o only played 15 minutes, but those 15 mins were ....good?
i don't know, after PSU almost killed my nostalgia for PSO, i'm cautiosly optimistic. seems simple enough that you can pick up and drop easy, but has some variation to add some spice. will reserve judgement till i'm farming weapons, but so far so good...
Just made a decent looking RAcaseal. It's crazy how much more effort they put into female character creation as opposed to male. I really think males got jibbed ;_; lol
I still prefer PSO characters. While PSO2 obviously has way more options, no matter if your human or CAST or ranger or hunter or force or whatever.... everybody looks the same. Boring.
I'm hoping the visual options open up a lot more as the game goes on... although I imagine most of the super cool threads will be in the cash shop.
Agreed the male options feel shallow
OK, well I've lost my patience.
Still can't create a character on Ship 2.
Starting the Forever Alone club on ship 7.
Still can't get in, turns out OB has a problem with Windows 8 (which I'm on) where GameGuard doesn't load thus the game never launches, even though it shows it running in Task Manager. Wonder what they changed since it worked in Pre-Open Beta and Closed Beta. :/
Does anyone have any idea how likely this is to come to the states?
Pretty damn likley due to English credits and them re-purposing the NA PSU team.
Whether it gets supported properly is another question entirely....
I find it much easier to complete this time and got to the second one already. One problematic node is the bottom-right dot on the first though.The matter board is killing my boner.
What is this asking me for? :/
It's a free to play game with a premium content which is mostly cosmetic. You get get xp/drops/instant res items though.So will this have a subscription fee? Is that what the bit in the OP about pricing was?
Still can't get in, turns out OB has a problem with Windows 8 (which I'm on) where GameGuard doesn't load thus the game never launches, even though it shows it running in Task Manager. Wonder what they changed since it worked in Pre-Open Beta and Closed Beta. :/
Am i doing it right?
Note its been stuck on this screen forever
Come to ship 2 loser D:Installed and started a character on Ship 10. Character creation is detailed as always. I wish they gave you a few more options to start with though. Combat feels a lot better than even PSU. Feels very quick and smooth. It does lack a certain amount of impact though.
Over the shoulder shooting mode is really nice and makes playing a Ranger feel a lot more natural on a keyboard.
Come to ship 2 loser D:
Character creation was disabled, you goof.
Read somewhere in this thread that that was no longer the case, man that sucks!
It takes awhile to download the updates.
Oh sweet god, stupid Sega. Once you create a character, you can't make anymore without spending 500 AC to do so. Apparently, you don't get the character slot back even if you delete the first character if I'm reading the in game prompts. What kind of half-baked morons are these people?