Sound like they need to make another Chou Aniki for the Vita. That game was amusing.
That would be awesome, I'm a big fan of that series. But at the same time, I we need more than that. As much as I applaud the Cho Aniki series for its absurdist take on hyper masculine gay tropes in Japanese media, we do need to progress beyond that.
Too often the sexuality of the muscular male characters is treated like the punchline of a joke. Not always in a malicious way, but it's still the overwhelming theme to their portrayal in Japanese media. Or even worse, the muscular dude says something flirty/silly and the pretty boy MC flips out in a panic. Or we can only vaguely hint at any sort of gay sexuality/acceptance, it can never be plainly stated. It's always the gag ending, or some recurring joke. I'm totally over that.
Gimme some hot gay dudes in sexy outfits. Let me fight with them on my team. Let me interact with them in a meaningful way. Let me romance them.
Let them be full fledged characters.
I'm tired of waiting. I'm tired of the "a ship this big is slow to turn" excuse. Get a new damn boat then. Stop wasting my time developers, and give me some freaking content to support wholeheartedly, not some occasional scraps that I'm supposed to be grateful for. Who are we waiting for? Anyone that would stand in the way of this is not worth considering, because they will never be happy unless others are suffering.[/rant]
Hours Left, Chilly and I should create our own little club since we have so many similar opinions regarding the representation of men in japanese games.
Word. That's actually why I like GAF so much, because usually everywhere else I'm met with resistance or some lame excuses.
And the thing is, I'm not interesting in breaking off into my own videogame "country". We don't need to be separate in any way. There's room for everyone at the table!