I've been looking at that guide as well. Mainly because when looking up responses for the second(?) Strength Social Link event, the guide listed the first responses as unimportant while that GameFAQs guide actually specified that one of the responses raised Understanding (even though the response itself didn't grant any S. Link points). I liked that.Dresden said:It's a combination of your Knowledge rank and the number of questions you get right. It's been a while, but it's like Knowledge rank 3+all correct answers to ace the first exam, and Knowledge rank 4+all correct answers for the rest.
This guide has all the answers, I believe. It pretty much walks you through day-by-day.
My Knowledge rank is 2 right now. 4 sounds kind of ridiculous! I remember in P3 it was like level 2 or 3 for the first exams and I wasted a ton of days studying at the school library instead of drinking the soup at Wakatsu and spending time with the non-school related S. Links. >_< Also, the the protagonist attributes only go up to 5 in P4, right? You listed 6.Tamanon said:Gotta get the questions right and you need a high knowledge stat for the final question. I'm pretty sure it's impossible unless you completely ignore social links and hang out in the library a lot on the first playthrough to ace the first test. i'm pretty sure it requires knowledge rank 4 to pass the first, but then it's 4, 5, and 6 for the next three exams, much easier to do.
As with P3, I doubt I'll even go through a second play through. When I'm not busy with school, I'm often play a lot of games and devoting 50+ hours to one game is already a bit much.I AM JOHN! said:Why would you go through your first playthrough with a guide? I could understand the second playthrough for completionist and perfectionist sake, but why the first? Strikes me as something that would just diminish your ability to really take in the experience of the game and enjoy it.
Admittedly I used a FAQ to cheat on some of the exam questions in P3 (mostly the Japanese history ones), but I regret doing so.
Blueblur1 said:Someone on GameFAQs also says that I would need Knowledge at level 4 to be placed in the top 5 scores for the exams. Screw that! :lol I will try to get my Knowledge to level 3 though.
Also, I just figured out that the pacing has really been bothering me and I feel like I'm flying blind without the calendar and senpai characters like Mitsuru and Akihiko.![]()
That and the board on the first floor of the Gekkoukan school listed the exact exam dates so I always knew when they were coming. They also showed up on the calendar which I always used to count my days until exams or a Full Moon event.Tamanon said:In this game, you are the Senpais! It probably throws you off that the dungeon bits are two-week intervals and you don't really know for sure when they'll start.
Personally I liked that since it made it so I really didn't know what would happen next.
Dresden said:...And you can safely ignore fishing, unless you're a perfectionist and need to finish every quest.
FredFish said:I'll disagree with this. IIRC you need to do some fishing to advance one of the s.linkswhich is more than a mere conviniencethe fox. It's true that Margaret has a fishing based request which you can ignore but since the old guy by the river will trade you some really kick-ass unique armor and weapons for the mega-carps or whatever they were called all in all I'd say fishing is very worthwhile even if you aren't going for a 100% gameon account of his mana refresh discount being based on your s.link level
Red Scarlet said:Diligence also affects how much you get paid for doing the janitor job.
When does Margaret ask for something from fishing?
You can get a great weapon in May from fishing; helped me in my current thing.
Tamanon said:Yeah there were the feed the cat sidequests that nobody in the world has ever done past the first one.![]()
Tamanon said:Yeah there were the feed the cat sidequests that nobody in the world has ever done past the first one.![]()
Tamanon said:Both of you are just spewing lies and obfuscation. THE CAT IS A LIE!
Tamanon said:Yeah there were the feed the cat sidequests that nobody in the world has ever done past the first one.![]()
Lucifer x Satanfirehawk12 said:I heard money wasn't a problem, but having a high level character should be able to breeze you through the dungeons? I also read there's some kind of Lucifer combo fusion spell that makes every battle one turn affairs?
firehawk12 said:I heard money wasn't a problem, but having a high level character should be able to breeze you through the dungeons? I also read there's some kind of Lucifer combo fusion spell that makes every battle one turn affairs?
I don't know if they ship to Europe, but have you tried Double Jump's site yet? I bought mine directly from them.McBradders said:LTTP on this... does anyone from Europe know if the guide was released here? I can't find it on Amazon![]()
Blueblur1 said:I don't know if they ship to Europe, but have you tried Double Jump's site yet? I bought mine directly from them.
Red Scarlet said::lol isn't that the 9999 combo?
Tamanon said::lol Mass Destruction performance, he's even got a backup dancing ho.
The older lady with the youngish rapper is such a weird group.
<3 Heaven
kiryogi said:That older lady is Yumi Kawamura. Who basically does a majority of the modern persona vocals out there, such as Burn my Dread. Think she's done P3, Trinity Soul, and P1P. P4 is Shihoko Hirata. I imagine Kawamura is behind P3P as well.
Tamanon said:So, is Lotus Juice just the rapper? Kawamura's got some pipes on her live too.
inner-G said:Damn, the girl that sings Heaven is cute!!
kiryogi said:
Red Scarlet said::lol isn't that the 9999 combo?
dragonlife29 said:Man, I've been feeling like playing P4 again on Hard. I've been listening to the tracks on my iPod and just felt the need to experience the awesomeness again.
EDIT: OMG, loved Heaven and Reach Out to the Truth Live <3 Thanks for the links!