Can't wait to see the finished product![]()
Wow. Talk about a robbery. That fanart thread for P5 that I've been working on for a good while and pouring alotta effort into being enjoyable just got stolen. Trojita made a thread for fanart.
This overscan issue is frustrating. Not unplayable, but second lines of subtitles are being cut off. I guess I have to get a newer TV to fix it. :|
Game is really slow to start, and I thought P3 was slow. But man the music...so good.
I'm not really sold on the English dub so far, but I can't figure out how to switch to JP with my current save. edit: ah I guess you have to go back to the title screen after saving.
Also, is there any way to turn off all subtitles? With the log feature it seems a bit unnecessary outside of cutscenes.
Are you playing on PS3 or PS4? If you're playing on PS4, you need to adjust your settings in the PS4 configuration so that the screen size matches with your TV.
Yeah I'm aware, I don't have this issue with other games. It doesn't matter how small I make the display size in the PS4 config, it's still cut off on the edges. Maybe this game has a problem displaying at 720p/1080i, which is what my TV is.
Just keep in mind I'm being positive at the moment.This is hilarious. I'm super curious how you will feel at the end.
And if that's not realistic, at least use a Twitter client that allows you to mute tweets with keywords like "Persona".
Someone already found a way around the restrictions https://clips.twitch.tv/DullModernStrawberryVoHiYo
There's a very clear division between the creative teams and the business teams at Atlus, and it becomes apparent when we see how games like Persona 5 are handled. It's unfortunate; it almost looks like they're sabotaging themselves at times, like with the P4A incident.
Hey all, figured I'd stop in and say hello; for old time's sake. It was a long wait for all of us.![]()
Hey all, figured I'd stop in and say hello; for old time's sake. It was a long wait for all of us.![]()
I remember back when the first Persona, Persona 3 FES, came out.
Was a glorious time.
And the long wait is over. <3
It's crazy to think about what this thread was, what it became, and what it is now. It's weird to think that I was here for its conception.
Kinda amazing that we were all frothing at the mouth for it in 2013 hahaha
Yeah, feels like there's a few members of that old PGAF community that vanished over the years. Such is the inevitable march of time, I hope wherever they are they're enjoying the game too.
There's a very clear division between the creative teams and the business teams at Atlus, and it becomes apparent when we see how games like Persona 5 are handled. It's unfortunate; it almost looks like they're sabotaging themselves at times, like with the P4A incident.
Do old-timers like Kaneko not have any power or influence over decisions like this? It's strange because I always viewed Atlus as kind of a daring, indie studio, but then decisions like this are really tone deaf and customer-hostile.
Oh yeah. I found a way to stream without a capture card. Basically Remote Play to the PC and stream that. >_>;
Do old-timers like Kaneko not have any power or influence over decisions like this? It's strange because I always viewed Atlus as kind of a daring, indie studio, but then decisions like this are really tone deaf and customer-hostile.
Kaneko would have to escape the flower field first.
For quite a while they were owned by a company that ended up going bankrup due to fraud...
I meant indie and daring in a creative sense, but true... I'm surprised Sega is so hands-off with Atlus even on matters like this.
So where the amazon preorder codes a EU only thing?