What should I spend my certs on first for LA?
I'd go for C4 first.
I've got guides for a bunch of things stocked in the OP.
What should I spend my certs on first for LA?
What should I spend my certs on first for LA?
I haven't played much of LA, but I would assume anything for your pack or C4.
damn the graphics in this game are mindblowingly good! Set render quality to 1.20000 and everything else on High = MIND BLOWN![]()
That's because you're on the same server as The Enclave. What'd you expect?
Which is why a few of us are eager for character transfers to come out. I put too much into this guy to lose since it's so slow to unlock things in this game so the only way out is when the transfer option comes. I chose Mattherson because it was an East server and my BF3 battle buddy was on it, but the team is ridiculous and literally every time I see some idiotic plan in motion, I see the [TE] tag on the majority of them.
There's a few good outfits on there, but it can't keep up against TE plans since noobs follow them due to their numbers.
It's the TEST dudes right?
I see lots of TEST on VS Mattherson. I think it's the reddit outfit.
Are any of the 3 engineer explosives worth investing cert in? I can't think of too many situations where C4 or mines would be that useful for an engy.
What's so bad about the Enclave?Which is why a few of us are eager for character transfers to come out. I put too much into this guy to lose since it's so slow to unlock things in this game so the only way out is when the transfer option comes. I chose Mattherson because it was an East server and my BF3 battle buddy was on it, but the team is ridiculous and literally every time I see some idiotic plan in motion, I see the [TE] tag on the majority of them.
There's a few good outfits on there, but it can't keep up against TE plans since noobs follow them due to their numbers.
I see lots of TEST on VS Mattherson. I think it's the reddit outfit.
Are any of the 3 engineer explosives worth investing cert in? I can't think of too many situations where C4 or mines would be that useful for an engy.
Some weird shit has started happening to me mid-game where the environment and well everybody just started flickering on and off like literally. I was walking in a sky for like 2 minutes. Logged out for now since it could just be my computer also.
What's so bad about the Enclave?
They're very one-minded and only organize huge "zerg rushes" as they call them where it's just a nonstop push to capture bases even though the other factions are just capturing the bases back right behind them or capturing other bases TR already had that were empty due to everyone wanting to be a part of the rush.
It's basically join the rush or die a million times since one man can't hold off a platoon.
Like yous said, there's not much incentive to defend. You really can't blame people going with the crowd since its just human nature.
What's the point of staying back and just waiting, when you could go forward and gain more points.
Another statement I want to make are most sundy drivers not knowing when to move it or where.
Also, somethibg has to be done with the portals you drop through. It's messed uo where you get stuck in them. I killed a poor NC soldier who's feet was hanging through by shooting his legs . Lol
What's so bad about the Enclave?
The point is to win and dominate the continents. I remember when games didn't have to reward people just to convince them to try and win. How is it sitting back and waiting to fucking defend a point you JUST CAPTURED. That's called the frontlines and believing that another faction won't take that back as you go off to the next base is naive. When everyone thinks defending has to be a boring game of sitting back behind the lines, there's a problem. Yes, some defenses require holding back, but holding the frontlines is hardly boring by anyone's standards when two platoons are heading your way. If that's boring compared to standing around with 100 guys capturing a point with no enemy in sight, then I'm a boring person apparently.
And no, you can get a shitload of points defending too. I was talking about incentives for small bases and holding off skirmishes, not when all of VS comes to take back the bases RIGHT after The Enclave moves out of there to capture the next one.
Yes, they need an incentive for defending, but that doesn't excuse the lack of common sense or urge to win on anyone's part. I blame those people for thinking they're getting more points by following the "zerg" and getting captures with no enemies in sight while others are in bigger battles that are even meaning there's plenty of combat to be had plus whatever extra points on top of that.
I blame modern gaming more than anything else and this notion that defending is a boring game of twiddling your thumbs. Yes, they need incentives just so people do it more often, but the point was that TE just captures and leaves while the other factions just take it right back. So how is defending against a counter-attack any less heroic than riding in a convoy and sitting for 10 minutes capturing a base? Think of it as a Battlefield game on a larger scale, and that's how to play it. Know where your teammates are going and where the weak side is and you'll find even more people that way. The problem is, you can't do that outnumbered 2v40 like we've been doing.
This is directed to most of my teammates. Hell, I got more points defending today than they did during their "rush" which failed once NC joined in and just too what we cleared out for them. I'm just saying that it shouldn't be all because of incentives. The big battles are fun, but one side is the defender in those battles and it's usually not TR because our bases are taken before anyone else notices and spawns in there.
Do you think it would be worth saving up for a new gun to get the grenade launcher attachment? It would take a lot of certs...
Ultra looks even better, but affects performance a bit.
I think it's partially to do with psychology as well. It's hard to feel like you are succeeding when you defend in this game. At least in my experience, defending is a neverending loop of repairing turrets, dieing, maybe killing a guy or two, dieing trying to get some support in the chat, then dying more.
It's easy to feel like you are winning when your group of 30 tanks roll up on a base and instantly lock it down.
Is there a way to keep the chain mini gun spinning (so it shoots faster)?
Btw I survive much better as LA and do better guess I will stick to that class.
Favorite method is few bullets from my gun (close range) than a knife to the head.
Also want to ask another question, should I wait/hold off on buying the new weapons for a sale?
I also noticed on TR side there is a vehicle bundle..I saw bulldog and rocketpods...plus many others, get it?
They're led by this guy.
Wish I had his live stream addy. It would be great to listen to it in the background for the rage while killing him and his boys in game.
Lol o buzzcutpsycho, we totally destroyed their attempt to take Eisa Tech Plant last night and apparently they raged about it on his live stream. I even killed him twiceCan't believe this dude is BR70 already...
btw if any gaffers wanna play with an outfit that generally roles 2 full platoons strong, AzureTwilight (AT) is recruiting
They're led by this guy.
NC or VS?
Does anyone know how to take high resolution screenshots in this game? I'd rather not use the steam screenshot function. I tried PrtScn -> paint but I just got a screenshot of my desktop.
I'm getting really bad performance of my 670 and i5-750.
In really busy fights, I get maybe 15-20 FPS. That seems way too low...
Jeez, I'm in the Enclave. I joined primarily because I want to have big coordinated efforts but I didn't know the leader was like that. I'm kinda scared to hop into their vent servers now.
What would make you continue to want to play with them after seeing that, with the knowledge that that behavior isn't limited to just him in that outfit
What would make you continue to want to play with them after seeing that, with the knowledge that that behavior isn't limited to just him in that outfit
NC or VS?
Does anyone know how to take high resolution screenshots in this game? I'd rather not use the steam screenshot function. I tried PrtScn -> paint but I just got a screenshot of my desktop.
VS http://azuretwilight.org/ Apparently these guys have been around since PS1 and use TeamSpeak for everything. While we defended Eisa last night, we had ~129 people in a single channel, was pretty epic
I'm getting really bad performance of my 670 and i5-750.
In really busy fights, I get maybe 15-20 FPS. That seems way too low...
Your CPU is the culprit.
Your CPU is the culprit.