Son Of Sparda
Delay is the joke and valentine's day is a reference to social links and the waifu aspect of the series.Is there a joke to the Valentine's day one other than the delay that I'm not getting
Delay is the joke and valentine's day is a reference to social links and the waifu aspect of the series.Is there a joke to the Valentine's day one other than the delay that I'm not getting
Delay is the joke and valentine's day is a reference to social links and the waifu aspect of the series.
So a selective joke that does nothing but remind people of all the delay horseshit and potentially stinks up the thread.
I think it's funny and works really well with how the game announced for V day, and how it does have dating-sim elements.So a selective joke that does nothing but remind people of all the delay horseshit and potentially stinks up the thread.
Yeah, I'd rather not have an OT title that focuses on salty sentiments.
Also, if Yakuza 0 can hit 20k posts, surely a (comparatively) big title like P5 can.
Perfect isnt a word I throw around often theres obviously no such thing as true perfection but Persona 5 is just about the best example of a perfect JRPG. Every idea, every system, every grain of thought has been perfectly boiled down into a flawless reduction. JRPGs will never be the same again.
People who say they won't pick this up for having their hypes killed off by delays, aren't gonna pick this up cause their hypes were killed off by delays.I am all for the delay jokes, I think they are hilarious. But the few people I have seen say they aren't going to pick up the game at launch due to their "hype being killed because of delays" makes me kinda agree we should avoid it?
Its a review based on japanese version, it also appears to be not final
Hmm..I wonder if it can be thrown into the MC bonfire
I had been bugged by the fact that P5's outward-looking themes didn't exactly jibe with the inward-looking themes of P3 and 4, but recently had an epiphany where I realized that the main through-line of Hashino's Persona games is anti-cynicism. Most games are anti-cynical by the nature of the protagonist taking an action, but I feel like P3/4/5 take it one step further by putting it into a modern context and relating it directly to actions you or I could take, such as simply talking to people about their problems. These are games about empathy vs. apathy in a way that a lot of games with direct, physical conflict rarely address.
As we've discussed, there's a lot of narrative missteps in these games, but after reading some articles about fighting the growing cynicism of alt-right hate groups in the current political climate, I realized why this series' main themes have stuck with me for so long. It's really the small, mundane acts of empathy the games manage to set-up in between the over-the-top, in-your-face "power of friendship" stuff that make an impression. A lot of games try to have morals and themes, but not a lot weave that moral or theme into every aspect of the game. Every action you take in these games only furthers the message of the game: compare that to something like Bioshock Infinite, where you're being shown and told a lot of ideas, but never really act on them or get personally included in the process. Persona puts its theme in everything, for better or worse: In the dungeons, the enemies, the mechanics, the side stories, even the lyrics in the music. It doesn't sacrifice theme anywhere. That's important when the theme of these games is accepting and confronting the negative aspects of life.
Don't want to get too far into politics, but I personally think a lot of the negativity on the internet is born out of people refusing to accept certain bad aspects of society and either willfully ignoring it or, worse, treating life like some big joke that we should just laugh carelessly at. Hashino's games are fundamentally opposed to this idea. P3/P4 were about confronting apathy and P5 is no different. In fact, I'd say that P5 is the obvious culimation of that concept. Like I said, it's not a radical notion, but Persona somehow makes it so goddamn relatable by weaving it into daily, slice of life stuff rather than only inhabiting the metaphorical.
This is all a bit of rambling and I don't want to make the series more than what it is, but I've been so tired and jaded lately, so making the connection brightened my spirits a bit. It also made me wish we had more games that confronted daily apathy and cynicism. As I said, Persona isn't really the gold standard of game writing by any measure, nor is it the only game confronting these issues, but it's an important series that more aspiring game writers need to consider.
I agree almost completely with what you said.
Also you might want to play NieR: Automata. The game has quite a few things that you seem to like about Persona, but going into more detail about this would probably be considered a spoiler.
We'll see, I remember posting in the Persona 3 and Persona 4 US release threads and the thread participation rose significantly as time passed.
The original Persona 3 JP thread had just 600-some posts total. The US thread had just under 5000. FES had a bit over 200 posts in the JP thread, a bit over 3000 posts in the US. P3P had around 1600 posts, didn't see a JP thread for that one.
Persona 4's JP thread also had about 600-some posts, the US thread just over 9000 posts. P4G had nearly 17000 posts.
The JP/Import thread for P5 is already over 3600 posts, well above the prior games. I think P5 could go over 20k and thus end up with an OT2.
Wow. Thanks for sharing some Persona thread history on GAF.
I wish I was there for all of them. Lol
!!! Would you happen to have a link the Persona 3 OT? I really wanna see how that looked.
Here ya go for the older stuff, P4G is recent enough you can find that one easy:
GAF was a very different place back then, lol.
Just don't be surprised if a bunch of the posts are blank due to ancient broken image links and stuff, lol.
I remember when I made the official thread for Persona 3 at another message board I go to. The thread title was "School, Shadows, Suicide". Somehow it didn't catch on.
Long before I ever posted here.Hahahah I was glancing through the P3 threads and it's funny that people hated Ken from long ago.
Hahahahah yeah.... uhhhh.... "Social links" prolly should've replaced "Suicide". And there's other websites that do the OT thing like GAF? Had no idea. I always thought that OT stuff was a GAF exclusive thing of some sorts. Lol man I'm dumb.
GAF was a very different place back then, lol.
how does that works then? that sounds really shitty![]()
stfu error, it will be the greatest game ever and you will cum.
The anime FMVs are so ****ing well directed, whoever's doing them needs to do a real anime.
Here ya go for the older stuff, P4G is recent enough you can find that one easy:
GAF was a very different place back then, lol.
Here ya go for the older stuff, P4G is recent enough you can find that one easy:
GAF was a very different place back then, lol.
I had been bugged by the fact that P5's outward-looking themes didn't exactly jibe with the inward-looking themes of P3 and 4, but recently had an epiphany where I realized that the main through-line of Hashino's Persona games is anti-cynicism. Most games are anti-cynical by the nature of the protagonist taking an action, but I feel like P3/4/5 take it one step further by putting it into a modern context and relating it directly to actions you or I could take, such as simply talking to people about their problems. These are games about empathy vs. apathy in a way that a lot of games with direct, physical conflict rarely address.
As we've discussed, there's a lot of narrative missteps in these games, but after reading some articles about fighting the growing cynicism of alt-right hate groups in the current political climate, I realized why this series' main themes have stuck with me for so long. It's really the small, mundane acts of empathy the games manage to set-up in between the over-the-top, in-your-face "power of friendship" stuff that make an impression. A lot of games try to have morals and themes, but not a lot weave that moral or theme into every aspect of the game. Every action you take in these games only furthers the message of the game: compare that to something like Bioshock Infinite, where you're being shown and told a lot of ideas, but never really act on them or get personally included in the process. Persona puts its theme in everything, for better or worse: In the dungeons, the enemies, the mechanics, the side stories, even the lyrics in the music. It doesn't sacrifice theme anywhere. That's important when the theme of these games is accepting and confronting the negative aspects of life.
Don't want to get too far into politics, but I personally think a lot of the negativity on the internet is born out of people refusing to accept certain bad aspects of society and either willfully ignoring it or, worse, treating life like some big joke that we should just laugh carelessly at. Hashino's games are fundamentally opposed to this idea. P3/P4 were about confronting apathy and P5 is no different. In fact, I'd say that P5 is the obvious culimation of that concept. Like I said, it's not a radical notion, but Persona somehow makes it so goddamn relatable by weaving it into daily, slice of life stuff rather than only inhabiting the metaphorical.
This is all a bit of rambling and I don't want to make the series more than what it is, but I've been so tired and jaded lately, so making the connection brightened my spirits a bit. It also made me wish we had more games that confronted daily apathy and cynicism. As I said, Persona isn't really the gold standard of game writing by any measure, nor is it the only game confronting these issues, but it's an important series that more aspiring game writers need to consider.
I can't help it! I was still lurking back then!also I was a painfully shy teenager
Also thanks I feel old now. I've been at GAF almost ten years!
Also, I'm sorry to dig on duckroll, but this comment is hilarious in light of how poorly the P3 anime cutscenes have aged.
Yar, P3's animation quality is poor from the get go, but I concur that they are well-directed in spite of (or maybe because of) the low budget. Its opening is still my favorite out of all the Persona games.
Yar, P3's animation quality is poor from the get go, but I concur that they are well-directed in spite of (or maybe because of) the low budget. Its opening is still my favorite out of all the Persona games.
I really enjoyed them at the time, and I think the aesthetics still hold up.
The game itself was unreal coming off of Persona 2. Talk about reinventing the wheel.
Yar, P3's animation quality is poor from the get go, but I concur that they are well-directed in spite of (or maybe because of) the low budget. Its opening is still my favorite out of all the Persona games.
Regular cover of that PS Magazine
Review mentions Ann being part European rather than American, so guess Atlus USAchanged her speaking English to another language for that to work like they did with Mitsuru
Also praises the English voice cast.
Be careful what you wish for. ;P
Maybe she will speak French again. Or based on her looks maybe she now has some ancestors from a Scandinavian country or Germany.
More English gameplay footage.
And the Yusuke theme should be up in NA at some point today, free until the 21st.
More English gameplay footage.
And the Yusuke theme should be up in NA at some point today, free until the 21st.
More English gameplay footage.
And the Yusuke theme should be up in NA at some point today, free until the 21st.
"Ta-KA-maki" :|