ok guys as a PSO purist who loved everything PSO and balked at everything PSU, before i start the big ass download...
is it a good transition or is it PSU lite?
ok guys as a PSO purist who loved everything PSO and balked at everything PSU, before i start the big ass download...
is it a good transition or is it PSU lite?
So...I've been swamped with work and stuff, leaving me with little time to even start the download for the patch. I might play a bit this weekend, just wondering whether it's realistic to bother starting on ship 2 now and possibly joining the neogaf team. Is the ship packed/full all the time?
I got onto Ship 2!![]()
Unless you enjoy soloing or have good enough Japanese to party up with native speakers, getting on any ship other than Ship02 is beyond pointless.
You guys have no idea how upset I am from this. I'm going to flip out if character creation is still locked when I get home in ~7 hours.
Going to sleep in about 30 minutes, anyone else for a team invite before I head to bed? If you can't get on tonight of course we'll get you tomorrow.
If your still on i am not sure how to whisper u. Name is kyudo.
kk where you at?
Unless you enjoy soloing or have good enough Japanese to party up with native speakers, getting on any ship other than Ship02 is beyond pointless.
You guys have no idea how upset I am from this. I'm going to flip out if character creation is still locked when I get home in ~7 hours.
block 20 atm in the shopping district, by the weapon shop
ok, thanks![]()
can xbox 360 controller be used?
How long is this beta session for, all weekend or just today?
Until SEGA becomes satisfied with the servers performance and they see that the servers are ready for the game to be launched.How long is this beta session for, all weekend or just today?
Until SEGA becomes satisfied with the servers performance and they see that the servers are ready for the game to be launched.
Taking into consideration that english players can play in the Phantasy Star Universe japanese servers with no problems, no, I wouldn't expect any ip-block to happen.Oh wonderful!
Will we be able to keep playing after it's launched, or will an ip-block commence?
I called in sick at work today so I got to start at 4pm Japan time (9am German time). So I had no problem registering on ship2.
Still a bit confused about some stuff but that was to be expected. Hoping for an English patch to come soon.
I took my first steps during the pre-open-beta so I'm still a noob.
I haven't gotten any other quests than forest yet. Anyone know what is needed to play cave and city?
The time limit is 15 minutes and it's the client order from the silver-haired girl that gives you CO for the Mag.For Cave (Volcano?) I think you have to finish Free Forest (full run with Rockbears at the end) within a certain period of time. Might involve taking some client orders.
City, as far as I know, is only available during Emergency Mission events.
Forget PSU even was made.
It's not that it isn't safe there. It's just packed with weird dudes that like to role play and talk about how beautiful their characters are.I still won't get home from work for a couple hours. I just took a peek at the pso-world forums, had to back out slowly.
Much safer here.
Ok I've tried every trick in the book and I still can't get this client to download without error 12152. I've turned off my fire wall, I've marked the downloader as an exception in my antivirus software, I've turned off my antivirus software, I've changed the file location, and still no dice. I don't get this thing, I can only surmise that it has something to do with my wireless internet timing out because there's nothing else stopping it. I'm not going to download this if I have to be shackled to my computer, removing the error message and resuming the download every 60 seconds. This is torture.
Trying to login but I get this message. I assume it means my login is bad? I swear I registered this weeks ago with this username/pw. I guess I have to register again?
I'd like to think it was something on my end so I could resolve it and download this thing but I just tried it through a cable and it still gave me the error so I'm inclined to agree with you. I experienced the same problems during the pre-open beta when things were a little quieter so I don't know when this issue will be resolved.The update servers themselves are also being hammered pretty hard, so it might not be a problem on your end.
Authentication failed. Please check your SEGA ID and password and try again.
Is there a place I can do forget my password reset? I have a feeling my registration didn't go through maybe, but I did get a couple emails when I regg'd months ago or so
Use the SEGA ID, then select and complete one of the following:
-Full registered first and last name
-Date of Birth
-Entered security question and answer
Then enter the registered email address in the last field.
Crap, gives me this message
I guess I should just make a new account