Jerk 2.0 said:^
You paint a very interesting picture of Persona 3; I really cannot wait to play it!
RedRedSuit said:Oh, you must. Just don't get turned off by very little happening in the main plot for a while.
Also, it's kind of a tough, grindy game, though fair. The whole fog thing in Persona 4 didn't feel very fair... but I've learned my lesson.
RedRedSuit said:Also, it's kind of a tough, grindy game, though fair. The whole fog thing in Persona 4 didn't feel very fair... but I've learned my lesson.
I AM JOHN! said:Persona 3. Also known as "Fuck You Dad: The Videogame."
The whole fog thing in Persona 4 didn't feel very fair...
TheSeks said:I prefer Persona 3's depressing tone to Persona 4's cheery tone, yes.
And the Answer isn't bad. Just grind, which most people hate but I enjoyed because I don't have to focus on S. Links to make better Personae.
Too bad I can't care. Her personality annoys the hell out of me.
My party has mostly been me (multitude of high level Personas with mainline Mara), Kanji (only because he's ga--oh, wait. Because Atlus/game developers can't make Gay characters for their lives.), Teddie (just to try out) and Yosuke (only because his Persona evolved and I didn't mind his S. Link).
One thing that annoys me about Persona 4 is the weakness/analyzing system. At least in Persona 3 it was "have everyone go on stand by two turns, reset them to 'knock down' win game." Here you have to direct command them as (so far 3-5 months into the game) there is "knock down" team command to where I can get them to try to use their elements to knock down the enemy to all-out attack. :|
Not as many as P3:TheSeks said:Doesn't everyone have Daddy Issues, though? I mean Seta's parents practically throw him at his's family and goes "LOL SEE YOU IN A YEAR!"dead aunt
Red Scarlet said:But what about Rise? WHAT ABOUT RISE
Not as many as P3:
TheSeks said:rue enough. But I think everyone in Person 4 has parenting issues as well.
TheSeks said:Rise is still new (only have had her in the party for a week or two) but I feel her replacing Teddy is unneeded + her/Teddie suck at the Fuuka role (I want my "all elements are scanned" in two turns instead of this "egg hunt for the weaknesses!" bullshit!). :|
I have no impression with Japanese "Idol" culture so I can't say anything on that front. Butis probably going to annoy me really quick.Her and Seta at Junes after "King Moron" is killed"No, I don't like you in that way Rise. Please stop sucking up to me."
Red Scarlet said::| That is not the right answer.
I kinda liked how weaknesses were in 4 than 3, seemed a bit too simple to get them in 3 (like you said, 2 turns and bam).
TheSeks said:"I HATE RISE! I HATE ALL WOMEN! BAN ME NOW DRAGONA!" Is that what you're looking for? ;p
Fimbulvetr said:Player Advantage + Wand Arcana say hi.
Sklorenz said:P3's system was broken. I love P4's system of saving what you've tried instead of just telling you while you deal out physical attack damage. I also love that Rise/Teddy provide the most logical and fair version of "run away" that I've personally experienced in any RPG.
am I the only one consistently having trouble getting P.A. in Persona 4?
RedRedSuit said:Hmm. I could have done without thespoiler above. I'll forgive you and kindly get out of the thread now (probably).fighting Teddie at some point
Jerk 2.0 said:Pretty sure the game spoils it for you before you even press start.
But I think everyone in Person 4 has parenting issues as well.
RedRedSuit said:Hmm. I could have done without thespoiler above. I'll forgive you and kindly get out of the thread now (probably).fighting Teddie at some point
Jerk 2.0 said:That knockdown attack is very obviously telegraphed.
You have to guard right before he uses it.
SatelliteOfLove said:But Chie hate? On my internet? Pshaw and double pshaw!
>>Glanced over<<
RedRedSuit said:In Persona 4, don't they simply get up (and immediately act) if they're merely Down but not Dizzy? Seems like Down is only good to give you "1 More" and for the potential all-out attack. I don't think they stay down ever, unless you Dizzy them.
RedRedSuit said:In Persona 4, don't they simply get up (and immediately act) if they're merely Down but not Dizzy? Seems like Down is only good to give you "1 More" and for the potential all-out attack. I don't think they stay down ever, unless you Dizzy them.
I don't like Tomboys or girly girls. I like normal between the spectrum women. You're free to be "I am woman, hear me roar"/going to the gym and being independent and all that. But "I MUST TRAIN HARDER!" just doesn't really interest me. (That and she doesn't seem that deep compared to other S. Links)
In Persona 4, don't they simply get up (and immediately act) if they're merely Down but not Dizzy? Seems like Down is only good to give you "1 More" and for the potential all-out attack. I don't think they stay down ever, unless you Dizzy them.
SatelliteOfLove said:Don't worry, that was hyperbole. It was her VA, a penchant for left-field comments (some surprisingly wise), and. Went from "tomboy" like you said to favorite out of a great cast when I saw that.the realistic jealousy and emotional sabotage with her Shadow
SatelliteOfLove said:But Chie hate? On my internet? Pshaw and double pshaw! :lol
TheSeks said:"I HATE RISE! I HATE ALL WOMEN! BAN ME NOW DRAGONA!" Is that what you're looking for? ;p
Red Scarlet said:No, was looking for "yeah Rise rox".
TheSeks said:Oh, bah. Rise isn't bad, she just seems like an anime cliche. Too perky for me and is sucking up to me currently, which is annoying. :/
TheSeks said:Oh, bah. Rise isn't bad, she just seems like an anime cliche. Too perky for me and is sucking up to me currently, which is annoying. :/
How did you gather I was saying it wasn't there by making a snide comment that Persona 3 is "Fuck You, Dad: The Videogame"? :\ Of course it's there. Yukiko, Kou and Yumi's Social Links basically boil down to that (unsurprisingly, Yukiko is also the most shallow of the girls whose purpose for being is because she's this game's Yukari--the girl Atlus expects you to get with). My point is more that P4's characters, more often than not, expand from and transcend their archetypal origins, whereas I think P3's characters are far more shallow and mired in their stereotypes.TheSeks said:It's glanced over. But I think "I AM JOHN!" is trying to say that it isn't there, which is wrong.
I mean the kids do mention they have a few issues with their parents in their S. Links and the like. It is glanced over, but it's there.
I AM JOHN! said:How did you gather I was saying it wasn't there by making a snide comment that Persona 3 is "Fuck You, Dad: The Videogame"? :\ Of course it's there. Yukiko, Kou and Yumi's Social Links basically boil down to that (unsurprisingly, Yukiko is also the most shallow of the girls whose purpose for being is because she's this game's Yukari--the girl Atlus expects you to get with). My point is more that P4's characters, more often than not, expand from and transcend their archetypal origins, whereas I think P3's characters are far more shallow and mired in their stereotypes.
PS: shut your whore mouth, tomboys are the best. And that is only part of why Chie is my waifu. >:|
Actually you're right on the cusp of when the story goes off the deep end and gets kind of crappy for a while.ultron87 said:So in P3:FES I'm about 15 hours in, this is when the story gets interesting, right? Please?(just got Fuuka, she isn't annoying as people say she is)
I AM JOHN! said:Actually you're right on the cusp of when the story goes off the deep end and gets kind of crappy for a while.
Goes off the deep end in the sense that they continue to expect you to treat the Dark Hour seriously and work the sense of dread and danger about the whole thing, and then give you three new party members in the form of a grade schooler, a goofy robot and a dog and try to play it straight.ultron87 said:Now when you say "goes off the deep end" do you mean it just gets randomly crazy? Because I can live with that (and will probably enjoy it).
Or does it just get extra boring?
Ermac said:I finally beat this game! Spectacular overall, though there were times were it really felt like a chore. Really glad i finished it though, one of the best PS2 RPGs. My final party had everyone at level 81, and I used the flaming amputee Kratos Persona (Can't remember his name at the moment) I do have a question:
I read through the Art Book and noticed thatKanji's Persona has an evolved form? How do you get it? At least in my game, I never saw/started a Kanji Social Link.