FF VI is still easily playable to this day (as in, its battle system is still fun), the encounter rate is more sane and you don't have to deal with creating new things to fight for you every now and then. Doesn't matter if the story of P1 & 2 is better, I know it is at the very least with the P2 duology, it's the gameplay that kills it, and you know it. Badly-designed dungeons, terrible encounter rate (a reason why I still haven't finished Skies of Arcadia to this day, though I've heard that the encounter rate is more sane in the GCN version is better. I'll track down a copy of it together with a GC controller and an MC later... and sorry, I know this is a thing for another thread xD), somewhat clunky interface, no minimap to even help dealing with the dungeons, etc etc etc.
You are willing to overlook way too much its faults, tbh, but you played it before you played the more modern games, I betcha, so that's why you take that stance. It's just too hard, for me at least, and I'm not hoping that someone else backs me up on this, to just brave the first few hours until it gets better, or at least until you're actually willing to play just for the story
As I've said before, though, I WILL still try to play it after I finish with my current multimedia backlog. I just hope to not give up like before. If I do, I'll just watch an LP and call it a day.
Also, just don't take all the things that I've said personal, since I know how it feels to get one of the games you love to death to get shot down for whatever reason someone gives you. I'm just trying to answer your question, even if you don't really feel this way too.