None. If anything, Sweet Tooth requires a tad more work to get kills for, but every character has their own pros and cons that make them all viable.
ST's supers require some adjusting, I think his 2 and 3 and near worthless, but his one is fantastic. I enjoy playing ST solely to hit that super. His 2 can actually be used Radec-style to get insta-kills, if you are in the crowd and just pop it instantly, the radius is big enough to KO more than one person, but generally, his Super 1 is his best. I definitely think his 2 and 3 need to be more viable.
And he has great moves. Mine dropping always throws off my enemies, and the flamethrower is great to trap people for a partner's super. Also, I love using the throwing knife to stun an enemy in the air because they never expect that move.
This is a great way to look at, thanks for validating my addiction.
Plus when the retail game comes out you will have 14 more characters to learn and more importantly learn to face, and 12 more stages. Oh Dreamscape how I miss thee. Anyone else miss that stage?
Oh god yes, I miss Dreamscape SO much. But I wish the stage had more exciting LBP music: or the one coolbgdog linked. I like Buzz, but I like the level as it is, it's just so fun the way it is. I wish it was more like the concept art, in terms of the chockful of LBP content it had.
Trust me this game will LOADS of content because like you said the full game based on what we do know will have the 14(or MORE) characters, more stages, more modes(Story mode and other leaked modes maybe.), and even more things we probably don't even know about.
Oh and I really do miss Dreamscape. .
I've poured hours into all the betas, it's all I ever play, and Im still not tired of this. When I get tired of one character, I go try another, then I go back to my original (Sweet Tooth) because I miss him so much. Only now am I getting used to Sly, and getting better with Parappa. Still haven't really messed around with Fat Princess.
So 14 more characters, new stages, new modes, I'm going to be playing this to no end.