What're we at now, four in a row?
We were, until that glitchy-ass match happened : (
What're we at now, four in a row?
Jak combo is so pitiful. why superbot....
I love Jak, but I can't play as him in PSABR at all.
... god damn slowest shipping of all time. Wont have the game til the 28th now... bleh so much stuff I want to do with the game![]()
..... all this time you were discussing you didnt have the game? >_>
Even in the commercial Sackboy is OP.
I won 4 straight matches last night with Dan. All against high ranked Dante and Kratos players. Low tier? LOL!
Ryu Hayabusa is coming. Accept it.
I agree though.
My Sweet Tooth just beat 3 Sackboys in FFA Ranked. Feels good!
Ryu Hayabusa is coming. Accept it.
I agree though.
Well done. Were you able to manage that with only level one supers?
Whatever SuperBot has in store for DLC in the future, I hope they don't pluck anymore characters from the hack 'n slash genre. Enough with that shit. Kratos, Dante, Nariko and Raiden are more than enough for one game.
He said no more hack, and slash not shit from a hack.
He said no more hack, and slash not shit from a hack.
Well they already have Kratos covering that one so no need for Hayabusa.
PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale - The Break Room
Even in the commercial Sackboy is OP.
Mink, read the pm!This is amazing
Mink, read the pm!
Sackboy doesn't piss me off nearly as much as Raiden, Sly, and Kratos, but he could definitely use a bit of a nerfing.
The AI doesn't but after being completely demolished in a match where even when I fell down I was stuck underneath a electric mat and stuck in a endless loop, it did.
I was wondering why so many people were complaining about him. The team I faced knew how to use every exploit in the book.
At the very least, they should make the sticker thing random like Raiden's level 3 where you cannot see the face. It would give the person a fighting chance at hiding, or atleast not respawn as stickers.
is this game worth it for vita version alone?
I got stuck in a 2v2 match where my partner died right away and a Ratchet would suck me up into his gun, carry me into the corner, spit me into the corner, and level 1. Because it was in the Hades level I couldn't roll out of it, and if I stood up to jump I'd get hit. Was horrible.
No I meant if you press square, x, triangle or circle it will explode.
Did you try holding down the block button while you were on the ground to stay down longer? Or does Ratchet's level 1 last too long?
is this game worth it for vita version alone?
His 3 is pretty monstrous if I'm not mistaken, much better than Sly's or Radec's.
I got my **** wrecked by a level 999 fat princess and sackboy. They were definitely in cahoots but I felt that they used every cheap trick in the book.
I haven't really been playing online so I have been getting some quick footing. I know there are no cheap tricks. Its just the playstyle of each character I guess.
In that case, I find that sackboy is a terrible playstyle. Spamming projectiles from a distance is annoying, and he gains AP way too quickly.
Whats worse is despite me saving up all my lives in this stock match and being good at running away from supers, when he got to a level 3 I had no defense because the fat princess kept blocking my way from getting out both times losing both of my remaining lives in a three stock match.
Left a bitter aftertaste in my mouth, and I still can't get over it despite winning the following 5 random matches and calling it a night.
No amount of wins is ever going to help me get over that loss. I didn't get a single kill and my teamate (evil cole) was even more useless than me and lost all 3 of his lives near the start.
After that, I seriously think that he should be nerfed, because in the right hands and amazing player, the playstyle just feels dirty. Reduce his AP gain, idk. Or atleast prevent players from acting like that, because you are so vulnerable against his level 3. Even by slowing it down as ratchet in the suck cannon a few times its impossible to stop someone like that.