Persona 5 is almost heeere.
After my meal break I'm going to call to my shop and see if they have the game. For god sake, just a for a day please
Persona 5 is almost heeere.
Just because it shipped a little bit early... that doesnt mean its coming early.
Hey everybody, I hope you have an outstanding Tuesday.
Now that I see it shipped, I know I will.
No, the tracking info says it will arrive today. Very strange for Amazon.
It's not unusual to get it a day early from Amazon. I've had it happen before.
I was hoping they would release the rest of the character themes on PSN. Probably not anymore.
I actually WORK at USPS. I will eat my hand if you get the game today. Lol
I was hoping they would release the rest of the character themes on PSN. Probably not anymore.
They probably will. Game isn't even officially out yet.
Haha, fair enough. I'm not a big fan of USPS (no offense) so I wouldn't necessarily be surprised if didn't show up until tomorrow. I can't play it anyway until I download the JP voices...wonder what time those are going up.
@AtlusPrime Any insight on this? Or maybe even the DLC situation in general? Heck, you guys prolly already know I'm buying all the DLC without really hesitating but making it even a little bit cheaper (like maybe everything for like $25-$30) would make alotta people happy.
LMAO you're fine. USPS has it's problems (lazy workers and mean management) BUT it does ship out mail.... eventually.
I was hoping they would release the rest of the character themes on PSN. Probably not anymore.
Transportdienst: Hermes
Haha, fair enough. I'm not a big fan of USPS (no offense) so I wouldn't necessarily be surprised if didn't show up until tomorrow. I can't play it anyway until I download the JP voices...wonder what time those are going up.
Not sure about the UK, but the Japanese voices (and Challenge Mode) are already up on the US PSN for PS4.
Not sure about the UK, but the Japanese voices (and Challenge Mode) are already up on the US PSN for PS4.
Ppl who are using jp audio; i hear it's not "complete" like eng dub is, as in it's not done as throughly (background voices, etc.) Can anyone speak on that? Was considering restarting in japanese but wouldnt want to if this is the case
The former. And I mean a lot. During combat anyway. Anything an enemy persona says and most of the groups pep talk.
Ppl who are using jp audio; i hear it's not "complete" like eng dub is, as in it's not done as throughly (background voices, etc.) Can anyone speak on that? Was considering restarting in japanese but wouldnt want to if this is the case
When you say crowd chatter isn't subbed do you mean like those speech bubbles that come up while walking? In any case it kinda sounds like i should go with eng if i want a more full experience, thanks for the answers everyone
I'm not sure if the new Atlus PR manager has made an appearance here yet. But uhh yeah they aren't going to make the DLC cheaper.
No, I mean there's been a few scenes during certain story events where you hear people talking as background noise.
There's a lot of background audio such as crowd chatter and tvs that isn't subbed. There's also tv shows/movies that don't have subtitles, and some combat dialogue.
Although with combat stuff, anything substantial is subbed, so it probably wouldn't be as bad as #FE was.
Anyone who played TMS#FE should have known this would have been the situation with the japanese audio track. Glad to hear it's not quite as bad, but still.
I think I may have to avoid the OT, at least until I finish the game. Every time I pop in there I see minor spoilers.
It sounds like a bunch of little stuff, but put together it seems like a lot was overlooked. Kind of surprising that Yakuza 0 (another Sega game) has a more complete subtitling than a game with a much bigger budget. Maybe because Y0 doesn't have an English dub and the JP audio for P5 was given to us as a bonus.
I think it's because these things don't have subtitles in the Japanese version either and Atlus USA doesn't do any programming work IIRC.
Steelbook arrived! I wish the art was less busy, but it's better than the standard US cover.
That seems plausible.
Does anyone know how big the JP audio download is?
Steelbook arrived! I wish the art was less busy, but it's better than the standard US cover.
That seems plausible.
Does anyone know how big the JP audio download is?
Steelbook arrived! I wish the art was less busy, but it's better than the standard US cover.
5 GB
Just under 3GB
Time to eat my hand.
I live the steelbook art btw. Along with the P4D special edition, it's the best Persona cover art by a mile.
This is such a bizarre experience for me. Seems like there was a lot I was right about and a lot I was wrong about. I have like this incredibly broad, vague understanding of where the narrative goes, but no specificity.
There are moments when I'm saying "AHA! I WAS RIGHT!!" as well as moments where I'm saying "Oh. Oh I see. Guess I was wrong.".
Also, for a last gen, mid-budget (at best!) game, it really does look lovely. Soejima is a really great art director.
For anyone who isn't keeping up with the OT:
Someone has made an account that will auto-tweet P5 spoilers at anyone who mentions the game. The account name is a spoiler as well so I won't provide the @ to be absolutely safe.
At the Durham Amazon facility. I'll be playing after work tomorrow, for way too long.
Already apologized to my wife for any neglect this week, lol.