This game has practically Playstation 1 levels of presentation, but the stage graphics, the character models, and their animation, are not bad. Not anywhere even remotely near "bad". Or ugly, or amateurish.
It's a four player fighting game that runs locked at 60fps, with the Vita version enjoying the same performance without hardly any visual sacrifices (even fully animated stages).
This game's only problem is UI and presentation framework, and that screams "no budget" more than "no talent".
I whole-heartedly agree. Fighting games are usually graded on their presentation, and if half of the game looks great, while the other half looks meh, it really makes the worse half even worse. It's not hyperbole, it's the truth. Superbot didn't have a big, bloated budget, they had to watch their asses and get the game out the door so they can make bank.
Still, it's kind of lame that they kept asserting that the current in game assets were "placeholders", that the real deal was coming in the final build. Welp, they didn't even bother to make the bland menu any nicer. The character select screen is basically the same one we've seen in previous beta builds ... it really makes you wonder how much a nice, shiny character select screen really would have cost them in both funds and development time.
Hopefully it sells enough to warrant a meatier sequel, because the overall presentation and roster is pretty lacking. The characters that people were screaming for aren't present (no Final Fantasy rep, really?), and there's pretty much no hope for them to ever get into the game. We're getting Kat and Emmett, which should have been in the game from the get-go, but clearly they had scheduling issues and just wanted to get the game out the door.
Honestly, if they're hoping those two characters will help in Japan they're wrong... only Kat will IMO. Most Americans don't even know who Emmett is, do they honestly think the Japanese will recognize him? If they wanted to really sell the game to the Japanese they'd have Lightning from FF XIII, and you guys have no idea how much it pains me to say that.
Instead we got Big Daddy, Dino, Evil Cole and two stages with Bioshock representation in it ... clearly the wrong idea of the face of Playstation, IMO. I know I'm not alone with that. I've said it before and I'll say it again - they should have just done all first/second party characters before any third party made the cut, so there's no argument over the validity of their inclusion over one another. Still mad that we got Evil Cole, if it wasn't clear enough

I love the inFAMOUS franchise too.