Just wanna say YEAH! FREEDOM! ETC! to any NC gaffers. All... fourteen of you.
Weird how this game has instilled in me such a peculiarly strong factional allegiance. TR and VS are like, objectively shitty.
Can I get some details on this 1500 SC card from walmart?
By the way guys, I'm seeing the hobbit tonight so I won't be on until late night. In general Im on between 11 pm est - 4, 5 in the morning. That may change once I find work again lol, but for now I'm in video game heaven.
I really hope they cook something up to fix that "every faction grabs a continent" metagame soon. I want to play on the other maps too!
Maybe they could rotate out the continents or something. One continent could be locked to the faction that "won" and unavailable to join until another continent is taken. I don't know, anything to keep people from just border patrolling their "home" continent. Three continents and three factions is kind of an overly diplomatic split for a game about crushing your enemies and seeing them driven before you.
Your pie is yucky. It mostly tastes of oppression with a large dose of brainwashing. Naught but a measley fifth! of it excites my liberty buds.
EDIT: I'm in the market for suggestions of enjoyable, semi-regular PS2 streams.
Please don't suggest BCP.
Just wanna say YEAH! FREEDOM! ETC! to any NC gaffers. All... fourteen of you.
Weird how this game has instilled in me such a peculiarly strong factional allegiance. TR and VS are like, objectively shitty.
I usually run a platoon with ender31 in game and he has a twitch feed following our platoon. He's not a GAFer but our outfits have been doing joint ops nightly. I'll get his steam name tonight.
actually Bamelin can I get your Steam nameas well or you add me?.
Steam ID: Soi-Fong
Though, not sure if I'll be on tonight.. Just saw the news about the CT shooting.. Doesn't even feel right to play, but I don't know.. Maybe I'm just letting it bother me too much.
Looking to playing together with u again man.
This is something that really needs to be expanded upon. All of the structures are so one dimensional (like the structures used in Battlefield games), simple boxes that are dropped everywhere. They're used quite effectively and they do work well for the most part, but they would benefit immensely by making use of more abstract/interesting architecture designed around creating certain types of encounters, just as each of the structures in a Halo map for example are interesting and more vertical in nature.
Some of the terrain designs on Amerish are really nice and support this type of thought, but then they're limited by using the same toolbox of buildings that are used everywhere else. For anyone that's played Halo 2, an example would be Zanzibar, which is a really nice assault the beach sort of thing where you start at a low ground as an attacker, go up a hill with a moderately defensible wall that can be taken over and used by the attackers, a cool structure in the middle to influence the flow of engagements, and then a structure at the crest of the hill that has a bunch of different entrances/exits with a big center room and an overhanging second story that surrounds the bottom loft, where the CP would be.
Also about this, they're working on a feature to auto invite outfit members to outfit squads/platoons when they come online. The slash commands were added in the last patch, along with a bunch of other new squad functions, but aren't functional yet.
This is kind of how it will be when more continents are added to the game. Each additional continent will only have neutral warpgates and the warpgates are only linked to certain other warpgates on certain continents.
For example the VS home cont is Amerish. They'll permanently own one WGs on there and the other 2 will be neutral. One of the neutral WGs may link to Searhus, and the other to Hossin. On Searhus then there will be 3 or 4 WGs linking to something like Hossin, Esamir, and Oshur. On Hossin will be links to Searhus, Amerish, and Indar. etc etc. Eventually there will be quite a few continents that all link in a progressive sort of way. The fights of continental acquisition will be linear and not widely spread out, usually 2 faction colliding until a push is made towards the center continents that combine the front lines where you'll see 3 way fights. In this situation the fights will be focused a lot more linear, contrary to an assumption along the lines of adding more continents will just mean people jumping around everywhere like they do now, which doesn't lend well to focused and engaging gameplay.
What kind of details? It's this: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Sony-Universal-15-Game-Card/19530504
Treat it as a 2000 Station Cash card, double and triple the amount during Station Cash events. Just don't redeem the card as a subscription.
Once you've seen one Bio Dome/Tech Plant/Amp Station/Air Base, you've seen them all.
Once it's hacked it switches the spawn room to be owned by your faction. This would work because all SCUs are at least a 2-3 step process where you have to take down
2-4 generators before you even gain access to them. Make it take a while to hack and make the certification for it cost like 2000+ cert points. This would get rid of the studio spawn camps that
happen when you've already taken the base but you have those last 20 people sitting inside the spawn room doing nothing but taking pot shots from inside of their safe zone.
Again, this would work too because all SCUs are at least a 2-3 step process and if you have access to the SCU then you've pretty much won the base. This allows you to clear
out the spawn rooms before the base turns but still doesnt allow you or any other faction to spawn there.
I adored MAG. I adore PS2 even moreso.
The thing I like about ps2 is the same thing a lot of people hate ... The open endness of the game. Making your own objectives, starting your own little war by going to a deader frontline and watching it actively grow to engulf the entire continent in an apocalypse scenerio.
So many times my platoon has started a new offensive ... Situations are so dynamic in planetside. We've had times where we were all about to die/lose our base, but suddenly a friendly outfit (also doing their own thing) rolls in to turn the tide ... You never know where the next "huge" battle is going to take place unless you actively are seeking them out.
Honestly, it eerily feels like MAG at that. Though the factions "balancing" was a little tighter in MAG than PS2 right now. But if you enjoyed MAG, you will adore this especially. I welcome all former MAG players to this game at that.
Done. 4 Walmart SC cards.![]()
Thats excellent news since outside of KZ2 mp MAG is easily where I spent the most amount of time online.
Believe me, I was a huge MAG fan and could talk about that game for hours, and PS2 basically is MAG on a whole other level. Looks better, runs better, feels better, even larger battles, more opportunities for clan-play, and a setting that allows them to be very creative while keeping it balanced and this is only the foundation. Their future plans will make it my favorite game of all time if naval battles are done right which is something I've missed since Battlefield 1942.
SOCOM is my favorite franchise ever and MAG felt like a bigger FPS version of SOCOM to me so it was really a great game that was extremely underrated. Its ambition lead to some of its problems, but I overlooked it since it was so much fun and unique. I was hoping for MAG 2 after SOCOM 4 or at least a Vita SOCOM game but then all my dreams vanished.
In short, download it. Even if you just think its just "good" right now, keep an eye on it as they have big plans for this game. It's definitely another hardcore game similar to SOCOM, MAG, KZ2, etc. but expect a tougher learning curve with this one since it's so damn large that there's a lot of information to take in. Just be patient and don't write it off right away but you probably know that being a MAG player. Too many people did that with MAG when it took a while to get into it. Feel free to add me on Steam if you have any questions. ID is "Demolitio2"
I started as a noob and now I'm trying to teach my friends shit...lol
Man I am so excited. Ill definitely add you thanks man.
When everything was clicking in a match in MAG it provided satisfaction like no other mp game before it.
Hah, all the kids play Terran or Vanu. We NC stand as smallest in numbers but strongest in spirit.
I remember you playing MAG with us. It's a shame you were attracted to the purple spandex people.
I agree though. It's the dynamic battles that make it awesome. Now, that's not to say that I understand some people want a reason to fight in the game overall. But I think they have that planned and will eventually surface. Maybe in that January patch or outline whatever they're doing they'll say.
I remember you too
PS2 really did attract the MAG crowd. I'm not surprised, the things that made MAG great are all in planetside 2. I actually came to MAG from planetside 1.
To get rid of that annoying spawn camping that happens after a big base has already been 'taken'....they should really think about doing this:
Allow the SCU to be hacked
Allow destroyed SCUs to also take down all shields on the spawn room
LOL just realized I couldn't sign up for an account because I was using chrome. Is the game going to be confusing as fuck at first or can you actually have fun before figuring shit out?
LOL just realized I couldn't sign up for an account because I was using chrome. Is the game going to be confusing as fuck at first or can you actually have fun before figuring shit out?
So I was gonna get that MAX Composite armor (daily sale) but then I noticed this:
if you search for 'bundle' on the depot you can see some upcoming weekly sales. 'Form over function' sounds to me like it'll end up being all the different composite armors. That'd be pretty mean to make a daily deal something that'll be in a bundle the next day though.
Either way the triple SC sale will be up before the next weekly sales expire, so I'm gonna bet on my prediction. I don't really play MAX much anyways, although I would if I could afford two Blueshifts. Or if the Vanu MAX got a new gun that was actually on par with the other two factions.
Hmm this is quite a dilemma for me too, been wanting the Vanu Max Composite armor for a while...
I'm holding out on purchasing any armor. I'm expecting much more interesting designs coming down the line from SOE in the close term, and then there will be the player creation shop
I think the player shop is only planned to be for outfit decals right now.
Does the personal composite armor do anything? Is it extra armor, or just for show?
We need to get a GAF NC outfit going on Jaeger.
The best bio lab fights are the ones that have large swings in momentum including the SCU going down a few times. Either of those ideas make it nigh impossible to push out and repair the SCU & retake the base after the SCU has been blown. The game already heavily favors offense over defense lets not push it even further.
Q: You spoke to PC Gamer a year ago and mentioned that you have a three-year plan for Planetside, which you’d reveal post-release. Well, here we are – when are you going to tell us your plan?
A: That’ll be shared in early January. What we’re going to be doing is sharing it in six-month increments and – just like we did before release – we’re going to be really listening to the players. We changed our entire subscription model based on their feedback – we put it out there, we wanted people to comment on it, and we changed it. We’ve changed so much about the game based on player feedback, so we’re definitely going to do the same thing with our six month plans. What we’re going to do is let people know a list of things we plan to do, and let them decide the order they want it done in, and – if they hate it – we’ll just change it. It’s that simple. Rather than giving it our full three-year plan, we’re doing it in increments because that’s how far ahead we can plan for content releases. The meta-game in Planetside 2 changes constantly – so trying to predict what the game will look and feel like three years from now is tough. We have this idea of the major beats we want to hit – like player owned bases – but in the shorter term we’ve got things like eSports we want to focus on and all kinds of cool new ways for players to fight wars. Players are paying the bills, so as far as I’m concerned that puts them in the driver’s seat.
It’s likely we’ll have [an in-game tutorial] in the game by February, and we’ll be working on attracting more new users after that... We need to do a more efficient job of making the interface obvious, letting people understand the game intuitively, and the lack of a tutorial is a flaw in our design. If people don’t understand the game right out of the gates, then we’ve done something wrong. It’s a weakness and it’s something we’re trying to shore-up now.
Roughly 10% of the people on Planetside 2 actually spend money... We designed the game from the start almost completely ignoring the F2P business model – we just wanted it to be fun. And the way we see it is that the 90% of players who don’t pay are making the game fun for the 10% that do. So we look at the world in terms of how many people are playing the game, and not in terms of how many are paying.
I think free-to-play is pure for one simple reason: people can vote right away. If they don’t like your game they can just walk away because they didn’t pay anything for it – it’s the most democratic way to make games. And if they don’t want to pay for it now, our hope is that they pay for it later, but they don’t have to. So it makes me feel good that the games we make are being judged on their merit, not just how well we can market them
This screen is one we're working on redesigning in house right now. A lot of the suggestions you're making are similar to what we want to achieve:
less drill down to find what you want to change
faster access to change camo
quick switching weapons
unlock weapons directly from the weapon selection panel
I'll send this over to the UI team and see if they pull out any other nuggets of brilliance to use. Thanks for your suggestions, and keep them coming if you think of other areas of the UI that could be enhanced, seeing something like this really helps us concentrate on the areas that are most important to fix.
The minimap and spotting colors will be user configurable with two defaults:
1 - ally mode, shows allies as teal/green and enemies as red for all objectives, spots, terminal icons, etc.
2 - empire mode, shows everything in strict empire colors for all spots, minimap icons, etc.
You may customize beyond that, if you want NC to be marigold, VS to be brown and TR to be pink, it's all up to you.
I'm hoping to get this kind of user configurable color scheme set up for platoons, squads, outfit, etc. as well.
Edit: I should note, I realize this isn't going to solve every colorblind issue in the game, it's not supposed to, it's supposed to make spotting and objectives on the map and in the hud more consistent based on your preferences. With the user configuration it might be helpful to certain color blind players. Yes, there are many other things that need to be done to make the game "colorblind-proof".