P2IS is good. I was able to play it no problem. You may want to just watch a playthrough of EP though unless you can stomach the awkward, outdated mechanics. Either way, be sure to experience both in some way.
On an unrelated note, TLoU is really visceral and satisfying. I just got my favourite kill ever: (first third-ish spoilers)
I felt like such a baller.
On an unrelated note, TLoU is really visceral and satisfying. I just got my favourite kill ever: (first third-ish spoilers)
during the bit when you need to take on a group of hunters who have set up Bill-style mine tripwires all over a block, I was down to only 3 shotgun shells, an arrow and a handful of pistol rounds. I crept into an abandoned shop and noticed one of the aforementioned tripwires, then threw a bottle to attract the last shotgun-armed hunter. When he ducked under the tripwire to investigate the noise, I tossed a brick at the mine and blew him halfway across the room. "Survive and endure, huh?" said Ellie, signalling that the last enemy had been killed.