulky armor?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Well after watching the video, I can definately say that perfect dark 0 is.......

....... Completely overshadowed by what a complete tosser that american male "pro gamer" was. "YEAH, We lost, but we are the better team!" ass.

Killers was on there as well.

Loathe to say it, but the video did make it look a lot cooler than wall guy.
EDIT: I really would like to discuss further what a dick that guy on the video was. The quick fire "how many polygons? DESTRUCTIBLE ENVIRONMENTS?! FULLY DESTRUCTABLE?!" was vomit inducing.


Joanna looks more like Alyson Hannigan than Bjork



Which is...the only good thing I can think of about all this.

*continues sobbing*

....fap fap.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Holy crap that gay red soldier looking thing is the worst character desing i've ever seen! :lol
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