zoku88 said:Which dungeon is that?
In one dungeon, I was dying all of the time, but i think it was the 4th one.
The one where you're saving
zoku88 said:Which dungeon is that?
In one dungeon, I was dying all of the time, but i think it was the 4th one.
YuriLowell said:So what do I do to figure out how to open the 3rd dungeon. I talked to the guy at the riverbank, but he says swing by if you learn anything new after I talked to him.
Oh yea, that one was kinda tough, but the one after that. Ugh, so bad for me. I hated the boss in that one too, though, I hated fighting the 3rd dungeon boss.Volcynika said:The one where you're savingRise.
Metroidvania said:IIRC, you have to talk to the tofu shop lady, then pick the...second option, I think. You might have to wait a day between talking to the old lady, I think.
YuriLowell said:I did talk to her, but she just tells me the dude is down by the riverbank.
This is frustrating.
nice, but if I date more then on at the same time the SL will still get broken right?Darkman M said:Nah you can go all of harem.
Guled said:nice, but if I date more then on at the same time the SL will still get broken right?
KuwabaraTheMan said:So, I just beat the 2nd optional boss. Harder than the first, but I've still felt like both optional bosses so far have kind of been pushovers. I was hoping for more of a challenge. Do they get harder later on?
KuwabaraTheMan said:So, I just beat the 2nd optional boss. Harder than the first, but I've still felt like both optional bosses so far have kind of been pushovers. I was hoping for more of a challenge. Do they get harder later on?
bishopcruz said:Really weird night of fusing, was trying to get my Empress S.Link up (god I hate doing these.) and needed to clear out my lists for some of the larger fusions, went to fuse a fortune persona, can't remember what it was and got a lvl 60 friggen fool one, NICE, considering I'm only at level 53.
Later, As I'm trying to make a Black Frost, I keep trying to fuse a lvl 20 Anzu with a lvl 4 asparas to get a Jack Frost with Auto-Sukukaja, I get a fuck up again, BOOM Hokuto-Whatever the fuck, the dude in the block of rock, like 30 levels higher than I owuld have gotten. Ok, no prob, they're cheap to buy back, so I go again. SECOND WILD CARD IN A ROW!!!! Holy shit, I get Decabria, who ends up at a higher level than me.
I've gotten the wild card 4 times in this game, three of them were tonight.
On the less bright side, getting my empress S. Link up to Lvl 7 has been a drain on my finances, I am poor as fuck now, how do I make money quickly, as I am running out of time.
I'm on 11/6.
Also, how the hell do I get a huge fish? Is it all luck? Trying to do Hermit 10.
Also, how the hell do I get a huge fish? Is it all luck? Trying to do Hermit 10.
bishopcruz said:Really weird night of fusing, was trying to get my Empress S.Link up (god I hate doing these.) and needed to clear out my lists for some of the larger fusions, went to fuse a fortune persona, can't remember what it was and got a lvl 60 friggen fool one, NICE, considering I'm only at level 53.
Later, As I'm trying to make a Black Frost, I keep trying to fuse a lvl 20 Anzu with a lvl 4 asparas to get a Jack Frost with Auto-Sukukaja, I get a fuck up again, BOOM Hokuto-Whatever the fuck, the dude in the block of rock, like 30 levels higher than I owuld have gotten. Ok, no prob, they're cheap to buy back, so I go again. SECOND WILD CARD IN A ROW!!!! Holy shit, I get Decabria, who ends up at a higher level than me.
I've gotten the wild card 4 times in this game, three of them were tonight.
On the less bright side, getting my empress S. Link up to Lvl 7 has been a drain on my finances, I am poor as fuck now, how do I make money quickly, as I am running out of time.
I'm on 11/6.
Also, how the hell do I get a huge fish? Is it all luck? Trying to do Hermit 10.
Yaweee said:No, not really. If you make it to the end of the following dungeon and go back, they'll be a complete pushover. If you try to fight them right away, they'll probably be rough.
Fuu said:So, am I doing something really wrong or will shadows actually see me behind their backs now when I'm approaching? I just gotand I'm on my second time inChie's personabut I haven't been able to get an advantage at the start of battle by surprising the enemy at all (they managed to surprise me twice though). I looked around a bit but couldn't find any mention of it, so it's likely I'm messing up somewhow...Yukiko's Castle
Fuu said:So, am I doing something really wrong or will shadows actually see me behind their backs now when I'm approaching? I just gotand I'm on my second time inChie's personabut I haven't been able to get an advantage at the start of battle by surprising the enemy at all (they managed to do it twice on me though). I looked around a bit but couldn't find any mention of it, so it's likely I'm messing up somewhow...Yukiko's Castle
Go up behind them and hit them before they turn around. They will ALWAYS see you, until your level is a lot higher than theirs, but as long as you hit them from the back, you'll be fine.Metroidvania said:Supposedly, advantage/disadvantage is based off your level and the enemies, to some extent.
I've only ever gotten advantage when I was higher levelled, had the one arcana card, or once in a blue moon.
Fuu said:So, am I doing something really wrong or will shadows actually see me behind their backs now when I'm approaching? I just gotand I'm on my second time inChie's personabut I haven't been able to get an advantage at the start of battle by surprising the enemy at all (they managed to do it twice on me though). I looked around a bit but couldn't find any mention of it, so it's likely I'm messing up somewhow...Yukiko's Castle
Urban Scholar said:latest SMT moment, the first dungeon.
Reached the boss with little sp over all for my party, and not many HP items. Fight pretty much trickled down to me needing to plan out each turn and every move for survival. Chie almost died, Yosuke ran out of much needed healing, and I nearly died from fear infliction twice. Only a SMT game can give you a worthwhile nail biting turn based experience. Whoo!
Guled said:nice, but if I date more then on at the same time the SL will still get broken right?
I didn't see this answered. Basically, exhaust all the guy's options. Ask him everything. Then you should know what to do.YuriLowell said:So what do I do to figure out how to open the 3rd dungeon. I talked to the guy at the riverbank, but he says swing by if you learn anything new after I talked to him.
firex said:I didn't see this answered. Basically, exhaust all the guy's options. Ask him everything. Then you should know what to do.
lol, well if u dont wanna use a walkthru then the only thing u can rely on is luck.lupin23rd said:Any suggestions for a first-timer? I'm worried with the whole calendar system that I am going to miss shit easily. With my backlog I'm not sure I want to play through this more than once anytime soon, but I also don't want to use a walkthrough if possible.
its a trap!Boulayman said:FUCK last ressort, seriously, fuck it !
grandjedi6 said:So what happens if I don't join a sport? Is there a time limit for when I can join one? Cuz I don't really feel like working on the strength link right now
Tamanon said:Nothing, you can join whenever you want. Although you need to get the Strength link up to 4 to open up Moon.
Strength is a good one to work on early since it boosts a stat as the link increases. Do it do it do itgrandjedi6 said:So what happens if I don't join a sport? Is there a time limit for when I can join one? Cuz I don't really feel like working on the strength link right now
grandjedi6 said:Well I suppose I might as well start the sports club since I can't find Chie. Isn't she suppose to be on the rooftop on school days? (its a Thursday btw).
...Perhaps I do need to get that Doublejump guide afterall :lol
Tetsuo9 said:its a trap!
Blackjack said:Just finished, with the True Ending. Amazing game, great ending. HORRIBLE last boss, though. So fucking easy.:lolI don't know if I got lucky or what, but its attacks connected less than half the time, even BEFORE Sukukaja and Sukunda
Boulayman said:What do you mean it's a trap ? Should I just escape those battles with that particular one ? I also ended up fighting something called wealth hand at some point, looked fairly inoffensive then owned my team and escaped... And is there a fast way to get rid of those fat cops with a key in their stomach ? They're tough ....
So many questions...
Tamanon said:The Last Resort ones are a little tricky, since they don't do anything unless they're at low health at which point they destroy you.
The way to handle them is to deal damage with Yosuke or Yukiko one turn. Then the next turn knock them down and All Out attack them. You must kill them somewhere between 50% and 0% health otherwise, boom.
And the fat cops are susceptible to confusion, Skull Cracker them. Also, I think they're weak to either Hama or Mudo skills.
I was ~80 or so.Yaweee said:What level were you at? That was not an issue for me at all, but I was only level75, whereas I beat the previous dungeon at 73 (on expert, but I don't believe difficulty messes with hit % at all).
Boulayman said:Yeah, I noticed the confusion one a little while ago, makes it FAR easier... I tried it out of desperation... So different from final fantasy games where status spells are useless since they always miss. what's up with that greedy fox ? more than 20000 yen for healing ???
Thanks for the help about the last resort ones, the first time I encountered them I was able to beat them fairly easily since my turn started out with the MC so I just zioed them then finished them off. Not I know why I got wiped out during the next turnJust got some kind of curse that makes all the battle start with advantage to the enemy, which makes the battle a hell of a lot harder so I'll just call it quite and return in a few days then. Oh and while we're at it, how did you deal with those tigers ? I just had to use a vanishing ball since they both want on rampage on me within the first turn (couldn't even do anything since that curse made it advantage to them)
Blackjack said:I was ~80 or so.
:lol Also on Expert, for the record.It did decent damage, when it actually hit. It was kind of hilarious, actually. First round it went before anyone else, uses Megidolaon. I'm like "oh, shit" -- four misses.