Kagari said:Yeah I figured out that much. His ice attacks is what killed my MC![]()
I think I used Sarasvati in that fight, there are a bajillion ice null/drn/repel personas that heal.
Kagari said:Yeah I figured out that much. His ice attacks is what killed my MC![]()
Tamanon said:I think I used Sarasvati in that fight, there are a bajillion ice null/drn/repel personas that heal.
momolicious said:Anyone else feel the dungeon grinding is too long overdrawn? If it werent for the characters and story, I probably would stop and not finish this game. already at 80 hours and havent beaten the game.
I remember using a King Frost with Media.Kagari said:Damn Shadow Teddie. What's the best defense against him?
hampig said:Hey, I have a question for all of you, if you could spare a minute.
I loved P3, even more than that I loved P4, but then I bought Nocturne. I really am enjoying the gameplay, and the story is very interesting. Hell, I'm even really digging the way the story's being told. But I'm just not in the mood for this type of Jrpg right now. I wanted something more Final Fantasy-like. Or at least more like Persona 4. I have plenty of other rpgs that fit this bill, but after how much I loved P4, I'd really like to go for one of the other Shin Megami Tensei games. How much different is Digital Devil Saga in the way of storytelling and progression? Is it more similar to P4 (More cutscenes than gameplay), Nocturne (More gameplay than cutscenes), or a Final Fantasy (Fairly balanced)?
If you want something SMT and more FF like, i think DDS 1 & 2 fits that bill perfectly. While i would't expect as many cutscenes as a FF game, it is more character / story-driven then nocturne.hampig said:Hey, I have a question for all of you, if you could spare a minute.
I loved P3, even more than that I loved P4, but then I bought Nocturne. I really am enjoying the gameplay, and the story is very interesting. Hell, I'm even really digging the way the story's being told. But I'm just not in the mood for this type of Jrpg right now. I wanted something more Final Fantasy-like. Or at least more like Persona 4. I have plenty of other rpgs that fit this bill, but after how much I loved P4, I'd really like to go for one of the other Shin Megami Tensei games. How much different is Digital Devil Saga in the way of storytelling and progression? Is it more similar to P4 (More cutscenes than gameplay), Nocturne (More gameplay than cutscenes), or a Final Fantasy (Fairly balanced)?
Hmm, so how long would you say the average cutscene is? I don't expect half hour cutscenes every 5 minutes like MGS or anything, but I'd like some decent time for development y'know? Also, is the story worth all the time? Both games combined, that's a hell of a lot of time. I'd really hope for good characters, plot twists, and a great ending. Does it have any of those?ixix said:DDS is basically Nocturne with most of the party management removed so you can focus all your attention on powering through those sweet, sweet dungeons. Cutscenes are short and basically just set up the next dungeon.
DDS2 has more cutscenes, but the basic setup is the same. You're just waiting around slightly longer before the game drops you into the next dungeon.
hampig said:Hmm, so how long would you say the average cutscene is? I don't expect half hour cutscenes every 5 minutes like MGS or anything, but I'd like some decent time for development y'know? Also, is the story worth all the time? Both games combined, that's a hell of a lot of time. I'd really hope for good characters, plot twists, and a great ending. Does it have any of those?
(Sorry for the small de-railment. I just thought this would be the best spot for opinions.)
Ok, I will take your word for that and go pick them up. It's seeming like I can't dislike a SMT game anyways.Brandon F said:I really dug the plotting in DDS. It'll provide enough interest in the crazy(and I do mean crazy) world and characters between the long dungeons to keep you engaged. Very accessible games too, I doubt you'll be dissapointed if you give them a chance.
Use tons of saves. You can make as many memory cards as you need on the PS3, so don't skimp if you feel like you need more. I liked making a new save once a week, plus specific saves for dungeon runs and before boss fights. That way if you ever need to replay something, you don't have too much to redo.ntb825 said:I'm about to start this game up. Any pro-tips I should know about before jumping in?
Also, what are the best video settings as far as smoothing and whatnot go on PS3 for this game?
Syntek said:This game is really punishing lol.
I was grinding in Kanji's dungeon, and I have this tendency to overgrind in RPGs since I like to overpower enemies. I thought I was doing pretty well, but apparently not. Started an encounter with a "Disadvantage", and the enemies I was steamrolling over turns around and kills my main character before I even got a chance to swap my persona.
That kinda sucks, but since I only lost an hour or so of progress, I sucked it up and started over again. I started again from level 19, got up to level 26 after 3 hours, and again got instantly zapped to death through another "Disadvantage" encounter with a group of level 25 Wondrous mages because I happen to equip a persona a with weakness to lightning.
Seriously, the whole main character dies = party annihilated thing is starting to get annoying...
falconzss said:the exact same thing happened to me too. it's rather depressing when the time you spent leveling up goes to waste like that.
as for the main character dying means game over: another reason to spend your time on developing your social links. it helped me several times up to this point that your teammates can take a fatal blow for you.
Syntek said:But they can't cover area effect spells no?
Yaweee said:Correct, which is what makes the Wondrous Magi one of the hardest random encounters in the game.
Red Scarlet said:Hurry exodu5, I am almost done w/ the game again.
Syntek said:This game is really punishing lol.
I was grinding in Kanji's dungeon, and I have this tendency to overgrind in RPGs since I like to overpower enemies. I thought I was doing pretty well, but apparently not. Started an encounter with a "Disadvantage", and the enemies I was steamrolling over turns around and kills my main character before I even got a chance to swap my persona.
That kinda sucks, but since I only lost an hour or so of progress, I sucked it up and started over again. I started again from level 19, got up to level 26 after 3 hours, and again got instantly zapped to death through another "Disadvantage" encounter with a group of level 25 Wondrous mages because I happen to equip a persona a with weakness to lightning.
Seriously, the whole main character dies = party annihilated thing is starting to get annoying...
TheExodu5 said:I'm getting further! A few floors into Void Quest now, awesome dungeon. Ugh, I really need to max my party S-Links to get rid of my weaknesses though (only have Yukiko's maxed). I got ambushed and there was some black head enemy...he cast maragion 2x thanks to Chie's weakness, and since he was a fast enemy, he got another turn in before I even got another turn in. Another 2x maragion and I was dead. First time I've died to a regular enemy. :lol
the healers don't lose their weaknesses, so Yukiko and Teddie are still weak to stuff. But the other characters lose their weaknesses.mileS said:this confused me because I had just maxed her S-link and her weakness to Ice is still there? I maxed Chie's a week earlier and it got rid of her weakness.
TheExodu5 said:I'm getting frustrated watching the endurance run. :lol Vinny seems to be having the good ideas, but Jeff is way too much on the offensive at times. It took so long to start guarding with Yukiko when fighting (MaruQ spoiler):.Shadow Teddie
Red Scarlet said:Healing characters don't get their weakness removed when the link is maxed, everyone else does though.
firex said:the healers don't lose their weaknesses, so Yukiko and Teddie are still weak to stuff. But the other characters lose their weaknesses.
momolicious said:Did everyone do the extra dungeon and get the true ending? How many floors is it and how hard is it?
Red Scarlet said:That stupid cat took like 17 fish for me to feed it the 3rd time..stupid ass cat.
Play along with me Tama (click my tag). Look at what you created.
Did they? Must've watched an old episode thenFimbulvetr said:What do you mean? They completed it.
Ben2749 said:Hey guys. This is my first post, besides a simple "Hello" in the topic for new Juniors.
I've literally just this minute finished Persona 4 (best ending), and after months of avoiding discussion topics such as this one for fear of spoilers, I can finally get stuck in and gush about how utterly incredible this game is with other people who enjoyed it.
Quite simply, Persona 4 is one of my favourite games of all time. Definitely in my top 10. It's my first SMT game, so I'll definitely be playing more of them. I don't know what to get next; I was thinking either Persona 3 (FES) or Devil Survivor.
I'm tempted to go back for an immediate second playthrough of P4, but it's already sucked up so much of my free time, and robbed all my other games of playtime, that I'm going to wait a while first.
cosmicblizzard said:Welcome to Gaf!
You're lucky you didn't end up with that "empty" feeling a lot of people seem to get when finishing the game. I like had no motivation to play anything else after I finished the game. It was like coming off of a very addictive drug.
The rest of the SMT series is pretty different. I liked Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga a lot so you might want to look into that after playing P3.
Ben2749 said:I think I didn't get that feeling with Persona 4, simply because I've been playing it for so long now (about three months), I really wanted to finish it, and move on. Not because I wasn't enjoying it, but because I wasnted to be able to play other games again. My backlog is absolutely huge, so I really want to get through it.