When do I have to actually redeem it?
Like Iadien said, this Friday 12/21 for triple SC
When do I have to actually redeem it?
Max of entering 8 codes per day. The walmart cards will give 6k SC on the 21st, 2k normally.
e: here's the SOE support page on this
Sorry to bother again. But, this isn't exclusive to the walmart purchase right? You just get extra 500 SC? As in, if I just wanted to buy of the SC of the Store, I'll still get the 3x even though I'm losing out on the extra 500 SC from the walmart cards right?
I love total biscuit. Makes me feel like I should be in TR instead of NC but oh well I like NC better!
Red is my favorite color, so I joined TR. It's really as simple as that. No idea why people get so worked up over faction choice.
Couple technical questions:
1) What's the optimal FOV for a 1680x1050 monitor?
2) If performance is less than stellar, what options should I look to lowering first?
Hey, maybe someone can help me.
I downloaded this game a few hours ago, and tried to play it and got some kind of error. After launching the game, it gets stuck loading at 15% and then the process ends, returning me to desktop giving me an error: Game Error G99
I tried again just now, and same thing.
I'd love to give this game a shot.
Thanks, that def. worked. And was super fast. Good lookin' out.I think lowering shadows and reducing your render distance down to ~1200 would help (the bottleneck right now is serverside not clientside but you'll need to edit your ini files)
more info @ the link
Also since it seems like we've had quite a few new people in this thread, make sure to use your station ID to get some free SC
Hey, maybe someone can help me.
I downloaded this game a few hours ago, and tried to play it and got some kind of error. After launching the game, it gets stuck loading at 15% and then the process ends, returning me to desktop giving me an error: Game Error G99
I tried again just now, and same thing.
I'd love to give this game a shot.
Thanks for the idea about the Nostromo. I was wondering if anybody still made those. It's a bit rich for my blood, though, so I'll probably just keep futzing around with keybindings until I come up with something usable. It would have been nice if that thumbstick on the Nostromo could be used for analog movement, but it sounds like the 'stick is fairly unusable on it. Pity.
So, you guys actually map aiming-down-the-sights to the right mouse button? That seemed crazy to me when I fired up PS2 and I immediately remapped it. I guess it bothered me because in pre-2005 PC FPSs, the right mouse button was always "jump" (or the jetpack in Tribes), and on a controller, aiming is always the left trigger. But, since I keep getting killed before I seem to even inconvenience an enemy, I may need to try that approach. Do you guys consider aiming to be the second most important button to map? (After firing)
I think my main problem with the Vanu guns is that they seem weak, and thus I need to get a ton of hits in order to get a kill. I'll put several shots into someone's back, and they will still whip around and kill me. I tend to fire single shots, or very short bursts, because otherwise the muzzle flash makes it impossible to see the enemy. Basically, unless I get a lucky headshot right off the bat, I'm dead. Clearly, I need more practice.
Maybe I should just wade into a meat-grinder fight somewhere. As it is, I get killed, spend 20 minutes driving or flying, or sneaking around, get shot by an unseen enemy, and then repeat the whole process again. I probably get a clean shot at somebody once every hour and a half.
Oh, what is the deal with "spotting enemies"? It doesn't even put them on my mini-map, much less anyone elses. What's the point, other than giving away your own position by bellowing at the top of your lungs?
Couple technical questions:
1) What's the optimal FOV for a 1680x1050 monitor?
2) If performance is less than stellar, what options should I look to lowering first?
Wow, that 3x SC thing sounds great. It's too bad that I had already redeemed another card just a couple days ago. Still, I think I'll go grab a couple more. Where did you guys hear about this?
Bring on Friday!! Oh yeah!Walmart was practically out of these cards. They only had two left after I grabbed these 3. 18,000 SC, come to papa!!
Just had a question about Vanu LMG's. I'm currently using an LSW right now without any certs spent on it, but how's the new Vanu LMG compare to it?
Wouldn't it be 13,500 SC?
As has already been commented on, the Walmart cards have a bonus of 500 SC. It's hard to see the little square on the right that says it though.Wouldn't it be 13,500 SC?
Nope each of those cards give an extra 500 SC since they're from Walmart.
So 2000 SC each. 2000 x 3 = 6000
6000 x 3 = 180000
Nope each of those cards give an extra 500 SC since they're from Walmart.
So 2000 SC each. 2000 x 3 = 6000
6000 x 3 = 180000
Well, anyway I've made a vow not to spend SC on anything that's not on sale just to make it last longer. Will really only go for those bundles or daily sale if I see something good. But like most people here said, the default weapons are nice as they are.
you might be slightly off in your calculations there.
He's off by one 0 in his final figure, yes. Besides that, he's correct, he'll be getting $180 worth of station cash for $45.
I'd start a Walmart card begging thread for myself if I thought there would be enough demand besides me :/
I'd start a Walmart card begging thread for myself if I thought there would be enough demand besides me :/
Just say the new factions ad on the launcher which features Total Biscuit. He legitimately looks like someone out of Command and Conquer.
Is it truly free2play ie no subscription service?
There's a subscription service. Grants xp bonuses, faster resource and cert gains, free SC, etc.
I think I'm ready to download this, despite not knowing much about the game. I've only read a brief description from steam, saw some screens in the screenshot thread, and watched some videos on YouTube.That alone has pushed me over the edge. Looks amazing.
According to steam the game is 15gb, is this correct?
My system specs are:
i7 920 @2.67ghz
6 gigs ram
Nvidia GeForce 5700GTX
1600x900 resolution monitor
Win 7 64bit.
What graphics settings could I run it?
Is it truly free2play ie no subscription service?
Ok, but is the game completely playable without the subscription services?
Yeah I'll give them another try, but with the triple cash day coming up it's such a big risk sinking money into something I can't enjoy. I had these problems in the beta and Total Biscuit seemed to suggest the launch had improved things.Try again after they release the optimization patch maybe things will be better for you.
High enough that I should be able to run it. I tried what you suggested and I'm able to get 30-40 fps on 1280*800, but that is kind of insulting for 2012 in my opinion.What are your specs? Like I've mentioned before completely disabling shadows and flora in useroptions.ini works wonders
I think lowering shadows and reducing your render distance down to ~1200 would help (the bottleneck right now is serverside not clientside but you'll need to edit your ini files)
more info @ the link
Also since it seems like we've had quite a few new people in this thread, make sure to use your station ID to get some free SC
I hope server switching happens soon because playing this game solo is a crime.
Is it just me or is it really hard to take down aircrafts as a lone soldier?
I've even tried to take a choppah down in MAX suit with the AA-attachment, but nope - takes forever to chip down at its health.
Totally playable without subscribing or paying for it.
But, customizing your character is unfortunately pretty expensive right now, like we're talking about either grinding for 80 hours just to afford a single new weapon or paying $8 for it.
I think it is by design, ground AA is suppose to be a deterent not a hard counter to Air, Smedley said something along the lines that they expected ESF to counter air targets. That being said, I have seen how powerful dual burster maxes can be in clusters of 3-4. With my burster max (solo) I can take an enemy ESF down to ~ 1/4 health provided the full clip hits and a full clip into a lib tends to knock it down to 2/3 health. When using AA maxes try to work in teams with engies supplying ammo, it works much better that way.
What? weapons only take 10-20 hours to unlock the most expensive weapons depending on how you play. If you're terrible at shooters/PS2 it may take longer but 80hrs is a ridiculous claim.
I think it is by design, ground AA is suppose to be a deterent not a hard counter to Air, Smedley said something along the lines that they expected ESF to counter air targets. That being said, I have seen how powerful dual burster maxes can be in clusters of 3-4. With my burster max (solo) I can take an enemy ESF down to ~ 1/4 health provided the full clip hits and a full clip into a lib tends to knock it down to 2/3 health. When using AA maxes try to work in teams with engies supplying ammo, it works much better that way.