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PlayStation Network Thread (Vita/PS3/PS4) | September 2014



Whelp. Finally it's here.

Is that your "female anime faces" page? (Giving SSD a pass to make that work) I wonder if I could fill an entire page with just "female anime faces" games. Oh whoops, edited out the second part cause it looked like you were talking about Neptunia being unpolished with the way the quote formatted.

Totp: Buy Neptunia Re;Birth so you too can start building your female anime faces collection!


I'm getting too old for this...
Lost in the Grancel sewers (Trails in the Sky) and I have no idea where to go, just going round in circles, not even finding the entrance again...
What I always do in dungeons when I'm lost is just hug a wall and move in one direction, entering each door as you reach them. Eventually it'll take you to a staircase or your objective or something more quickly than randomly treading the same ground again and again, and at least you'll have a better idea of which rooms you havent checked yet.

I only just played through Trails a couple of weeks ago. Grancel sewers isnt a big map
, the first two times you enter it as you go to separate portions. You could just draw a map or use a guide if you're stuck. If it's the third time, you've now been given a map that marks the route to a new area, check it out in your inventory.


Just realize my PS4 charges my phone way faster than its charger. What witchcraft is this?

Is that your "female anime faces" page? (Giving SSD a pass to make that work) I wonder if I could fill an entire page with just "female anime faces" games.

Totp: Buy Neptunia Re;Birth so you too can start building your female anime faces collection!

That's actually pretty easy if you own a Vita, but for your question, no, that's my "currently still playing" screen, lol.

Next month is pretty rough for my wallet. 3 Vita games (one import), along with 2 PS4 games, and Civilization Beyond Earth. Not to mention the potential of sale on PSN.


Aw maaaaan, Rebirth ruins Uni's voice too. Nepgear is still okay. Don't have Rom and Ram yet...probably wouldn't notice even if they changed 'em though.


I haven't had a chance to play it yet; did they change everyone's voice actress?

Not everyone, but Uni, Noire, Peashy (who just uses nepgear's lines) and Blanc all sound quite bad. Also lots of the rerecorded lines from the same voice actresses sound a little lamer (plutia's). Noire and Blanc are the only major fuckups since they're in the story, Vert, IF Compa and nep sound fine. Hope IFI does a better job next time. It's not a dealbreaker (I actually tried but really can't switch over to the JP voices) but it's pretty annoying to know they won't use NISA anymore.


Not everyone, but Uni, Noire, Peashy (who just uses nepgear's lines) and Blanc all sound quite bad. Also lots of the rerecorded lines from the same voice actresses sound a little lamer (plutia's). Noire and Blanc are the only major fuckups since they're in the story, Vert, IF Compa and nep sound fine. Hope IFI does a better job next time. It's not a dealbreaker (I actually tried but really can't switch over to the JP voices) but it's pretty annoying to know they won't use NISA anymore.

I haven't invested enough time in Mk2 to really care about Uni or Peashy, but it sucks to hear they messed up Noire.


I haven't invested enough time in Mk2 to really care about Uni or Peashy, but it sucks to hear they messed up Noire.

Peashy is Victory actually. That case is mostly just pathetic, her lines are obviously just Nepgear's. That didn't happen to anyone else and White Heart still has her lines (but not as good). Also Uni will be a major part of Rebirth 2 so hopefully they get their shit together and all the original VA.

I guess NISA must hold rights to the original recordings or something because they re-recorded perfectly fine voice clips even for the DLC characters that never talk in story so they didn't really need retouching at all.

Quite surprisingly, Histoire's lines are good even in combat though. It's so weird that only half the cast got messed up.

Also Blanc is barely even angry in CPU form now. It's pretty sad :(


Does anyone else have this tendency? I got about $65 in my PSN wallet, and I really am just itching to get something with it. I recently got a PS4, and I keep looking at the games that are on sale(Murdered, and Thief), but not sure if they're worth it. If I didn't get one of those, I'm really tempted to get something like Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate because I remember kinda like Dynasty Warriors 3 back in the day, but not sure if I'd still like it today.

I'm the opposite. I hate spending credit, I'm a total miser with it, saving it, saving it, waiting for the perfect sale to maximize it. My wife laughs at me for it, she spends credit anywhere almost instantly... she no longer considers it money, but 'free' stuff.


question about the Vita, my bro has one and was wondering if i buy my own memory card and stick it in, will it mess up his system data/psn profiles etc?

Unless you factory reset every time you swap cards, you will need to use the same PSN account. Which I assume is not what you want to do.


Well, a bit of a difference between an eagle as an icon and a close up of boobs, but who knows if they will actually change it or not.

I get the feeling it was an eagle because of Nintendo not because of western audiences


I need info on Defense Grid 2, Castlestorm, and Frozen Synapse.

FWIW Defense Grid 1 is great, haven't kept up to date on 2. I had no idea it was coming out so soon.
Didn't have a lot going on last night so got bored and started customizing my vita screens. Used the awesome thread here for images.

On topic though...I must have been half asleep but I bought SAO Hollow Fragment last night lol. I also see youtube reviews on my tablet still pulled up..least I did research before buying it lol.


I haven't really played most of your top five and I haven't finished Gravity Rush yet. :)

Maybe it's time to do so.

If I finally had choosen Muramasa over Gravity Rush as one of my favorite Vita games we would have agreed in 3/5 games.

Not so bad. I personally liked Muramasa more than Dragon's Crown, all things considered. Both are really good games though.

Happy that I'm not the only one that has Toukiden in his top5! I'd like to know if TK is finally going to bring Kiwami to the West or not, and if they're going to bring a retail version to Europe. I want to play it!


I need info on Frozen Synapse.

I think it's kind of like XCOM. Turn based strategy or something like that. Here you have some info!


The PS2 sold like 50 million units after 360 launched, I'm guessing that's why

I know PS2 kept selling for a while after 360 launched (PS2 was a beast), but I would've thought three years was enough for people to move on. Anecdotally, every "hardcore" gamer I knew had moved on to a 360 or PS3 by 2008, and all the "casual gamers" were all about Wii at that point. I knew people in 2007 still hanging on to their PS2s but by '08 I can't remember anyone (mostly because the Wii had gotten big by then).

I actually remember 2008 pretty well, as that was the second half of my first year of college, and everyone had a game system in their dorm. Funny, because it was almost exclusively either Xbox 360s or N64s.


Blah, so close to the platinum for Velocity Ultra (decided to go back and finish it up after 2X came out) but I have boring tedious trophies left. I hate when I finish the difficult trophies for a game and have only the slog through tedium trophies left (though isn't it always like this?). If I did the hard part, I might as well push through for the Plat, but I wish it didn't have to be so annoying. Lunar Lander, really? I hate that game.


Whatever happened to the game teflontactics teased? If I recall he said post TGS. Any word on what It might be?

He said he would be telling us what it was referring to once it's announced.

As I said, I was expecting a new game/sequel from a talented indie dev. My bet were on either Drinkbox or Futurlab, and after the "Velocitease" about something being announced on tuesday on PSBlog I'm thinking more about the latter

Edit: I thought that the tease could be about a V2X DLC, but a sequel could be a valid guess as well since
the final scene in V2X in which Vokhs are invading the Earth has 2215 written on it and the ending itself is a big cliffhanger


You mean people don't turn off the home menu BGM within 5 minutes of buying their Vita? (´・ω`・)

Though I suppose there could be some good tunes with the themes.

Wait. Wait a second here. You can turn off the BGM? If this is true and you aren't maliciously trolling, you have made my entire year by opening my eyes to this. Also you have unintentionally made me feel like the dumbest individual alive.

I learned how to quick mute my vita solely because of how annoying the home screen BGM is.


Didn't have a lot going on last night so got bored and started customizing my vita screens. Used the awesome thread here for images.

On topic though...I must have been half asleep but I bought SAO Hollow Fragment last night lol. I also see youtube reviews on my tablet still pulled up..least I did research before buying it lol.

It wasn't really my kind of game but I hope you enjoy it.


Is fibbage out? Thought it was on the blog but can't see it. Is it a good family game, or better for a group of grown ups?
Didn't have a lot going on last night so got bored and started customizing my vita screens. Used the awesome thread here for images.

On topic though...I must have been half asleep but I bought SAO Hollow Fragment last night lol. I also see youtube reviews on my tablet still pulled up..least I did research before buying it lol.

You did not make a mistake friend. I put close to 100hrs into my Asian copy. Out of all Vita games I played this year I would say so far gameplay wise, this one was IT for me. It was so different from everything I have tried and there's so much depth to it. Silly fan service aside, the game ranks pretty high up on my Vita games list. Looking forward to their announcement for the next iteration on the 5th of next month!
You did not make a mistake friend. I put close to 100hrs into my Asian copy. Out of all Vita games I played this year I would say so far gameplay wise, this one was IT for me. It was so different from everything I have tried and there's so much depth to it. Silly fan service aside, the game ranks pretty high up on my Vita games list. Looking forward to their announcement for the next iteration on the 5th of next month!

What if the gameplay AND the fan service is what got me interested? >.> lol
You people like the vita BGM? Weirdos

How good is Batman Arkham Origins: Blackgate on Vita? Specially for someone who loves the Arkham series.

I'd say it's pretty alright. I've beat every Arkham game except origins console and I'd say it's a nice twist on the Arkham formula. I'd recommend getting it on the cheap, I got it on sale for $5 or something like that from PSN and had a blast.
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