Urban Scholar said:It's pay day and I'm off today and I'm going to pick this up today. I have to know is the DJ guide that off? Am I better off just playing this game next to my PC for help? Can anyone clarify this for me?
Darkman M said:Im sure there are a few things off here and there but i definitely recommend the guide. The monthly planners are GOD SEND. D
Prime crotch said:One thing I never been sure about, if I get a Persona but don't have space for it and then dump it, will it still be in the Compedium?
Game is quite harder than P3 though, I like it that way.
Actually, in this one at least, picking the Persona card and then dumping it does put it in the compendium.Urban Scholar said:If you either made it, and or had it equipped at one time or another, yes. However, if you got it from a shuffle then dump it, I'm fairly certain from P3 the answer is a no. you need that you welcome such and such into the sea of your soul....
Urban Scholar said:hmm, when you put it that way it makes sense. Thank youoh and um..your avatar...its a bit spoilerish yes?
Prime crotch said:One thing I never been sure about, if I get a Persona but don't have space for it and then dump it, will it still be in the Compedium?
Game is quite harder than P3 though, I like it that way.
PlayStation 2
North America: 1. Rock Band Special Edition (MTV Games), 2. Madden NFL 09 (EA Sports), 3. Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories (Square Enix), 4. Lego Batman (Warner Bros.), 5. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 (Atlus).
Yaweee said:Who knows what the numbers are, but the game was only the fifth best selling PS2 game for the week on Amazon.
From Gamasutra:
Who the hell is buying Chain of Memories over this? I mean, honestly.
True. But make sure that you replace one of your stock persona when you win a new one in a shuffle. If you trash the new one during the shuffle you won it from, it won't be in the compendium.Tamanon said:If you get it from a shuffle, then dump it later on before you get back to the Velvet Room, it still is registered from what I've seen.
Yaweee said:Who knows what the numbers are, but the game was only the fifth best selling PS2 game for the week on Amazon.
From Gamasutra:
Who the hell is buying Chain of Memories over this? I mean, honestly.
EDIT: I don't mean to say it's a bad game, just a game that's been out for four years that wasn't much cared for by the majority of the people who played it.
baphometbones said:Hopefully the excellent word of mouth on Persona 4 will lead to steady sales. Everyone who's actually played it falls in love with it, and I don't think this is the type of game that's just going to drop off the sales charts next week.
Or maybe I'm just telling myself that because I can't face the reality of a world that would choose a port (albeit very enhanced) of a GBA game over the best original rpg to be released since.... well Persona 3.
epmode said:As far as I know, the dungeon is only randomized when you show up on a different day. Monsters do respawn during a single day, though.
Duck Amuck said:What level are you guys? I'm level 25 for all characters. Last night I was like level 18 and since the difficulty of the boss I started to grind, but I couldn't stop. Every time I saw what spell the character was going to get next I was all,"I'M GETTING THAT." Agilao really helped a lot against the boss. Rampage and Assault Drive are swoon.
Too bad Yosuke's skill set kinda sucks now.
Persona goals today: level up King Frost, finish Jack Frost's skill set, make a Matador.
baphometbones said:I plan on putting a lot more time into this tonight, unfortunately last night was totally and utterly wasted griefing people in the Home beta. I'm a little confused about something though: If I want to grind, what are my options? I've heard that you no longer get free restorations in the dungeons so should I just go in extra prepared? I'm also unclear about how leaving the dungeon works, if I use the warp item to get back to the beginning, do I have the option to start on the last floor I left (no matter where that may be) or is it kind of like in 3 where you have to reach a certain point?(I've only made it to the point where Chie gets her Persona)
I can't wait to get home so I can foolishly waste a weekend playing this instead of searching for jobs.
i was always trying to do single-run save-to-save in p3, but sp conversion already seems like much more of the required strategy in combat than before, which is great. i think stripping down physical attacks to one type is going to be a good change overall as well (i wasn't sure about that one).Yaweee said:the physical abilities end up far more useful than they were in P3..
Cultural club is ideal since its where you can get one of the rival GFs.Volcynika said:Wat, I didn't know you could join both a sports and a cultural club.![]()
Duck Amuck said:You killed both of the minions?
I couldn't even touch Tough Guy, so I said forget it. I cast Rakunda on Nice Guy at the beginning of the battle. Then Chie and Yukiko unloaded a bunch of stuff on him. I think it was Assault Drive that did it, but I knocked him down AND made him dizzy. That helped A LOT since that allowed me to mobilize my buffs and debuffs on boss and party. At which point, Nice Guy didn't survive before long between Yosuke and Chie's physical attacks, and Yukiko's magic. I didn't bother with Tough Guy after that. I concentrated on the boss. It took a while but he finally died. My Chie RARELY uses Counter, which is disappointing since that's be useful in that fight.
The main reason I grinded wasn't even to get xp, it was for cash! :lol It'd cost a good 100k Yen in order to upgrade my armor and weapons. Shit costs a lot in this game and FAST. You didn't have prices like this in P3 until the end of the game!
Duck Amuck said:When does the weapon/armor shop have a sale? Because this guy's shit is too expensive! :lol
Septimus said:Just got my copy at EB here in Toronto Canada. (took a pic of the back of the book because the front looks ugly to me)
Metroidvania said:Judging from that, no, they're the same in normal. And yeah, weapons do seem a lot more expensive so far.
Argh, I'm still used to the P3 mindset of SP replenishing itself every time you leave....my first thought is always an sp move rather than an hp one. Doesn't help that I don't like using moves that take away my own hp, no matter how useful they might be![]()
39.99. Just tell them to check the site or flyer. Or better yet, bring a print out yourself.Dark Oni said:how much was the game $39.99 or 49 i'm also in canada i called eb yesturday and they told me it was 49 i thought it was supposed to be 39
dollartaco said:So, basically the only complaint I had about P3 was it's dungeon being so, uhh, boring. That was a big enough issue for me that I stopped playing.
P4 any better in this regard? If so I'll probably spend all of my Xmas break on it...
Duck Amuck said:I highly suggest having a couple when you journey into the tv. If you don't, you'll have to either make it to the boss floor which spawns a savepoint that can take you to the bottom floor, or trek back to the bottom floor by going back downstairs on foot - which is far more dangerous if you're weak and lacking supplies.
Duck Amuck said:Goho-M's are around that price iirc. I'll check later. If it's not that, it's close. But medicine, as in the vanilla medicine is a good 700-800 yen. More powerful medicine that heals you for 100 HP costs a good 1100-1200.
You've got Double Slash? Tell me your Persona roster.
As for the rare items I worked up the second dungeon, from floor 1 to 10 or so, and in the end I had a good 51k Yen. When I went to sell my spoils, he gave me 35k or so Yen. And yes, selling your stuff unlocks some good crap. I've unlocked armor for Chie and Yuki that upgraded their defense a good 40 to 50 points.
Duck Amuck said:P4's dungeons are based on specific themes personal to the main cast. The dungeons also have various cutscenes and story sequences thrown in for good measure to keep things interesting. They're still random though.
Chorazin said:I can't understand asking for "the best S-Links" in this game. I always just go with which characters I am honestly interested in, doesn't much matter what the reward is. Seems counter to the game's spirit to do otherwise.
Volcynika said:Just got to boss of the first dungeon. I got whipped, but at least I know.her minions are apparently weak to ice
INDIGO_CYCLOPS said:Same thing happened to me...I'm still grinding to get to the recommended level 15 and my Strength persona to atleast level 7 for Phys Resist. That boss seriously owned me...and that was only the mini boss.It's the 29th and things are getting tense. I've obviously gotta save Yukiko by the end of the day. At level 11 and not many floors to choose from with enemies that give a decent amount of EXP, I'm worried...Should I be?
Thank god for the DJ guide. Which btw I LOVE. Great setup...
Yaweee said:I beat it at 12 on expert, so you should be okay.
The key is this:
Fuse that Physical Resist onto a Persona with media, and make sure it isn't immune to ice or fire. Spam heal every turn, and have Chie block if you're nearing the point where Yukiko uses the fire wave.
Prime crotch said:I so want the characters to shut up the victims before youknowwhat, fuckingShadow Kanji and his buddies, just knock him in the head or something before they scream at their Shadows