So what do you guys think about ATLUS strong-arming YouTubers Lets Players for this game?
I want to see unfiltered gameplay videos but I can't, disappointing :/
Yep, it was the original P4. Thanks for the answer too!The original P4? Because P4G was actually pretty light on the schedule, especially compared to 3. I finished them all on around 12/20 and then it gives you like an extra month after that where I didn't even really have any left to do. I imagine the PS2 version was more difficult since you couldn't go out on the town at night.
Still in September in 5 so I can't say for sure, but one thing for sure is P5 is a lot more balanced between day and night. You have like 8 day-time coops compared to 4's 12 or so. That said, it also takes more days away from you for story it seems like. In the end it probably balances out to about the same but we'll see.
On the other hand, it also means night time is a lot more busier than the other games so if you go into 5 treating night time like the "freebie time" it was in 3 and 4, you'll probably get burned later. I started to realize this about the beginning of June so I adjusted fairly quickly, I hope
It's silly , censoring people that bought their game and are playing it is nonsense.
Don't want to see stuff from players, don't click on it.
I guess I'm going really slow. I'm at 85 hours at the beginning of the fifth dungeon. It never feels boring though, the game is amazing.i'm at 44 hours at the start of dongeon 4
Was disappointed that dungeon tracks weren't included in the LE soundtrack. 4th and 6th are flamez
Also would have been nice to have a cutscene theater, especially since the in-engine ones are much better than the anime ones (Will Power tho)
Don't worry about Igor's new voice. You will get used to itI really don't like the new voice actor for Igor. The enunciation is really bad in a lot of his lines.
Don't worry about Igor's new voice. You will get used to it![]()
I'm 80 hours in and still not feeling it. At first I just didn't think the low voice suited the grinning character, but I've moved past that. Now it's just the bad enunciation and mumbled words that bug me.
As far as I'm aware there's not even a cutscene theater for the anime cutscenes, which is a shame after Golden. The 3D cutscenes are genuinely amazing in this game.
Give it another 20 hours and you'll love the voice, I promise I've been there.
On a different note trying to complete the persona compendium am at 98% I assume what I'm missing are a few treasure demons? Anyone knows how far up those go? The highest I have is 35.
Nobody's forcing anyone to click on recommanded stuff , and you can even tell youtube about what you wish to see and don't if my memory is correct.Recommended video brah
Well this kind of game, you can play it how you want , at the pacing you want , so it's not a surprise that the times varies.I guess I'm going really slow. I'm at 85 hours at the beginning of the fifth dungeon. It never feels boring though, the game is amazing.
Yeah it is.The third dongeon music was freakingly good , but i can't believe the fourth dongeon music outpassed it.The music on the 4th dungeon!
Is this what's called to be "God Tier"?
This ever!
I can accept IGOR new voice better because i know they didn't have a choice on the matter and you couldn't find the same thing anywhere else. It's like monokuma in danganronpa , when you lose such AMAZING talents, it's a defintive loss , but i accept it better because , there is not much we can do.He's got nothing on the old Igor voice that's for sure.
RIP man
It's silly , censoring people that bought their game and are playing it is nonsense.
Don't want to see stuff from players, don't click on it.
Whatever do you mean by the 2nd paragraph? I DO want to see lets play videos but can't since ATLUS is strong-arming Let's Players of this game with takedown notices and such, which I find very unfortunate![]()
It's silly , censoring people that bought their game and are playing it is nonsense.
Don't want to see stuff from players, don't click on it.
So I downloaded the p2 and if... dlc right?
How do I equip it?
I hope Igor's english voice actor returns for P5.
Yeah Fate seems to be the single most useful co-op ability in terms of saving time. The difference between having it at 7 and not having it makes an incredible difference.Temperance and Fate to be the most useful Co-ops ability wise. And also star.
I prefer Igor's new voice to the old one. People complaining about enunciation haven't heard enough elderly (esp. male) Japanese people speak. It's usually way worse than this.
68 hours in and just finished the 5th dungeon. This is going to be the longest game I've played since P4G I think.
Yeah Fate seems to be the single most useful co-op ability in terms of saving time. The difference between having it at 7 and not having it makes an incredible difference.
Thanks! I'll do my best to finish it soon then.A solid 10 hours at least.
Pick it up from the box in your room.
P2 battle theme is so good.
And just joined the Platinum club as well what a way to end my holidays. Game is really something else.
And just joined the Platinum club as well what a way to end my holidays. Game is really something else.
Also tested dmg between brave zapper, godhand, hassou tobi around optimal conditions(max buffs and enemy debuffs).
And yeah not much has changed the highest I got with hassou tobi was close to 700dmg per hit x 8 while zapper and god hand dealt at most ~3k. Numbers are from one of the bosses on hard. Dmg range can swing insanely to as low as ~200dmg per hit for the velvet fight for example.
It's kind of the same problem with Dragon Quest multi hit is just not valued the right way.
Also maybe to open gameplay discussion to get my own theory crafting gears going, a short list of my thoughts on each character gameplay wise.
So I'm going to start saying I played a way more physical oriented party since I have not idea how to make magic work, the little I tried I just could not even get close to the physical numbers(like my magic dmg peaks around 1.5k) like maybe I needed to forgo defense accessories in favor of dmg boosting ones but that's kind of a big minus already.
Also with Allmighty being nerfed somewhat hard magic felt rather underwhelming this game beyond exploiting weaknesses with it.
Ryuji: Must have for physical comps. He gets his own charge, group attack buff, can take a hit has okayish magic dmg(if you equip mjollnir) in case physical isn't an option + good hard hitting physical skills. Tier 1.
Morgana: Best healer, but beyond that it didn't feel really necessary to use him. I can see him being really good in a different composition from my but most of his skill set was covered by MC and the fact that Mediarahan just heals everyone to full anyways.
Also his spells really eat a ton of SP.
Anne: Best offensive caster given that she gets concentrate and top tier fire spells. That said since magic in P5 is somewhat underwhelming she just didn't cut it for me. Maybe there is a playstyle where you use her to set up technical but in the high end fights(bosses) status effects are useless so you can't really set up technicals there.... or I just was unlucky but then that just speaks to how inconsistent such a build would be.
Yusuke: Weird character. I think he can be really strong if your MC personas play around him and buff him since he seems to have strong multi hit physicals. Other than that he felt mediocre since neither his physical set nor magic set is supported by any of his own passives. So for me he was more like a avoidance buff bot if I ever used him.
Makoto: For me top tier. Competent offensive caster and healer. She just fills composition holes very well I feel like.
Haru: Top tier as well for me she gets Heatriser one of the best buffs in the game and kind of rounds out the buff rotations really well. Also liked her bullet skill that has a crit chance a decently reliable tool to get a down on enemies that are otherwise impervious without wasting a round on guard kills. Her skillset is also so big it's hard to decide on what you keep on her.
I stopped renting DVDs once I had to pay 3 or 5k in fines, because I forgot about them. It was near the beginning of the game when I didn't have that much money, so it hurt.please let me leave my room morgana, i have dvds to return
please let me leave my room morgana, i have dvds to return
But you're tired. You should stay home.
I stopped renting DVDs once I had to pay 3 or 5k in fines, because I forgot about them. It was near the beginning of the game when I didn't have that much money, so it hurt.
You won't find them anyway, Atlus has been aggressively taking them down.It's taking every single ounce of my willpower to not look up the dungeon themes.
I was late in the first month, and it didn't cost anything because it was my first offence. I was late in the second month too but it was waived as well. I'm guessing the game knows it occupies a lot of your time in the first two months, so it showed some leniency.I stopped renting DVDs once I had to pay 3 or 5k in fines, because I forgot about them. It was near the beginning of the game when I didn't have that much money, so it hurt.
please let me leave my room morgana, i have dvds to return
I hate Morgana with passion now. Spoiler for coop ability
I maxed Kawakami coop last play through and gotten her coop to 6 this play through already but freaking Morgana keeps telling me to sleep whenever I come back from dungeon. Note that I came back in thr store, not my room. Why must he be such a dick? I haven't been able to use the massage even once
I stopped renting DVDs once I had to pay 3 or 5k in fines, because I forgot about them. It was near the beginning of the game when I didn't have that much money, so it hurt.
DVDs seemed kind of pointless to me anyway unless there's an achievement for watching them all(and I'm betting there is)