:lol :lol Good stuff!Curufinwe said:Now you need to see the P4 comic.
SPOILERS for anyone who hasn't got the best ending yet.
:lol :lol Good stuff!Curufinwe said:Now you need to see the P4 comic.
SPOILERS for anyone who hasn't got the best ending yet.
ItWasMeantToBe19 said:Does the main character have a default name? I'm really OCD about that kind of stuff, and I thought his name was Seta Souji, but I think I may have messed it up and put the names in reverse order. Should it say on my save file "Seta Souji" or the other way around?
You hate Chie?!
firehawk12 said:I liked that the P4 boss was more integrated into the story though. It's very old school JRPG boss design and the actual ending is completely choreographed, but it worked really well in helping the game tell the story.
RedRedSuit said:I think Persona 4 was probably better all things considered -- it had the benefit of hindsight and fixed 95% if not all of the gameplay problems with 3 (FES)
In gameplay, sure.
In story, no.
In cast, they're about 50/50 for me.
I'm in the minority, I know, but I rather have a dismal story + no control over the party (it wasn't that bad) over controlling everything like standard JRPG #29034564039583049584038.
Steak 4ever!TheSeks said:I will forever hate Chie. So... grating. Rise at least stopped being somewhat grating in her S. Link.
Well, it explains why things happen in the first place. I look at the True Ending to be the equivalent of The Answer in FES I guess, but just integrated within the main game.We must have played different P4's, becausereeked of "BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!"LOL THE GAS STATION ATTENDANT IS THE BIG BAD!!!!
I think the normal ending satisfied everything except the question you answer in the best ending, but frankly: who cared? That ending question wasn't too gained your persona before anyone else, you're the team leader because of that. You're on your way to solve the murders. Murders solved. Mystery over!
Well, it explains why things happen in the first place. I look at the True Ending to be the equivalent of The Answer in FES I guess, but just integrated within the main game.
the pacing in Persona 4 was much better.
shidoshi said:What the! How does anybody dislike Chie? That's impossible, as she's one of the best female characters to come from Atlus. And god help me if you say you liked Yukari above Chie! Yukari was un-bear-able as a love interest, and only becomes interesting when you're playing female MC and see her instead as a close friend.
OneMoreQuestion said:So how long is this game anyway? I'm 20 hours in and just reached the. I've been hearing rumours that it's 40-60 hours long but I'm pretty sure that I'm more than halfway throughGame dungeon![]()
OneMoreQuestion said:So how long is this game anyway? I'm 20 hours in and just reached the. I've been hearing rumours that it's 40-60 hours long but I'm pretty sure that I'm more than halfway throughGame dungeon![]()
80+ hours if you go true ending.OneMoreQuestion said:So how long is this game anyway? I'm 20 hours in and just reached the. I've been hearing rumours that it's 40-60 hours long but I'm pretty sure that I'm more than halfway throughGame dungeon![]()
TheSeks said:Chie sucks. dealwithit.gif
TheSeks said:Also did "hi i'm daisy" ever update past 3 Persona 4 comics? I've been reading the first three today and it really shows the absurdity to the story. :lol
No, no, keep going! It'll only get betterRez said:I got up to Shadow Teddie and just stopped playing.![]()
RedSwirl said:I put this game down over a year ago around 90 hours in at the gate to the final, final, final true ending dungeon. I haven't had the will to pick it back up since I'm at a part where I'm gonna have to completely re-organize and fuse all my personas again.
I'm also gonna have to play through the whole game one more time since my lack of courage (didn't know about the bistro until like December) blocked a lot of choices for me.
Yaweee said:You probably aren't at the point of having to re-organize your party. The last dungeon is really no more difficult than the previous one, so any persona you used before are probably still good.
Sub_Level said:This. The only time in the game I had to grind and fuse Personas was for the last boss, not the last dungeon. And even then, at a low 70-something I didn't even grind that long, just enough so that Trumpeteer would learn Debilitate (which wasn't much, considering you should have a full Judgement social link by now).
I felt the Persona lust last night, so as soon as I unpack my PS2 (just moved) I reckon I'll come back for more.Crewnh said:No, no, keep going! It'll only get better
ultron87 said:And as far as I know, they haven't been updated. The dubs someone made of them on Youtube are pretty good though:
finalozzo said:well, i finished persona 2 innocent sin and i understood how crappy this game is.
Lost Fragment said:I think I have it figured out for the most part, but there are still some things about fusion I'm confused about. So, a few questions:
The in-game description makes a big deal about how fusions that mix opposites aren't that strong. At first I thought it meant that like...individual personas have some sort of innate affinity for physical attacks, healing, elemental magic, or whatever, and if those personas get a skill via fusion that doesn't jive with their natural preference, that skill won't be that powerful. But this doesn't seem to be the case. So, does it instead mean that a persona that naturally learns one type of thing will be less likely to inherit a skill from an opposite skillset?
Also, there's a big chart in the manual about how fusing personas of this arcana and that arcana will net a persona of a certain other arcana. That's all well and good, but what reason would I have to create a persona with a specific arcana?
Am I daft, or does the game not explain this stuff very well?
LordPhoque said:I don't know if it's already been discussed :
GAF related ? :lol:
pirata said:Yes, one of the translators mentioned that it's a reference to that famous GAF post.
LordPhoque said:That's awesome. This game definitely has a great localization.
Back on topic now, I just beat the game (with the true ending) and now I'd like to play Persona 3 but I don't have a PSP... is it okay to play P3 FES after P4 ? Is it not going to be too frustrating (no direct command...) ?
LordPhoque said:That's awesome. This game definitely has a great localization.
Back on topic now, I just beat the game (with the true ending) and now I'd like to play Persona 3 but I don't have a PSP... is it okay to play P3 FES after P4 ? Is it not going to be too frustrating (no direct command...) ?
LordPhoque said:That's awesome. This game definitely has a great localization.
Back on topic now, I just beat the game (with the true ending) and now I'd like to play Persona 3 but I don't have a PSP... is it okay to play P3 FES after P4 ? Is it not going to be too frustrating (no direct command...) ?
M_Night said:I have played both versions fully and this is my opinion.
P3P will offer much better gameplay enhancements as seen in P4 and this includes full character control, more streamlined and connected menu's, some social link enhances and other small tweaks.
What P3P does wrong is destroy a lot of the immersion and atmosphere that the original P3:FES offers.
All animated cutscenes from P3:FES have been replaced with still slideshow images and this takes away a lot from the atmosphere.
Also outside of the dungeon you cant run around the environments and instead you just control a cursor over a 2d drawn map image of the environments. Instead of NPC's you just click on silhouettes. Also the character model animations are completely gone and this takes away a lot as well. It killed the immersion for me.
I played P3:FES after P4 and I was able to adjust to the gameplay downgrades quickly.
The AI can be frustrating at times but it never was bad enough to lose me a fight and the majority of the time the battles played out exactly how I wanted them to.
I'll echo that. I'm 30 hours into P3P and I'm very happy to have played FES before, because holy crap P3P feels lifeless.M_Night said:What P3P does wrong is destroy a lot of the immersion and atmosphere that the original P3:FES offers.
Vhalyar said:I'll echo that. I'm 30 hours into P3P and I'm very happy to have played FES before, because holy crap P3P feels lifeless.
M_Night said:What P3P does wrong is destroy a lot of the immersion and atmosphere that the original P3:FES offers.
It hits pretty hard right from the start. Everything is still, no movement, nothing. The first Elizabeth date just hammers that in.ultron87 said:I can't even imagine how the talking heads must ruin a few of the animated scenes from FES.
That's because you can only use the triggers to move the camera instead of a stick, on top of having a fixed camera angle. It's way slower to pan the camera around. It'd have been nice if you could reset the camera behind your character; technically you can, but it's poorly done and annoying.rivals said:I also struggled a little more with the camera angles in Tartarus I think, it was harder for me to get the advantage on P3P than it was in FES, but it's been a long time since I played FES so I can't remember exactly what's different about it.
ultron87 said:I can't even imagine how the talking heads must ruin a few of the animated scenes from FES.