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PlayStation Network Thread (Vita/PS3/PS4) | September 2014


Oh man, oh man. I like you but you keep doing it wrong. That's been out so long you know it will be out on plus soon. Don't get games that old if you are a plus subscriber unless you like to be disappointed. For example, my birthday present (me and pooboy have the same birthday month) was Destiny PS4+ the season pass. Now that game isn't going on sale/free ANYTIME soon for a fact. And I have to say, for a game I got for free, I quite like it. :)

You can never make a wrong choice when buying a great game like Tearaway, especially if he wants the physical version. I say he made the right call.


Minesweeper is really easy. Take a break, sleep on it, and try again tomorrow. It's all about looking at corners. Once you've played for awhile it's practically automatic.

Yea I think that is what was getting to me, knowing it was easy and knowing I was still failing. But luckily, I decided to give it one more try tonight and go slowly and methodologically, and lo and behold I was able to beat it! Agh, feels good to have this platinum:


Now to start on the Velocity 2X plat!

Edit: Also, I am glad the Flickr app works again, but man Flickr sucks. What a pain in the ass to just get a link to my damn image, it was actually easier to download it and upload to imgur for a link.


Oh man, oh man. I like you but you keep doing it wrong. That's been out so long you know it will be out on plus soon. Don't get games that old if you are a plus subscriber unless you like to be disappointed. For example, my birthday present (me and pooboy have the same birthday month) was Destiny PS4+ the season pass. Now that game isn't going on sale/free ANYTIME soon for a fact. And I have to say, for a game I got for free, I quite like it. :)

But I didn't pay for it, it was a gift lol. Besides, I don't really care about it going on Plus or on sale or something. I only hate it when it happens literally two and a half weeks after the game comes out. *stares angrily at his copy of NHL15*

You can never make a wrong choice when buying a great game like Tearaway, especially if he wants the physical version. I say he made the right call.

^^This poster gets it.



Forgot to note, if you ever feel like playing the old Ar tonelico 1 & 2, then don't touch the localization of the 2nd game. It's utter shit. Mistranslated terms, inappropriate expression leading to wrong impression of situation, missing translation, and so on.

Instead, there is a re-translation project (which I first heard about them is 2009) for Ar tonelico 2 from dedicated fanbase that's in the final testing phase and will be releasing in the near future. I imagine the problem with be finding a way to play it.

Tabata adressed the question in an interview today on how Vita fans can play Type0 HD. He said you can always just remote play it. :)

Should I be thanking him? I should, shouldn't I? Seem like Sony's marketing is working wonder.


Forgot to note, if you ever feel like playing the old Ar tonelico 1 & 2, then don't touch the localization of the 2nd game. It's utter shit. Mistranslated terms, inappropriate expression leading to wrong impression of situation, missing translation, and so on.

Instead, there is a re-translation project (which I first heard about them is 2009) for Ar tonelico 2 from dedicated fanbase that's in the final testing phase and will be releasing in the near future. I imagine the problem with be finding a way to play it.

Ah, yea just read something similar in the Ar noSurge thread. I still have my PS2 hooked up to an old CRT so I checked ebay to see what the older games go for and dayum they are expensive. I wish that the first one at least was a PS2 classic! I wouldn't feel bad playing the second game with a translation patch on something like PCSX2 if I owned the game, but not for like $50 used on ebay!

Pretty good birthday present, if I do say so myself.
Leave me alone now, Flightmare and Flandy. I'll pick up P4G when I head to EB Games later this week.

Great choice, be sure to not rush through it. Approach it the same way you do with a sunny day after several weeks of rain :)


Great choice, be sure to not rush through it. Approach it the same way you do with a sunny day after several weeks of rain :)

Wasn't expecting such a poetic response :p. I'm definitely going to take my time with it; first I need to clear out some of the backlog though. Danganronpa 2 isn't going to finish itself!


Yea I think that is what was getting to me, knowing it was easy and knowing I was still failing. But luckily, I decided to give it one more try tonight and go slowly and methodologically, and lo and behold I was able to beat it! Agh, feels good to have this platinum:

Now to start on the Velocity 2X plat!

Congrats on Ultra plat! Before you start your V2X plat, read this:


The critical ones: 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 10, 11

When I say critical, I do mean it. You might as well start learning some of the key techniques early because that's easier than adapting later. Some of those really helped me get my plat.


So guys, i want to know if im missing something but i think this TGS was very good even for Vita, I tried but finded hard to make a list like this for 3ds. this time i saw more content towards Vita. Gravity Rush missing and all. Look at this:

Vita TGS 2014 Announcements and updates

Unity Pro license will be free for devs on PSM/PSN!

Project Phoenix (JRPG)
Zodiac (JRPG)
Chaos Rings 3: The Prequel Trilogy (JRPG)
Rise of Mana (JRPG)
Tales of Hearts R (JRPG)
HD Neptunia Re: Birth 3 Victory (JRPG)
Luminous Arc (TJRPG)
Dungeon Travelers 2-2 (NSFW JRPG)
FF Agito plus (F2P-JRPG)
Stranger of Sword City: Black Palace (Dungeon JRPG)

God Eater 2 burst (Monhun simil)
Phantasy Star Nova (Monhun simil)

Earth Defense Force 2 Portable V2 (3rd p' Shooter)
Danganronpa: Another Episode (3rd p' Shooter)

Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (Fighting)

One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 (Hack n Slash)
Bokosuka Girls: TGC (Hack n Slash)
Senran Kagura Estival Vs (Hack n Slash)

New Way of the Samurai (Samurai sim)

Dramatical murder re:code (VisualNovel)
Code: Realize (VisualNovel)
Flowers (VisualNovel)
Captain Earth (VisualNovel)

Heroes of infinity (Dota Simil)

Touhou Fan Games (SHTMUP)

The sun and the moon (2d Platformer)

SteamWorld Heist (tbsg)

Clock Tower(Project Scissors) (Survival Horror)
RE: revelations 2(?) (Survival Horror)(Neither confirmed nor denied)
Poltergeist: A Pixelated Horror (Puzzle Game ala Polterguy) Not from TGS thou, i include it anyways
Nova 111 (Rouge like)

What im Expecting for the rest of the Year:

Oct 14th for Shinovi Versus.
Hotline Miami 2(?)

VitaGaf help me with this list i dont want to miss anything .Im kinda excited fo the bolded ones.
-Bokosuka Girls debut trailer
-Clock Tower spiritual successor headed to PS Vita, iOS, and Android
-Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax adds Valkyria Chronicles characters
-Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth set for spring 2015 release
-Dungeon Travelers 2-2 announced for PS Vita
-Earth Defense 2 Portable V2 – details and screenshots
-Earth Defense 2 Portable V2 – new trailer
-Final Fantasy Agito+ announced for PS Vita
-God Eater 2: Rage Burst – new character, weapon, Aragami, and screenshots
-God Eater 2: Rage Burst – new trailer, anime series
-Gundam Breaker 2 hits Japan in December, new trailer
-Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd getting Mikudayo DLC
-Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3: V Century announced
-Luminous Arc Infinity details and screenshots
-Persona 4: Dancing All Night – delayed to 2015, new trailer
-Persona 4: Dancing All Night – message from the team
-Phantasy Star Nova new trailer and collaborations
-Stranger of Sword City launches January 22
-Sword Art Online III announced
-Zodiac RPG announced for PS Vita, iOS

These don't include the Pre-TGS stuff I think.


The real motifs unravel later on (SR2, mainly). Eventually it won't be that simple, but yeah - in SR1 you do have to kick Kain's ass. ;-)

For what I read about Blood Omen is basically this:
Kain dies, Kain rants, Kain decides to kill the 9 dudes that protect the cristals that protect the world, he times travel and do cool stuff, he finally kills them all, but he is The Last Guardian! So he needs to kill himself too in order to save the world. But he doesn't, so the world is doomed.

In Soul Reaver you're one of their servants that get cool wings and is killed because super-duper no King of the World Kain is jealeous. Some kind of God resurrects you and told you that you need to kick Kain's asses.

Game is quite good, especially considering most non-turn based PS1 games usually feel a little clunky. I think the version in the Store is the 60hz NTSC one. Animations are good for its time but a little clunky. I decided to watch a part of a Let's Play since for some reason I missed the first CGI cutscene and the dude must have been playing the DreamCast / PC version. Animations are a lot more smooth there!

My only problem is the lack of Dualshock support. I've mapped L2 and R2 to the right stick, but not being able to move the camera up and down makes the platforming a little more hard to control (I like seeing my shadow to know where I'm landing)

Tabata adressed the question in an interview today on how Vita fans can play Type0 HD. He said you can always just remote play it. :)

That sentence must be in everybody PR books as of now.

Bring Digimon CS to the West Baaaaaaamcooooooo!!!!! :D

The Adventure 3 series has my hyped. It's like a childhood dream that has finally happened. Hopefully they'll dub it to Spanish. I may do something unusual and get the Blu-Ray version if the series is good.

If they remaster the original Adventure though I know what to
hint to my friends for my birthday.


Girlfriend got addicted to Danganronpa, so I guess I'll ask for DR2 as a birthday present so she can go on with despair. Everyone wins. I think.

If I have the platinum on ps3 (and loved the game) do you think it's worth getting on vita for what would essentially be a repeat no-trophy playthrough + dlc? I'd buy it in a second if I hadn't already beat it a few times... but it's so much harder to justify the purchase with that plat under my belt.

Tough call. You could do it to check on Gaige, Krieg and DLCs 1+2, but it's nothing you can't do/get on the PS3 version. If you already feel burned out from playing the main campaign many times, I'd advise you to save the money for now.
Unity license will be free for devs on PSM!

I thought that this was for PS developers and unity pro because they also talked about ps4 developers (and PSM doesn't exist on ps4).

Project Phoenix(Zodiac) (JRPG)

This are two different games

Heroes of infinity (Dota Simil)

Is this confirmed?

RE: revelations 2(?) (Survival Horror)

Do we have this confirmed(just watched the ps asia conference and they said ps3/ps4)?

Poltergeist: A Pixelated Horror (Survival Horror(?)

I Think it's more of a puzzle game with a ghost theme

Nova III (puzzle game)

Rouge like with some realtime mechanics

Great list, I have corrected some things that I found questionable or incorrect.


Unity license will be free for devs on PSM!

I thought that this was for PS developers and unity pro because they also talked about ps4 developers (and PSM doesn't exist on ps4).

Project Phoenix(Zodiac) (JRPG)

This are two different games Really? , in that case my bad

Heroes of infinity (Dota Simil)

Is this confirmed? http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=896957

RE: revelations 2(?) (Survival Horror)

Do we have this confirmed(just watched the ps asia conference and they said ps3/ps4)? Nop and thats why there is a question symbol there but we dont have it denied either. so until then or confirmation there will be no more platforms for the game i thought we could put the game on the list as there was a rumour about a Vita version. And the game looks like it could run on a Vita.

Poltergeist: A Pixelated Horror (Survival Horror(?)

I Think it's more of a puzzle game with a ghost theme Fixed

Nova III (puzzle game)

Rouge like with some realtime mechanics Fixed too

Great list, I have corrected some things that I found questionable or incorrect.
Thanks for the corrections!


The Amiga Brotherhood
Guys, SAO: Hollow Fragment OR One Piece: UWR + Valhalla Knights 3?

I have a slight preference towards SAO, but OP and VK3 are both on sale right now, and the sale ends tomorrow. What do I do? Oh, and if anyone has a PlayAsia coupon to give away, I'd appreciate it.

I haven't played OP:UWR but VK3 is not as bad as people say, most of them don't even know what it is, it's almost the Vita of Vita games lol.

Some people just look at the sexy minigame and despise the game as a whole as the worst thing ever, apparently an optional minigame where you touch consensual adult girls that like you(and in the end love you, leave their work to follow you and you can put them in your party) is not as acceptable as mandatory beating and stripping of 12 years looking girls against their will. To each his own i guess.

The game has many faults(mostly aesthetic imo) but if you are not a fussy one then the game is fun, addictive, long(i played it for 90 hours), with very deep character building, i paid full price and i was happy with it, but i'm in minority lol.

If you want to be safe just buy SAO.


I haven't played OP:UWR but VK3 is not as bad as people say, most of them don't even know what it is, it's almost the Vita of Vita games lol.

Some people just look at the sexy minigame and despise the game as a whole as the worst thing ever, apparently an optional minigame where you touch consensual adult girls that like you(and in the end love you, leave their work to follow you and you can put them in your party) is not as acceptable as mandatory beating and stripping of 12 years looking girls against their will. To each his own i guess.

The game has many faults(mostly aesthetic imo) but if you are not a fussy one then the game is fun, addictive, long(i played it for 90 hours), with very deep character building, i paid full price and i was happy with it, but i'm in minority lol.

If you want to be safe just buy SAO.

I like VK3, but I don't think it's the minigame that turns people off. Tedious grinding has essentially put me off playing the game, as I always feel underleveled when starting a new quest. The combat itself just isn't satisfying, which is quite unfortunate considering the majority of the game is spent killing enemies. It's not as bad as people make it out to be, but it's still pretty flawed imo. I did love the world building, I was really invested in the game's universe. If it hadn't been so grindy I probably would have finished it.


Heh, okay. I bought Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth.
This game is pretty funny.

Yeah, the writing is great. The first game gets a lot of flak, but the writing really made me fall in love with it. Probably my favourite JRPG.

Maybe more ppl than me have missed this smaller game that apparently is coming to the Vita.


It reminds me of stealth inc (and that is a good thing)

Oooh, this looks cool.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I like VK3, but I don't think it's the minigame that turns people off. Tedious grinding has essentially put me off playing the game, as I always feel underleveled when starting a new quest. The combat itself just isn't satisfying, which is quite unfortunate considering the majority of the game is spent killing enemies. It's not as bad as people make it out to be, but it's still pretty flawed imo. I did love the world building, I was really invested in the game's universe. If it hadn't been so grindy I probably would have finished it.

Yeah it's grindy, but fights involve many enemies and resolve is less than a minute, so killing a certain number of enemies is not that bad imo, a different story is getting a certain number of enemy drops, that's long.
About boss fights, most of them didn't give me problems, only for 3 or 4 i needed to grind.

Did you change character class often? Because that's how the game is meant to be played, sticking with the same class is not productive, the points you allocated to stats remain no matter the class, if you change to a class with lower level you will level up faster allocating more stats points in less time and the character will become stronger faster.


Yeah it's grindy, but fights involve many enemies and resolve is less than a minute, so killing a certain number of enemies is not that bad imo, a different story is getting a certain number of enemy drops, that's long.
About boss fights, most of them didn't give me problems, only for 3 or 4 i needed to grind.

Did you change character class often? Because that's how the game is meant to be played, you don't have to stick with the same class, the points you allocated to stats remain no matter the class, if you change to a class with lower level you will level up faster allocating more stats points in less time and the character will become stronger faster.

No, I actually did not. I was aware that stats carried over, but didn't know you were supposed to switch classes frequently. Thanks for the tip, maybe I'll enjoy it more the second time around!


The Amiga Brotherhood
No, I actually did not. I was aware that stats carried over, but didn't know you were supposed to switch classes frequently. Thanks for the tip, maybe I'll enjoy it more the second time around!

That's how the game is meant to be played!
You know i'm one that like to stick with a class, i have never liked subclasses or class changes, but VK3 manage those things very well imo, the resulting character building mechanic feels really deep to me.
Yeah it's grindy, but fights involve many enemies and resolve is less than a minute, so killing a certain number of enemies is not that bad imo, a different story is getting a certain number of enemy drops, that's long.
About boss fights, most of them didn't give me problems, only for 3 or 4 i needed to grind.

Did you change character class often? Because that's how the game is meant to be played, sticking with the same class is not productive, the points you allocated to stats remain no matter the class, if you change to a class with lower level you will level up faster allocating more stats points in less time and the character will become stronger faster.

If the minigames are optional I might like this game, but on the other hand I may be a pretty shallow person but I will never play it until they have released a patch that changes the art direction. :|



Pretty good birthday present, if I do say so myself.
Leave me alone now, Flightmare and Flandy. I'll pick up P4G when I head to EB Games later this week.

Congrats :D! Wonderful game that shows off the Vita perfectly :). Damn shame the game struggled to sell when it came out :( (release it alongside the PS4 launch, Mario 3D World and Link Between Worlds! I'm sure it won't struggle to sell :D...... You are stupid Sony X().

It isn't a hard platinum either (was my second one on Vita :)), so that is another plus for the game too :D.

Hope you enjoy it :); one of the best games on Vita in my book.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Another VK3 tip for Tapejara, always have 3 classes for each character!
The first one is the main one and determine level, stats, equipment etc, the other two let you use their abilities!
For example you can have a character that is a warrior-like class(now i don't remember class names! XD) as a main class that is able to heal and shoot magic if you put priest and mage as sub classes!

If the minigames are optional I might like this game, but on the other hand I may be a pretty shallow person but I will never play it until they have released a patch that changes the art direction. :|

No patch has ever changed the art direction... Maybe they should.

Characters during dialogues look ugly but imo in general the game is not so bad looking as some people say




Imo worse looking games were not despised as VK3(or not at all, or even worse they were praised for how they looked O_O ), VK3 is just an easier target(like Vita in a certain sense lol)
The moment you finish the first you are going to feel the need to run to your nearest store / PSN and buy the second one too. But that's normal. I've been reading a fan translation of DR Zero here and there and goddammit if this series isn't amazing. Even in book form they are able to make me despair.


Just got an email from Sony about a Paypal offer running between the 22nd and 3rd of October where if you top up £50 you get £10 credit free.
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