Does the PS3 edition get something 
Is that just for the standard edition or does the TYH edition get it too?
(Sorry if they mentioned that in the video. I muted the audio so I wouldn't have the music stuck in my head lol)
This is a really good article. I remember raising a similar point when I played through the first dungeon.Waypoint's preview is up.
It's largely glowing, but isn't afraid to call out stuff like Ann's outfit clashing with her character arc. It's not surprising coming from waypoint, but a valid thought that's been in the back of my head as well.
Review thread is gonna be interesting.
No idea if it can be claimed. Just put if up before anyone else, I suppose.Has the Persona 5 Review Thread been claimed? Can it be claimed?
If the answers are no and yes respectively, I'd like to be the one to post the Review Thread, assuming that's alright.
This is a really good article. I remember raising a similar point when I played through the first dungeon.
In my opinion, everything about the thief designs is bad and silly. The game would be better off without them.
I also really agree that it's more than the sum of its parts. P3 and P4 had their own garbage, but the larger picture allowed you to overlook it.
This is a really good article. I remember raising a similar point when I played through the first dungeon.
In my opinion, everything about the thief designs is bad and silly. The game would be better off without them.
I also really agree that it's more than the sum of its parts. P3 and P4 had their own garbage, but the larger picture allowed you to overlook it.
88%. Still my prediction.
It's looking like a 10/10 for me so far. I've been discussing the game with my fellow critics, and the game is gonna get very high marks with a lot of them. 88% is a bit of a low estimate!
That's only because Dantis seems to be on a crusade to 'temper expectations' or whatever the hell that means
I like the thief designs a lot, aside from Futaba's and Ann's. Like Jintor said, I saw it as them taking the labels society cast on them. Society's branded them as renegades or outcasts for whatever reason, and the outlandish style of the palace outfits is an outward reflection of that. It's taken to an extreme, but I think that's basically what Soejima's going for there: stereotypes of thieves cranked up to eleven.
Soejima thrives in the garish to an extent. I love his down to earth character work, but I also think that contrasting it against blunt symbolism works pretty well. You saw this all throughout P3 and P4 as well. There's enough thought behind it for me to accept the outlandish and have fun with those designs.
Persona 4 Golden holds a 93% on MC - I don't see how a game that I've heard improves on past entries enormously will get anything lower than that.
It hasn't gotten old enough (or been so soon after P4G) to the majority of reviewers for them to doc so many points.
Persona 5 is great, but not without its flaws (as one of those that played through the import version)
What he probably mean is that some of the reviewers will bound to pick on those points such as Ann's outfit which you guys mentioned earlier, how certain groups were treated in the game etc, so don't be surprised if some of those factors somehow affect the score in the minds of those reviewers.
My personal take would be to just enjoy your time with the game, don't take into account how much the game is getting rated and what's not.
If you ask me, it's a very solid 8~9 range. By no means it is perfect.
It's going to be in the high end that's for sure, going by most of these previews, but I'm going to have to bail out if people start doing the usual " but_____ came out a couple months earlier and scored higher than P5, does that mean P5 is weaker than ____?/ Persona 5 beats _____" that kind of nonsense.
Of course like I said, these are only some of my own thoughts, so no need to read too deeply into it. Keeping expectations in check is just a rather good thing to do, I feel.
I think Makoto's outfit is meant to be in the style of modern heist films like The Place Beyond The Pines.TBH I think the only outfit I really like with no caveats is the Protag's in the vein of a 'phantom thief'. The others okay to good, with Ann's being the 'odd one out', such as it were.
I'm not even sure I get the reference, if any, to Makoto's outfit. The rest I kind of get in relation to their story-lines and such.
Hmm....every press reviewer I've seen talk about it explicitly has been pretty gushing. I'd say right around 90ish.
I'm guessing the major 'downsides' people might take issue with is going to be some combination of the length, the return of the negotiation system (especially if people have only played P3 and P4, though I admittedly haven't seen if the system is less random now when trying to recruit persona when compared to the older SMT games, which could help on that front), or having too much to do that it gets overwhelming.
A crusade? Hardly. I just bring it up now and again.
If you're thinking that 93% is lowballing its score, I believe you are mistaken.
I feel as if you're bringing it up in every post of yours I see.
I feel as if you're bringing it up in every post of yours I see.
It was. P5 has a lot of 'look how awesome and unbeatable the party are!' moments. That's what I'm referring to. It did nothing for me, but I'm sure some people will love it.
And the fact I played it in Japanese doesn't change much of what I've been saying. I'm not remotely endeared to the characters, but that's not something I bring up when talking about playing the game. Regardless of language, I still think the narrative is bad. I still think the final boss theme is underwhelming. I still the the last 20% of the story is kinda dumb and uninteresting.
Every time someone says 'you only dislike it because you didn't understand it', I think they're missing what I disliked.
Some people will love Persona 5 (yay!). Some people will not (oh no!). Some people, like me, will think that it starts out incredibly strong and gets progressively less so. As a game it's good all the way through. That's what matters. It's also worth remembering that I thought P3's story was trash, and P4's turns bad in the final dungeon.
The main thing that's going to "hurt" it in reviews (if you really care about scores rather than content) is just that it's extremely hard to top your first time with something. I doubt a lot of reviewers are going to want to rank it higher than P4 (or P3 for that matter) in their head because the novelty of what Persona tries to do had such an impact at the time. P5, for all that it improves upon and refines, is still along the same lines as those two games.
But it's possible for a review's content to talk to the subtleties of how a game is being perceived subjectively while still talking about it's strengths and weaknesses objectively. Balancing the two is key to a good review. Scores, however, throw all that nuance in the trash.
Also if you think 93% is the lowest that it's going to get, that's lowballing it.
Dantis, you had very specific hangups about the game based on the things you specifically like about Persona, but you also said that most people wouldn't have the same ones you did.
So just because you'd give it an 88 doesn't mean that most people would, by your own admission.
I never once stated "The lowest score it is going to get."
I don't see how a game that I've heard improves on past entries enormously will get anything lower than that.
I like most of the thief outfits, myself. Especially Haru's. With exception of Ann's, they're all thematically appropriate, and fairly well done.
Ann's outfit... I have no problem with it being the Catwoman style type, but I don't even know how that outfit is suppose to work. It would be slightly impractical to put that outfit on. >_>;
I mean, it's kind of weird. Technically Persona 4 came out 7+ years ago, so I'm not sure if this will hurt reviews that badly simply because there's nothing else like Persona out there. Likewise, the quality of the game is a significant step up across the board, regardless of how one feels about specific elements.
I feel like I'm missing something, but I'm not sure what it is.
I'm totally interested in reading Soejima's comments about them. Hopefully he did say something about them in the full art book... I'm still waiting for my copy as my retailer was sold out.
the only person i'm ddosing is dantis and that's because he won't fight me
I don't care what y'all predict the score will be. I just don't want any DDOS attacks on Jim Sterling or Uncharted 3 thread debacles.
Does the PS3 edition get something![]()
Nope. We'll get a blank disc with marker and like it.
Nope. We'll get a blank disc with marker and like it.
I'm still a little salty about that.yyyeah... I don't think we're quite big enough for that.
Not after the delays took all the air out of the mainstream attention the series was getting.
I'm still a little salty about that.
The hype when that February 2015 trailer came out was out of this world.
Persona 5 was trending on twitter and everybody was making analyse video's on it.
But now there is barely any of that.
Comparing the views of the JP trailers and the recent English trailers is pretty sad.It's sad to think about, that's for sure.
Imagine if we were still riding the hype train into February & got it then.
Comparing the views of the JP trailers and the recent English trailers is pretty sad.
I mean I know that there is a lot of time between them but it is not even close
JP story trailer: 2.398.007
Most viewed English story trailer: 119.171
A $10 discount?Does the PS3 edition get something![]()
Comparing the views of the JP trailers and the recent English trailers is pretty sad.
I mean I know that there is a lot of time between them but it is not even close
JP story trailer: 2.398.007
Most viewed English story trailer: 119.171
TBH I would imagine that a lot of people who are 'in the know' regarding Persona were following the JP trickle of information at the time, because it's all any of us had. That also includes stuff like fansubs, speculation, etc...
With stuff like the continual delays in NA (even past the original 5 month localization delay between September to February), as well as not showing a whole lot of 'new' stuff that didn't retread the JP trailers, that was kind of always bound to happen, though.
My english bois
We so close fam