:lolDice said:Man the voice acting is terrible. It's like being trapped in a weeaboo's mind. I had to turn it off.
Everything else is great, should have gone for the JP version.
Rise in the Japanese version is horrible.
:lolDice said:Man the voice acting is terrible. It's like being trapped in a weeaboo's mind. I had to turn it off.
Everything else is great, should have gone for the JP version.
Dice said:Man the voice acting is terrible. It's like being trapped in a weeaboo's mind. I had to turn it off.
Everything else is great, should have gone for the JP version.
Dice said:Wait, that toggle in the options doesn't turn off voice? AGH! I'm seriously going to have to play this game on mute. Unbelievable.
Dice said:Man the voice acting is terrible.
Dice said:Wait, that toggle in the options doesn't turn off voice? AGH! I'm seriously going to have to play this game on mute. Unbelievable.
So long as you don't listen to the horribly broken Engrish lyrics.cosmicblizzard said:Your loss. Think what you want about the voices but the OST is great.
Dice said:Man the voice acting is terrible. It's like being trapped in a weeaboo's mind. I had to turn it off.
Everything else is great, should have gone for the JP version.
You're terrible.Dice said:Man the voice acting is terrible.
:lolDice said:Man the voice acting is terrible. It's like being trapped in a weeaboo's mind. I had to turn it off.
Everything else is great, should have gone for the JP version.
whatDice said:Okay now, you can all poke fun but seriously... They don't know how to pronounce anything (and when they try it is so slow), the kids are terribly acted by adults, some boys are terribly acted by girls, and everyone overacts like crazy. That is what I mean by weeaboo. It's not the setting of Japan, but the fact that it seems everyone involved only thinks they have any clue what Japan is like when they don't. I have *GASP* real Japanese friends, like, from Japan (OMG I KNOW!) so the American accents bug me to no end... and also the terrible acting.
Would you say you're an expert on Japanese culture?Dice said:I have *GASP* real Japanese friends, like, from Japan (OMG I KNOW!) so the American accents bug me to no end... and also the terrible acting.
Dice said:It's not the setting of Japan, but the fact that it seems everyone involved only thinks they have any clue what Japan is like when they don't. I have *GASP* real Japanese friends, like, from Japan (OMG I KNOW!) so the American accents bug me to no end... and also the terrible acting.
Dice said:Okay now, you can all poke fun but seriously... They don't know how to pronounce anything (and when they try it is so slow), the kids are terribly acted by adults, some boys are terribly acted by girls, and everyone overacts like crazy. That is what I mean by weeaboo. It's not the setting of Japan, but the fact that it seems everyone involved only thinks they have any clue what Japan is like when they don't. I have *GASP* real Japanese friends, like, from Japan (OMG I KNOW!) so the American accents bug me to no end... and also the terrible acting.
Anyway, loading the game didn't work, but starting a new game with the voice thing switched did work. I guess you can switch it on and off when they finally unlock the standard menus some 2 hours into the game, but why suffer through that?
Is this true? Man, Yuri Lowenthal's even more awesome than I thought!NichM said:The fact that Yosuke's VA (who has the most lines in the game) lived in Japan for years during which time he became fluent in Japanese, makes this even funnier. :lol
:lol Oh my god, i'm dying here.Dice said:Okay now, you can all poke fun but seriously... They don't know how to pronounce anything (and when they try it is so slow), the kids are terribly acted by adults, some boys are terribly acted by girls, and everyone overacts like crazy. That is what I mean by weeaboo. It's not the setting of Japan, but the fact that it seems everyone involved only thinks they have any clue what Japan is like when they don't. I have *GASP* real Japanese friends, like, from Japan (OMG I KNOW!) so the American accents bug me to no end... and also the terrible acting.
Anyway, loading the game didn't work, but starting a new game with the voice thing switched did work. I guess you can switch it on and off when they finally unlock the standard menus some 2 hours into the game, but why suffer through that?
Dice said:Okay now, you can all poke fun but seriously... They don't know how to pronounce anything (and when they try it is so slow), the kids are terribly acted by adults, some boys are terribly acted by girls, and everyone overacts like crazy. That is what I mean by weeaboo. It's not the setting of Japan, but the fact that it seems everyone involved only thinks they have any clue what Japan is like when they don't. I have *GASP* real Japanese friends, like, from Japan (OMG I KNOW!) so the American accents bug me to no end... and also the terrible acting.
Anyway, loading the game didn't work, but starting a new game with the voice thing switched did work. I guess you can switch it on and off when they finally unlock the standard menus some 2 hours into the game, but why suffer through that?
This got me :lolI AM JOHN! said:Would you say you're an expert on Japanese culture?
Dice said:Okay now, you can all poke fun but seriously... They don't know how to pronounce anything (and when they try it is so slow), the kids are terribly acted by adults, some boys are terribly acted by girls, and everyone overacts like crazy. That is what I mean by weeaboo. It's not the setting of Japan, but the fact that it seems everyone involved only thinks they have any clue what Japan is like when they don't. I have *GASP* real Japanese friends, like, from Japan (OMG I KNOW!) so the American accents bug me to no end... and also the terrible acting.
Anyway, loading the game didn't work, but starting a new game with the voice thing switched did work. I guess you can switch it on and off when they finally unlock the standard menus some 2 hours into the game, but why suffer through that?
Why not, if they are all supposedly Japanese and living in Japan.So would you rather them speak in Japanese accents, as to make it more realistic?
Sure, plenty of animes do it.Do you expect every single actor to be fluent in Japanese and pronounce every single foreign word exactly as a native speaker would?
How do you normally speak? Now how does that change when you're reading a storybook to a child? That is the difference.Overacting?
Don't be ridiculous. What do you think I'm comparing it to? Where would my expectations have come from? They've done excellent jobs in the past.This is why we can't have nice things. Atlus gives us one of the best localizations ever, and yet we have bozos going on the internet proclaiming how terrible it is because it is simultaneously weeaboo and not Japanese enough.
Minamu said:It may be the script but some stuff is just cringe worthy when it comes to P4 dialogue. I'm not sure how anyone can disagree with that. Just look at the Endurance Run. Early on, they aren't exactly laughing with the characters. They are laughing at them, because of what & how they say things. I don't really have a problem with everyone speaking English, it's just a bit weird that practially no one looks Japanese at all. For the most part, only their name hints at their origins. Chie could be an adopted orphan for all I know
What does *BAD* Atlus localisation sound like? :S
Minamu said:It may be the script but some stuff is just cringe worthy when it comes to P4 dialogue. I'm not sure how anyone can disagree with that. Just look at the Endurance Run. Early on, they aren't exactly laughing with the characters. They are laughing at them, because of what & how they say things. I don't really have a problem with everyone speaking English, it's just a bit weird that practially no one looks Japanese at all. For the most part, only their name hints at their origins. Chie could be an adopted orphan for all I know
What does *BAD* Atlus localisation sound like? :S
so maybe the Japanese script was bad? :S It's easy to make something good bad but it's hard to make something bad goodfirehawk12 said:It's unfortunate that this is one of those games where the Japanese VAs are arguably worse than the American ones.
Japanese Rise, for example... man. :lol
Problem is that the game, in hindsight, depends on so much pre-knowledge of all these tropes and archetypes that I can't see how they'd be able to localize it without removing things completely. Morooka is the first example that pops into my head. How do you even write that character otherwise?
Bad direction can make a passable script sound worse in execution.Minamu said:so maybe the Japanese script was bad? :S It's easy to make something good bad but it's hard to make something bad goodI mean, you make it sound like it's the source material that's the main problem. I wouldn't know, P4 is my only Persona game & I haven't heard Rise in Japanese
Minamu said:so maybe the Japanese script was bad? :S It's easy to make something good bad but it's hard to make something bad goodI mean, you make it sound like it's the source material that's the main problem. I wouldn't know, P4 is my only Persona game & I haven't heard Rise in Japanese
firehawk12 said:It's not just cultural, but they've pretty much went out of their way to hit specific anime/manga tropes. Kanji and Naoto are meant to be parodies or at least satires, for example. It's just a question of how you translate that... and with a game like Persona, you almost have to assume that it'll be played by nerds who - while may not be weeaboo or whatever, are at least familiar with the references.
I mean, look at the Sun S-link. Ayane is pretty much playing into the whole loli thing, to the point where the game makes fun of it (and presumably "you" for choosing Ayane). But to someone not familiar with the whole loli trope in Japan, I imagine it just comes off as creepy-Japanese.
There are other things too that are more subtle. Like, the staff were all city folk, so their interpretation of Inaba is a mishmash of small town stereotypes. So through translation, you're already mediated twice from the "real" experience - first from what urbanites think of small towns in Japan and then from translators who have to interpret and translate that specific urban outlook.
Man, I think about this game too much. :lol
What does *BAD* Atlus localisation sound like? :S
It's a slow start, indeed. I think it's worth it though. I remember Edge commenting that the start might be slow as hell, but it's that slow start that really gets you to care about Inaba and its inhabitants.mjc said:I finally got around to starting this yesterday..and DAMN does it take it's sweet time getting the ball rolling. My play clock is over 2 hours already and I've only had direct control for like 15 minutes out of all that.
I love the setting and the characters, the dialogue is great too, but man. Talk about a slow start.
Dresden said:2: as much as I loved the game, the thought of fusing all the 'perfect' Personas makes my head hurt and deters me from starting a 'fresh' game.
Dresden said:2: as much as I loved the game, the thought of fusing all the 'perfect' Personas makes my head hurt and deters me from starting a 'fresh' game.
Dresden said:It's a slow start, indeed. I think it's worth it though. I remember Edge commenting that the start might be slow as hell, but it's that slow start that really gets you to care about Inaba and its inhabitants.
pcx2 easy to get working now? id really like to rebuy this game as well as a few other games and play them in a higher resolution. my tv sucks at low resolutionsjohnsmith said:So I'm going to replay this on pcsx2, but I don't want to do a completely new game. I want to do a new game + with maxed personality stats and maybe some powerful personas. Does anybody have a save I could use?
Minamu said:Is it okay to not have a death card on me when I try to raise said social link? I mean, the link level up no matter what so there's no need to boost points, similar to the hermit. Right?![]()
Thanks, that'll save me a slotCurufinwe said:It will take at least 60 hours IMO, unless you skip story stuff.
Death is automatic, you don't need a card.