Hey there, Dylan here (this is my lurker account but I thought it was about time I came clean so I can address queries directly).
There is some kind of bug in the match code and we are working hard to fix it - as other people say, if it doesn't match in 20-30 seconds pop out and back in again... quite often it will match immediately. If it takes 30+ seconds it probably ain't going to match you. (sorry!)
As someone kindly re-posted for me, the matching is based on skill and ping - with the skill search getting wider and wider if no-one is around. Ping is fairly lenient too - I was playing someone from russia today (beat him) without too much lag (and he was using the mic too).
If you haven't already, it's best to connect your ps3 directly and not via wi-fi if you are playing online games with it. We found this helped enormously.
Thanks for all the compliments and support - we put a lot of love into this and of course some people might not "get" where we are coming from with some of the design etc., but that isn't their fault as such and we can only design games and gauge by what we personally have fun with!
A lot of the reviews say there is more shooting in this and it is more difficult... but I find that amusing as I storm through the stages killing all the enemies in chained combos with hardly a shot

It is more challenging sure, but with the hugely strengthened barrage missiles and spin dash we balanced that out (or we certainly attempted to!).
Oh.. and even though I've been making this for a year and should be totally tired of it - hell, the online vs is bloody addictive!! I don't know about you all but I only realised these few days playing back to back with real players (not testers) that it really gives off that old school Spy vs Spy vibe. Spread the word, let's get people playing it, I think we've managed to create a truly unique fun and highly addictive vs mode here and there aren't many games that have taken it this far.
(I now see the other ship scanning around for me when I close my eyes at night... in the way I'd see tetris blocks falling in my eyelids in the early 90s
