Quickie Reviews
Transistor (ps4 / played half via remote play)
Possibly my GOTY. Absolutely brilliant. Great art design and overall feel - it's like a noir deco JRPG with western cyberpunk sensibilities thrown in. Music is fabulous. The music and fantastic voice overs (rarely cutscenes, usually just short little asides) really build the atmosphere. Combat mechanics are top tier -- you have a selection of subroutines (think spells) that can be put into slots to be primary weapons, modifiers, or passive (for example, one might boost health as a passive, or add a steal health modifier if modifying something else). Combat is hybrid real time and turn based - when you're charging up for a turn, you can run around, and then when you're charged up you can set up a complex set of moves that execute instantly --- it's hard to explain, but super fun and tactical in execution. My biggest criticism is the game is too short, though ng+ adds a lot of difficultly that really highlights the combat system.
Highly recommended. Worth every penny.
Titan Attacks!
Space Invaders with an upgrade system. It's smooth and fun, but far too easy for my tastes -- I beat the game, all worlds, and got 95% of the trophies on my first game. Granted, I'm very skilled at arcade style score attack games, so ymmv. All i have left to do is grind out one stupid trophy (destroying some ships causes an alien to fall -- if you catch him you get bonus money... you need 100 for a trophy).
Fortunately, finishing the game starts over on round 1 with a double score modifier... unfortunately you retain your power ups and enemies don't seem stronger... so I'm not sure how I'm ever going to die (maybe they are stronger and I just won't notice for a few worlds).
It's a solid little game... but it's more a $2-3 game than a $6 game, let alone whatever it's non-sale price is. This is coming from someone who buys games like TxK and Luftrausers day 1 full price willingly and lovingly. Unfortunately, Titan Attacks simply doesn't have the length or challenge... whereas Luftrausers is purely endless with no levels at all, it's far more addictive/challenging.
MUD Motorstorm update
Just discovered the server has been taken down so the platinum is impossible. Curse the sky, and curse online trophies. Still, it's enjoyable, and perhaps now I'm free from trying to grind out some of the 'buy all helmet' type trophies.