Mediking is going to cry tonight.And I hope I don't see anything P3 related today.
Mediking is going to cry tonight.And I hope I don't see anything P3 related today.
Your post makes me want a Persona strategy game featuring all three modern casts. Now I want this imaginary game.
See, these are dangerous thoughts. Even if by some cosmic rarity something like this were to come true, it would easily filter out as background noise in the massive RNG that is the universe, because this is a Persona event and should never be viewed in context with normal time and space. Indeed, it would not be worth celebrating or trying to brag about guessing. No, you merely would have been spared a sour fate for a single night.I'm actually expecting all these P5 and P3 spinoffs to be announced for the TGS. I really don't think they'll announce something during or after the concert.
I'm actually expecting all these P5 and P3 spinoffs to be announced for the TGS. I really don't think they'll announce something during or after the concert.
Are there a lot of first-timers to these events? Because expecting anything more than complete and total disappointment is a fool's errand. In fact, don't even set yourself up for disappointment as a loss because even that disappointment will have been energy needlessly wasted. Nope. No games, no anything. Assume there will be nothing, because 90% of the time Persona events are just complex trolling operations. If you needed an image of what constituted "nothing" in a dictionary, Persona events would be there, along with that gif of that guy sexually molesting a person in a Teddie costume.
No-thing. Anything more than nothing should be considered a gift by the Lord God Almighty Himself; that the Persona crew have rewarded your blind loyalty with even a single teaser image of something is a miracle. I cannot understate how completely demoralizing these sorts of things were in the (many) years leading up to P5.
See, these are dangerous thoughts. Even if by some cosmic rarity something like this were to come true, it would easily filter out as background noise in the massive RNG that is the universe.
Let the man dream his impossible dream.
As dreamy as it is.
You'll see. And then you'll apologize to me.
Yeah, they'll be sorry for their words and deeds for sure
You'll see. And then you'll apologize to me.
You'll see. And then you'll apologize to me.
Maybe. Again, keep expectations in check.
I'm going to be at the actual concert later. Can't wait!![]()
The first P5 PV is still my favorite. I replayed it for weeks.Re watching persona concerts to set the mood , i cant believe the night of the Phantom happen exactly 30 months ago (2 years and half)....time sure fly i still remember the chills when they reveal that P5 trailer.
The first P5 PV is still my favorite. I replayed it for weeks.
PQ2 and a new Dancing Game are pretty sure bets, but have we heard much on P5R or anything else?
Realistically, what are we expecting?
PQ2 and a new Dancing Game are pretty sure bets, but have we heard much on P5R or anything else?
Realistically, what are we expecting?
PQ2 and a new Dancing Game are pretty sure bets, but have we heard much on P5R or anything else?
It's very possible that they're working on P5DAN now. I mean they already have the designs for it, at least for the main characters.
Finally got my ticket fixed for this concert. Haven't been to one of this scale in Japan before, should I line up sooner rather than later?
I went to the Budokan Persona concert a few years back. The line can take a while, but there's no real question about getting in on time. You'll definitely get in by the start of the concert.
My only problem is the tracklist , like P4 DAN hardly had 30 - 40 tracks and take songs from 2 animes , 2 fighting games and a crossover.
Persona 5 only had like 7-8 vocal songs , unless they drop p4 or p3 as a crossover to fill the slots for songs.
And / or fill the list of remix of instrumental tracks (which could be great since P4DAN lack those).
Is the thing i most curious about of a P5 DAN , how many remixes of Last Surprise we gonna get lel.
Persona Q Dancing
Maybe the next Persona DAN title will feature a crossover between P3, P4, and P5?
To me this is the ideal scenario made both Q2 and Dancing 2 a crossover game.
And i remember read somewhere Dancing All Night sell 370k units ... idk if this is a good number for going for a sequel or not.
But if they moving a new PERSONADANCE domain is for a good reason , so lets hope.