Thanks!Tamanon said:I'm prett sure 4 is required for the first two exams to get the top score and 5 is required for the final two.
Check your established S. Links and see if one of them is from one of the jobs?Tokubetsu said:So I have a slight problem. I'm about 17 hours in, rank 3 knowledge, 2 courage and 2 experession. Level 20 and I just cleared floor 7 of Kanji's dungeon. It's been awhile since I've played but I can't remember if I have a part-time job or not :lol
Edit: The date is 5/21
inner-G said:Check your established S. Links and see if one of them is from one of the jobs?
Tokubetsu said:Thanks, I'll try this.
WilyRook said:Hey Red Scarlet? I was just reading this thread using the PS3 and your avatar from post #7475 showed a sprite woman being sword-smacked by a sprite knight. At least, I think they're sprites. Could you please tell me what game that's from?
edit: oh I see, the avatar changes each time it loads up. Very cool.
Red Scarlet said:? Sounds like it is this:
Yeah? If so, it's from Suikoden 2. Guy with sword says the lady can live if she walks like a pig and oinks, so she does it, then he goes DIE PIG (hence the name of gif).
Blueblur1 said:and haven't touched Lovers).
Rank 3 now.Red Scarlet said:Does not compute. Rank 1? pff
octopusman said:Okay, I made some avatars from the latest comic to get the ball rolling, some are scaled down to fit it all in.
Fimbulvetr said:You forgot Nanako's extremely happy face.
TheSeks said:Just started the game. Can anyone explain the whole "you know, the side you don't hold your chopsticks in" line? Is there some Japanese taboo in being left-handed and holding the chopsticks in that hand?
Yeah, being left handed used to be considered bad or unlucky from what I remember.TheSeks said:Just started the game. Can anyone explain the whole "you know, the side you don't hold your chopsticks in" line? Is there some Japanese taboo in being left-handed and holding the chopsticks in that hand?
You'll get over all of that. Soon enough, you won't be able to go back to P3's way of doing things.TheSeks said:Finally got the game out of (mostly) auto-pilot. Geez, they weren't kidding about the two hour thing. :/ Have yet to FULLY explore town (Just got Chie on board), so...
I'm not digging the new "find the enemies weakness" analyst system, nor the loss of talking to party members to find their status (have to open menus for this and healing from Yosuke, really?).
I'm mixed on the control the whole party, otherwise. I rather just control them to find weaknesses in enemies/bosses and then "act freely" (hopefully "Knock Down" appears soon for commands) them so I'm back in Persona 3 territory.
Also not digging the new Shuffle Time. Shit sucks.
Oh, but I do dig the new presentation for All-Out Attacks and the party coming close to Seta for Shuffle Times.
I still dig the Persona 3 cast over Persona 4's, and dig Persona 3's various faults over Persona 4 trying to fix them. :|
We'll see as time goes on for the game though.
cosmicblizzard said:I have no idea why I did this, but for the last 2 weeks, I had the entire Giant Bomb endurance run going on in the background. As funny as those guys are, I think a good portion of my remaining sanity flew away. Still, it makes me want to do something like that with a really long game. All I need is a friend willing to play a 100+ hour game with me.
Tamanon said:Eh, I've randomly just started watching Endurance Run episodes sometimes too.:lol
You eat with your right hand, you wipe your ass with your left.TheSeks said:Just started the game. Can anyone explain the whole "you know, the side you don't hold your chopsticks in" line? Is there some Japanese taboo in being left-handed and holding the chopsticks in that hand?
kai3345 said:So I'm startingdungeon, and since I've had some trouble with bosses and I think I'm out of restarts, what level do you recommend I be at to face the boss?Rise's
holy shit. no wonder I've been having so much trouble, I'm level my party's level 20-24:lolFimbulvetr said:30-35
That's what I was.
kai3345 said:Also, how do i get a job?
I've clicked on practically everything in the shopping district and I can't find a board. Where is it?cosmicblizzard said:Go to the board in the shopping district and just sign up there. You can take as many jobs as you want.
Any suggestions?Red Scarlet said:Getting some particular Personas may help you out a lot more than a rigid level though.