The game which must not be named.What game?
Criminal Girls.
Also, weird error. I got that too.
TotP: Buy Neptunia Re;Birth 2
and Criminal Girls.
The game which must not be named.What game?
From previous page...Sorry, I know I'm jumping in on this late. How are Kick & Fennick and Reel Fishing? Any impressions yet? ....
Played the two Vita PS+ games this month for a while (Kick and Fennick and Rogue Legacy) and they were quite fun.
I really enjoyed what I played of Kick and Fennick so far. Great visuals style, tight controls, really fun gimmick (the lack of a jump button and relying on your movement with the gun reminds me a lot of Bionic Commando for some reason.....guess I'm thinking of the gun being this games equivalent of the Bionic Arm?). The design for Kick is....meh at best (he just at parts in the game :l) but I like the look for Fennick
. I really enjoy the game so far and I'm glad it launched through PS+; means more people will give it a shot
Playing the Aeternoblade demo...
Is it just me, or does this feel like a mid/late era PS2 game?
I'm enjoying the game I mentioned before, the game is quite nice, even though it feels pretty simple. So far, so good.
Also weird prompt from claiming Rogue Legacy for Vita..says I need to complete trial? Whats this mean?
So this guy played the first hour of the Spongebob Vita game on youtube....he was so bored he barely talked. One of his comments was something like "That framerate, wooooof" It looks soooooooo boring, and runs like shit compared to the footage of the 360 version I've seen.
Oh, and someone has a playthrough of the 360 version on youtube in 6 parts....the whole game is not even 2 hours long. Then the game tells you to go back and get the few trinkets you missed to get the real ending.
Eh, I've been playing a new game and it took me a while to actually get to the demo.That's what I wrote a few posts ago![]()
Suikoden I & II are up on the european stores but you can't apparently download S2 directly from the Vita:
I hope it's just a bug and it will be corrected soon
I think it'll pass. I wouldn't read too much into it.
I may be misremembering but I really can't remember any weeks without PS+ discounts previously. 3 in a row seem more than a coincidence.
I really like the demo of Aeterno Blade. Like, I had way more fun playing that than I did anything new I got off PS+ today, tbh. I want it, but this thread made me think twice.
When does the UK PSN store refresh?
There are PS+ discounts in this week's update.
When does the UK PSN store refresh?
Just played a bit of Criminal Girls and wow they weren't kidding with the steam censorship. They might as well have just taken that part out of the game.
When does the UK PSN store refresh?
I may be misremembering but I really can't remember any weeks without PS+ discounts previously. 3 in a row seem more than a coincidence.
Yeah I thought of all that as well. I'm not really worried and I think it would be a stupid move, but it's not like Sony doesn't ever do stupid thingsIt's odd, certainly. It could mean something. It could mean nothing. It would be foolish for them to get rid of the discount since it obviously spurs lots of purchases (I know it does for me), so I err on the side of 'wait and see' rather than assuming it's gone and laying blame on PS4 online or whatever. They may just be doing some basic market research to see how much sales are affected by the lack of discounts, or it could be something else entirely. Ultimately, discounts spur purchases... it's not like Sony loses money on sales.
Tesco uk is(was?) selling Vita for £49.99! :O
I wonder if I just should get the japanese version. It's cheaper too.
There's no DLC, right? two games will be available on PS Vita by the end if the day.
NiceGod Eater anime by Ufotable this summer. Holy shit.
God Eater anime by Ufotable this summer. Holy shit.
Movie, OVA or TV series?
God Eater anime by Ufotable this summer. Holy shit.
God Eater anime by Ufotable this summer. Holy shit.
Well, I guess that kills the "no more PS+ discounts" conversation.
Admittedly, I'm not sure why that conversion started after only one sale not having PS+ discounts, but still.
God Eater anime by Ufotable this summer. Holy shit.
I'm not sure what should I expect for the quality, though.
God Eater is bleh but Ufotable is the second best animation studio out there. I won't write it off for them alone.
Doesn't look like it, no.