Our guy in New York says the Square Enix bandwagon just rolled into town. :O
4 shootbangs...
He said big guns not big yawns.
I want to see platformers, racing games, future racers, combo heavy action games.
Sony money-hatting? Megatons confirmed?
It might be cross-gen but IMO there is not a chance in hell it will be PS4 exclusive. They've been cooking this game up for a very long time. They'll want as large a market to sell it to as possible.
LOL. Where the hell are they getting their numbers from?
By the end of 2012!?:
Awwwww shiiit. They are integrating it into PS3? Their blog says it's under the "What's New" section.
Yes, look in the "What's new" icon on the XMB.
Thanks guys, I did say "not" Home but thanks anywayUnder What's New apparently!
My predictions:
-little genral talk about PS brand
-ps3 games [ascension trailer, last of us trailer, beyond live demo] & pricedrop
-vita games [new 1st/3rd party games] and pricedrop
-simple brakdown of ps4 hw, introduction of OS and services, techdemos and 2 livedemos of new IP 1st party games. 3rd party present only in sizzlereals / screenshots / techdemos. No price, no precise release date, no PS4 case design
-promise of big E3 reveals
-GT6 to close the show
This is more than enough to bring the GAF servers down.
The article is saying traditional core gaming is dead! Fuuu. I don't want that to get clicks!
Has there seriously not been an asset leak yet? How is Sony doing this? Fucking impressive.
Kaz gonna rip his shirt off Hulka-a-mania style and flexGeoff Keighley ‏@geoffkeighley
Heading to the studio to get ready for today's PlayStation Meeting broadcast. Sony is bringing out the big guns tonight.
it will be some uncharted game to close the show.
FINE. someone kazify this. Kaz Not Tickled
Protip: Besides, the obvious, he will be there at the MS event.
Our guy in New York says the Square Enix bandwagon just rolled into town. :O
That's what early generational money hats are for. Sony pays towards development costs and/or marketing costs and gets a 3rd party exclusive. Like Microsoft and Gears.
I hope not. Not uncharted this gen please.
I'm talking about design assets. Press materials, decks, photography, branding etc.we already have controller, PS World domain leaks
I've been with the gaming industry for a decade, both professionally and as just a regular gamer trying to find the next games that rub me the right way.
Honestly, the last time I was this excited about an event or console was when I walked into a Blockbuster video and got my hands on Mario 64.
Who else is doing their own supplementary event coverage tonight? I know IGN are doing their thing during and after the announcement, but who else?
Probably from their chief economics editor Stephanie Flanders, her judgement has always been off (she dated both Ed Miliband & Ed Balls)
Isn't Polygon a MS owned subsidiary? I avoid that site entirely. In fact I just avoid Vox media sites altogether. It's all sh*t.Protip: paying attention to that guy is hazardous to your health.
I have been thinking a lot about my building excitement for tonight's conference. I think back to how the original Playstation was this insane piece of hardware at first, that only my "rich" friends had. The shape of the controller, using CDs and how amazing the graphics looked just floored me. However, when the PSX really took hold of me was with the release of Gran Turismo. GT and Sony Playstations are inseparable to me. I have enjoyed better, bigger more realistic racing sims on my PC for decades, but nothing compares to the enjoyment and excitement I get out of a new Gran Turismo game.
GT6 footage with a possible 2013 release date or early 2014 tonight will rupture the hype train boiler for me.
Anybody? D:
Yes. Though the preshows start an hour earlier.
Holy shit sonAwwwww shiiit. They are integrating it into PS3? Their blog says it's under the "What's New" section.
I also hope we won't only get shooters.
I'm fine with that genre but if +50% of announced games are shooter I'll be disappointed.
Probably from their chief economics editor Stephanie Flanders, her judgement has always been off (she dated both Ed Miliband & Ed Balls)
I hope we get some indie / PSN games in 4k, that downsample for 1080p TVs.We will see Fantavision 2 in 4K to end the show.
Lol, my professor said versus is being shown tonight for the ps4, source from a friend in the gaming field. (Multimedia teacher)
Fun Fact: he know NOTHING about games let alone vaporware. I am fucking hype.