How strict is the schedule in P5? I know I'm weird, but I play P3P and P4 by following a schedule guide so I can create persona from any arcanas. If the scheduling is more lenient this time, I probably will play P5 from the get go.
I can't speak Japanese and I haven't played the game nor have I watched much of other people playing or read any spoilers, but I can say I felt a little let down by the writing and story.
Other than that it seems great.
Seems pretty spot on to me, mate.I can't speak Japanese and I haven't played the game nor have I watched much of other people playing or read any spoilers, but I can say I felt a little let down by the writing and story.
Other than that it seems great.
It is a big deal but hardly the only important part of the story, so you will enjoy it anyway. It sucks that you were spoiled, but from as someone who finished the game, I say you shouldn't worry too much about it.**Warning the spoiler tag is MAJOR , do not open unless you've played the game!!**
Guys who have finished the game, I need a bit of help with this one. I was super looking forward to the game and was looking at images of the collector's and steelbook editions on twitter when a guy decided to post mega spoilers :. Boom. I'm so sad. I feel like a major revelation was spoiled, and the hype for the game completely deflated. As if I'll spend the entire game thinking about what's gonna happen. Gameplay is important, but I play this so much for the story as well.he said that Goro betrays the main character which causes him to die (shot in the head) in the bad ending - this all complemented with a picture
If you've played the game, can you tell me just how big a deal this is? Will there be other twists and surprises apart from that? Is this like the huge climax that I got completely ruined? Send help please.
**Warning the spoiler tag is MAJOR , do not open unless you've played the game!!**
Guys who have finished the game, I need a bit of help with this one. I was super looking forward to the game and was looking at images of the collector's and steelbook editions on twitter when a guy decided to post mega spoilers :. Boom. I'm so sad. I feel like a major revelation was spoiled, and the hype for the game completely deflated. As if I'll spend the entire game thinking about what's gonna happen. Gameplay is important, but I play this so much for the story as well.he said that Goro betrays the main character which causes him to die (shot in the head) in the bad ending - this all complemented with a picture
If you've played the game, can you tell me just how big a deal this is? Will there be other twists and surprises apart from that? Is this like the huge climax that I got completely ruined? Send help please.
Echoing the above: There is other cool stuff and surprises you haven't been spoiled on yet. Honestly, I'd avoid Twitter, Youtube (people posting spoilers as the screencaps for videos), and whatever else you feel is necessary!**Warning the spoiler tag is MAJOR , do not open unless you've played the game!!**
Guys who have finished the game, I need a bit of help with this one. I was super looking forward to the game and was looking at images of the collector's and steelbook editions on twitter when a guy decided to post mega spoilers :. Boom. I'm so sad. I feel like a major revelation was spoiled, and the hype for the game completely deflated. As if I'll spend the entire game thinking about what's gonna happen. Gameplay is important, but I play this so much for the story as well.he said that Goro betrays the main character which causes him to die (shot in the head) in the bad ending - this all complemented with a picture
If you've played the game, can you tell me just how big a deal this is? Will there be other twists and surprises apart from that? Is this like the huge climax that I got completely ruined? Send help please.
How strict is the schedule in P5? I know I'm weird, but I play P3P and P4 by following a schedule guide so I can create persona from any arcanas. If the scheduling is more lenient this time, I probably will play P5 from the get go.
Not being able to create Siegfriend and Masakado at the same time feels worse than following tight schedule for me tbhThat sounds like the worst way to play a post-P3 Persona, tbh. The fun is in spending your time however you want to!
That said, dunno about P5, sorry.
It's kind of tight the first run, mainly because you don't know a lot of the time savers or ways of killing two birds with one stone. It's probably possible to max out all the links in one playthrough, but unlikely.
Not being able to create Siegfriend and Masakado at the same time feels worse than following tight schedule for me tbh
I dunno, it seems I'm one of the few person who really into the monster/deity/demon collecting of the game lol
Is it as tight as P4 though? Cause I remember that P4 is pretty strict with its schedule. Meanwhile P3(P) have a lot of free time near the end game in case you mess up or just haven't finished some things yet.
About new game+ coop abilities
The wiki said that I can use the teacher's coop massage ability in new game+ after coming back from dungeon. I maxed her coop last play through and got the item. Just came back from mementos and freaking Morgana won't let me call her for the massage. Same old "you're tired, go to sleep". I've gotten Kawakami's coop unlocked in this play through too. Am I doing something wrong?
**Warning the spoiler tag is MAJOR , do not open unless you've played the game!!**
Guys who have finished the game, I need a bit of help with this one. I was super looking forward to the game and was looking at images of the collector's and steelbook editions on twitter when a guy decided to post mega spoilers :. Boom. I'm so sad. I feel like a major revelation was spoiled, and the hype for the game completely deflated. As if I'll spend the entire game thinking about what's gonna happen. Gameplay is important, but I play this so much for the story as well.he said that Goro betrays the main character which causes him to die (shot in the head) in the bad ending - this all complemented with a picture
If you've played the game, can you tell me just how big a deal this is? Will there be other twists and surprises apart from that? Is this like the huge climax that I got completely ruined? Send help please.
I think it should work if you walked into the store, but if it teleported you to the attic in most cases nothing can be done. It definitely should work like you said according to the wikis.
7/23 spoilers
All the eventsleading to the introduction of futaba and almost everything in July
-The whole conversation in the sushi shop
-That superb verbal showdown in the subway
-That magnificent power outage in the house.
-And the reveal that morgana was near futaba and her reaction to it.
is a gold mine of good moments.
I haven't had this much fun with a J-rpg cast in decades.
That scene in the house was fantastic. I nearly died of laughter when Makoto turned around and you get that brief look at Futaba.
**Warning the spoiler tag is MAJOR , do not open unless you've played the game!!**
Guys who have finished the game, I need a bit of help with this one. I was super looking forward to the game and was looking at images of the collector's and steelbook editions on twitter when a guy decided to post mega spoilers :. Boom. I'm so sad. I feel like a major revelation was spoiled, and the hype for the game completely deflated. As if I'll spend the entire game thinking about what's gonna happen. Gameplay is important, but I play this so much for the story as well.he said that Goro betrays the main character which causes him to die (shot in the head) in the bad ending - this all complemented with a picture
If you've played the game, can you tell me just how big a deal this is? Will there be other twists and surprises apart from that? Is this like the huge climax that I got completely ruined? Send help please.
I think it means you have the maximum amount of Persona you can carry. If you're getting it after hitting an enemy in the overworld it means you've unlocked the ability to instantly beat and get said Persona.What is this これ以上仮面を持てない… message I've been getting in the 5th dungeon? Am I collecting these Shadow's masks or something? It seems to happen at random.
I think it means you have the maximum amount of Persona you can carry. If you're getting it after hitting an enemy in the overworld it means you've unlocked the ability to instantly beat and get said Persona.
I think at least.
I think it means you have the maximum amount of Persona you can carry. If you're getting it after hitting an enemy in the overworld it means you've unlocked the ability to instantly beat and get said Persona.
I think at least.
If you had some space it would tell you the name of the Persona you got. Or that you already had that Persona, if that was the case. I'm pretty sure you only get it with a "Chance" hit, just so you know.Ah cheers, I do remember unlocking an ability like that just prior to coming here and my personas are indeed maxed. It seems a weird way to convey that message, though.
Is it the one where they take away a party member? It happened to me only with a specific demon in mementos I think. Not sure why or if it was intended, or if it was just chance.Urgh the competent negotiator trophy..... it just won't trigger the event no matter how often people are downed....
Not being able to create Siegfriend and Masakado at the same time feels worse than following tight schedule for me tbh
I dunno, it seems I'm one of the few person who really into the monster/deity/demon collecting of the game lol
Is it as tight as P4 though? Cause I remember that P4 is pretty strict with its schedule. Meanwhile P3(P) have a lot of free time near the end game in case you mess up or just haven't finished some things yet.
Is it the one where they take away a party member? It happened to me only with a specific demon in mementos I think. Not sure why or if it was intended, or if it was just chance.
As someone who likes to wait for a "chance" to hit a shadow, the ability to acquire a Persona automatically by doing just that is pretty annoying. Is there a way to deactivate it?... I didn't even notice when I got that ability, but when I went to Mementos the ability was just there... I assume it doesn't work with more powerful shadows?
Anyways, after I beat the boss in the third dungeon I tried to rush until I got to the deadline because I wanted to see how the story would progress... And I kind of regretted it: I don't understand people who play these games just for the high school sim aspect, without entering a dungeon and fight shadows, the game can get really monotonous. Yesterday was probably the worst gaming session I had with this game, i need my dungeon crawling too!... One can't simply rush in a Persona game. It seems my playthrough is gonna hit the 150 hours mark...
It only works on enemies that are weaker than you by like 8 levels and only when you hit them for the "Chance" encounter. It works in story dungeons too.
I can see why they added that option: you could use it to stock low level personae instead of "buying" them at the Velvet room but it's a downer when you explore Mementos for the first time after beating a dungeon and you're over leveled already.
Am I reading this correctly?? I had a brain fart and for some reason couldn't understand this line.
"スーツ着てコソコソ店を見張りながら電話したりしてたから、 刑事とかなのかな?"
"Suit wearing(guy) that was was on the phone while sneakily watching the store, I wonder if(he) is a detective or something.."
I took a picture of the line but forgot who said it as I didn't take a pic of the actual character as it was late. I think Morgana said it as the background is black so I assume I was going in my room.
Is this about correct? 
On 31/7 and starting the fourth dungeon.
This game is more awsome each minute.
By the way. I'm with 63 hours. Is this pace too slow?
A bit more than 80 hours in, 6th dungeon done, about to start the 7th. What a game.
Could someone give a rough estimation on how long I still have to go?
i'm at 44 hours at the start of dongeon 4
your pace depends on how you play. Me, I like reading and talking to everyone, seeing everything so I take my time. Add to that occasional pausing to look up something or reading it over to make sure I understand, it can add up.
4・29 Television Report Leblanc spoilers
Are there references to older characters in this game? Because reading what's being said on the TV it seems like so because of the name.
Yeah her thief outfit/persona are cool, but I wish she reflected that in her normal personality more often as well.Makoto is just so damn cool. Her Persona design is awesome too.
I don't remember if it was that early, but on one of the days there's a news special that directly references a P4 character, who you can probably guess based on posters around town4・29 Television Report Leblanc spoilers
Are there references to older characters in this game? Because reading what's being said on the TV it seems like so because of the name.
There are definitely a couple of easter eggs an series staples.Like the Rise and Kanami ads at the train station, or Tanaka not telling where when how.
Yeah her thief outfit/persona are cool, but I wish she reflected that in her normal personality more often as well.
I don't remember if it was that early, but on one of the days there's a news special that directly references a P4 character, who you can probably guess based on posters around town![]()
Another minor reoccurring character also shows up later if you buy and fix a laptop halfway through the game.
Oh, might've come up on one of the days I didn't check the TV. BTW the line is just sayingWhat I'm talking about is the news mentioned something about the return of prince detective Naoto Shirogane.or something like that.
The line in question:
元祖・探偵王子といえば、 白鍾直斗くんですが 新たな探偵王子が現れたと、 話題になってます! 
Question Re: unlocking new co-ops - will I get notes (the cards) on the quick travel screen letting me know when a new co-op becomes available? It seems that way since I have a tarot card for the politician, but I wanted to check if this is a thing so I don't miss any co-ops.