YuriLowell said:Okay I think I am around 26 so I am good to go.
Who are you using in your party?
ME,Yukiko,Chie,and Kanji
I stuck with Me, Kanji, Yosuke, and Yukiko. There is nothing we cannot overcome.YuriLowell said:Okay I think I am around 26 so I am good to go.
Who are you using in your party?
ME,Yukiko,Chie,and Kanji
Tamanon said:I can't play without Yosuke. He's just too useful being a heavy hitter, having tons of SP, Dekaja and even spot healing.
Plus he's got Suzaku's VA from Code Geass.
Metroidvania said:Ha, he really helped me, but the only problem was, since he always went first, and always ended up using some form of garu, he was always out of sp before anyone else.![]()
YuriLowell said:Am I the only one that directly controls all of my characters?
This decreases deaths due to stupidity of the AI.
I am, except for boss battles because I need to be able to tell the characters to guard... :-/YuriLowell said:I still rely on SP, but not quite as heavily when I first started.
I want to know if anyone is still letting the AI control the characters.
Yeah, 10 is way too low--I myself was 17 when I beat it (after losing a lot when I was a lower level). Strategy goes out the window if you're too low since you wouldn't even be able to take some of the hits. Level up in the two previous floors, and make sure to have Goho-Ms with you and Vanish Balls in case of emergency/to go home and rest and try again. I usually grind until my characters' SP is getting too low.frankthurk said:Wow, hmm yeah this is harder. I'm only on the ending of I guess it's the first dungeon and getting owned. I'm guessing level 10 just isn't high enough for the final bird boss.
YuriLowell said:I still rely on SP, but not quite as heavily when I first started.
I want to know if anyone is still letting the AI control the characters.
Fuck yes!Crystalkoen said:Any half/half icon means Partly. Partly sunny/cloudy, only raining half the day, etc. You'll know when the Midnight Channel is available based on whether the icon's Rain during the Evening time. And yeah, a few days straight of rain means fog's coming afterward.
And I have to say, Reach Out to the Truth is far better than Mass Destruction for battle music. Hell, I like the entire soundtrack more than I did P3. Persuing my True Self (and any remixes/resamples) beats the everliving shit out of Burn My Dread and its incarnations.
firex said:So arcana cards seem entirely fucking worthless due to the penalties being way more severe than the bonuses. Thanks for ruining shuffle time, atlus. also the main character blows, no matter what I fuse with him. I guess I just need to level more, but it sucks. at least I'll enjoy fucking over this game on a replay with overpowered personas and way higher levels.
Tamanon said:The only penalty that is more severe than the bonus seems to be Emperor and Moon ones, IMO. That's why they give you the option of grabbing your persona card and just ignoring arcana.
firex said:well, wait, I got a reversed Death once and that was almost good. maybe I just need to approach the game differently, but the worst ever was a reversed... I forget what, Judgment maybe, where I went from fresh into a dungeon at full SP to half SP after one battle. at this point I'm just trying to figure out what all the arcana cards do so I know what to avoid, and so far I'll avoid all of them but Hermit, since Hermit is useless either way.
You are crazyTamanon said:The dungeons actually seemed to get smaller to me, heh. Chest keys you can get from the golden monsters also. They drop a hefty amount of Yen and a key each time. Otherwise, check the fish trader and the vending machines on rainy days.
Really? I was level 22. :lol No wonder it was hard.Volcynika said:I'm starting it around level 25.
Really? I wouldn't say Hermit is useless...maybe because I rely a lot on the map. Plus, getting it face up can make it easy to rush to the last level, save, and then grind faster with the stronger enemies.at this point I'm just trying to figure out what all the arcana cards do so I know what to avoid, and so far I'll avoid all of them but Hermit, since Hermit is useless either way.
drtomoe123 said:Ahh! Just made it to the beginning of September. I can't WAIT for this trip to! I love little things like this.Port Island
Although, I feel like I've REALLY slacked off in the S-Link department. I've only got one maxed, which is Chie, and I've got a lot (like 8) between 7-9, but I've never even picked up the Kanji S-Link.Is there gonna be any way for me to recover? Haha, August went by so quickly!
2DMention said:Having some trouble with the castle boss. Strat guide says fusion Slime, Okoback & angel to get resist physical, fire + Red Wall. But when I try, the resulting persona is lvl 24 and has maybe one of those skills. That multi-hit fire attack DESTROYS my party.
Any tips? I probably need to grind - I'm around lvl 14. Angel is 7, Slime is 7, as is okoback.
Just wait until the 3rd boss. Took me over 40 minutes to beat it, with no SP recovery items left and onlyKuwabaraTheMan said:Man, I finally beat the 2nd dungeon. Freaking intense final boss fight. This game sure can make some crazy bosses.
Kanji's cutscene afterwards is great, too. So awesome.
AniHawk said:And now I have Persona 4. I wasn't planning on buying it, but now I have it. I hope you're happy you smarmy little bastards.
Chowfahn said:Is it just me, or are Arcana Chance cards upright 90% of the time? Has anyone noticed this? If so, there's not really any point to decline an Arcana Chance unless you have a better card activated or if it's a Death card.
Error said:JESUS, the event at 9/9 had me rolling.
So... if I'm Yukiko's boyfriend now, I can't get intimate with Rise? What happens if you want to get it on with a girl while being another girl's boyfriend?
I want to be clear on the consequences, just in case!