Could that rumored cat be somewhere nearby?
What part of the video is that at? I want to avoid that when I watch it.Pronunciation of "" aside, the dub seems pretty fantastic.Takamaki
That being said, that footage does have a rather nasty spoiler in it at one point, more so then in the general sense. :S
What part of the video is that at? I want to avoid that when I watch it.
Could that rumored cat be somewhere nearby?
The Yakuza-0 thread title was "Yes, you can start with this one!" and is making me wonder if that may be necessary for Persona as well. I saw someone in the preview thread wondering whether they could jump into the series with 5. More people are probably aware of it in this case thought, and the few that aren't can always just ask.
Difference is Yakuza features the same cast in each game (except the non-Dead Souls spinoffs)
Persona games are pretty much completely independent.
For the most part, yeah. I feel like 1 and 2 Innocent Sin, 2 Innocent Sin and 2 Eternal Punishment shouldn't be played without any of the prior knowledge of past games imo. But as far as 3, 4 and from what I've seen of 5, you'll just miss a couple references.
As far as I know,there are ZERO references to past games along the critical path in P5.
As far as I know,there are ZERO references to past games along the critical path in P5.
Only referenced I noticed in the couple of hours I put into my Japanese copy was. Pretty minor but a cool nod.the Risechi and Kanamin posters in the Subway
Which is convenient considering;Dit doesn't really confirm that DAN even existed.
Which is correct; previous character references are regulated to the Who's Who TV segments like in Persona 3.
I still think it's the best P4 spin off but I guess I'm alone on that sentiment.![]()
To be fair, it's less about DAN itself and more ensuring that Ultimax didn't happen before it.
That became a mess man.
Sometimes I think about how them labeling P5 in 20XX is so they can just reuse all the P4 character assets in any P5 spin off lmao. I lose sleep over it at night. I want those aged designs like the P3 cast got, man.
I want to max out all confidants during my first playthrough, since I doubt I'll quickly replay a game this size. Theres a FAQ on Gamefaqs, but it advises to play the game on safety mode, since the path to max all confidants can you leave you underleveled and without a lot of money? I want to play it on normal and have a bit of a challenge. Is maxing out all confidants in one plahthrough possible on normal difficulty?
So my personal hype for Persona 5 pretty much died after the last delay was announced, but a few days ago I realized how soon it's coming out and holy shit I'm suddenly so excited. I can't sleep tonight because I'm so hyped that I can't stop thinking about this game. Don't remember the last game I was this excited for... Dark Souls 2 maybe?
Anyways, just wanted to share how stoked i am that we're SO CLOSE to playing this game in english!!
My hype is directly tied with my progress in Zelda. The further I get to beating that, the more hyped I get.
And I'm nearly done with Zelda. So....![]()
Unless they pull something like Q, I guess that's unlikely considering (extremely minor P5 spoilers).that the game implies that Chie is currently training at a police academy
That's good to know. I was kinda holding out hope that we, but figured that was a pipe dream. Not quite what I wanted but that's a cool enough reference for me/would run into a cop in the game that was Tatsuya, Katsuya, or Chie as a small little cameo
Actually, this is fairly accurate.
But its gonna suck a lot of the enjoyment of the game
My problem is that I'm about to finish Nioh, so I'm left wondering if I have enough time to start and finish Nier before April 4th. It's nice to have too many good games to play, haha.
Unless they pull something like Q, I guess that's unlikely considering (extremely minor P5 spoilers).that the game implies that Chie is currently training at a police academy
NieR: Automata is around ~45 Hours from begining to [E]nd, so plan for that. But I finished it in around 2 weeks with a semi-busy schedule, so it should be do-able?
Also, if anyone wants a taste of how the OT is coming along...
(Main Cast Image First Row | Not 100% Final)
Lol, you must be a person of extremes. A simple delay killed your hype but now 3 weeks away from release you suddenly can't even sleep because of the excitement?
Well, I'm glad you're feeling it again, pretty excited myself but life is so busy that I don't really have time to stop and think about it which I guess is for the better lol.
I can't believe this shit. Just fucking kill me.
That's a strange name.
Lol, you must be a person of extremes. A simple delay killed your hype but now 3 weeks away from release you suddenly can't even sleep because of the excitement?
Well, I'm glad you're feeling it again, pretty excited myself but life is so busy that I don't really have time to stop and think about it which I guess is for the better lol.
No official English name exists, and that's what is used on the official site.
I believe someone mentioned his semi-official name being "Akira" something in Japan?
Yes, Akira Kurusu, that's what I'll call my protagonist.
Also, you sure make many OT's.
No official English name exists, and that's what is used on the official site.
I believe someone mentioned his semi-official name being "Akira" something in Japan?
No official English name exists, and that's what is used on the official site.
I believe someone mentioned his semi-official name being "Akira" something in Japan?
I made a joke post.
Yes, Akira Kurusu, that's what I'll call my protagonist.
Also, you sure make many OT's.
NieR: Automata is around ~45 Hours from begining to [E]nd, so plan for that. But I finished it in around 2 weeks with a semi-busy schedule, so it should be do-able?
Also, if anyone wants a taste of how the OT is coming along...
(Main Cast Image First Row | Not 100% Final)
Wow, I didn't realize that Sae in Persona 5 was 183cm/6'0" in height. That makes her the second tallest character in the entire franchise, tied with Kanji. And tallest female by a large margin.
Also hooray for fictional characters who are as tall as I am. >_>;
Sae...? Whose that? And Where have you found specific weight and height descriptions for Persona characters....?
You're 6 feet tall? You're.... uhhhhh...... kinda..... uhhhh..... ummm... taller.... than... me.....
Wow, I didn't realize that Sae in Persona 5 was 183cm/6'0" in height. That makes her the second tallest character in the entire franchise, tied with Kanji. And tallest female by a large margin.
Also hooray for fictional characters who are as tall as I am. >_>;
Where'd you see that? The artbook doesn't list an official height for her.
It doesn't sound wrong though.
Atlus gives the heights for almost all the major and supporting characters in a Persona game. Persona 1 is the only exception, I think? No heights were given there unless the character also appeared in Persona 2.
And yeah I'm 184 cm.![]()
Really? Odd. I saw on the Megami Tensei wiki. I wonder where that info came from then...
And yeah, it doesn't sound wrong. She's definitely on the tall side, if you compare her with other characters.