When will this game grace my Vita dangit!
If you guys expect great things out of God Eater just because it's ufotable you're bound to be disappointed. They sure as hell ain't gonna treat it the way they do with the Fate franchise.
A lot of games like Crash Team Racing and Crash Bandicoot that aren't licensed for Vita in the US.. I lost a bunch when I migrated cards.
Welp, based on your and Paraih's gameplay comments I guess I'm in. I'll buy it next week, about 75% done Mind Zero and have been enjoying even more lately - starting at a certain point the difficultly kicks up a notch (I'm playing on expert to begin with) and now combat is even more interactive, plus I have lots of skill cards to experiment with. Dungeons have also gotten better... though I'll still never understand why spinner/teleport traps still exist now that automapping is prevalent. Those traps were awesome back in the days of grid paper... but now? They make little sense.
how much is the game?
I remember seeing this on the 3DS
So there's going to be new songs for P4D? Can't wait for 2015's GotY to be released.PERSONA 4 DANCING ALL NIGHT AWESOME OP
I don't even know why I had this tiny little sliver of hope that Brandish would release today. I mean, nothing was pointing towards it. And here I am, again feeling dissapointment. Well, no Day-1 from me anymore, will get it when it's on sale later this year.
So there's going to be new songs for P4D? Can't wait for 2015's GotY to be released.
I went out and bought a vita today. I've been eyeing one for a while, but Rogue legacy tipped me over the edge. I managed to get it installed, but about 80% of the time when I'm trying to look at the download list it bombs out with "failed to connect to the psn network in time". I hope that's just because this is new game day and it's really busy.
Anyway, loving them both so far but I think I'm going to get some serious thumb cramp on the train.
Kick and Fennick is a nice surprise, quite fun to play.
When that happens, I just close the Store App (pull the sticker down) and reopen it, that should work.
Fuuuuuuuck that's so good.PERSONA 4 DANCING ALL NIGHT AWESOME OP
I think in general publishers would benefit from worldwide simultaneous releases for smaller titles. There was quite a bit of talk and excitement before and shortly after the US release, which has led to many people picking the game up. That has mostly slowed down now. There's no need to get the game on day 1 anymore since you can't be part of that conversation anyway. EU people are less likely to notice the game because the thread is almost dead. You can't get that hype and word of mouth back for the EU release. Pushing games out as soon as possible just doesn't seem to have any benefit to me. And if a single person can get it done, I'm sure XSEED could do it.
Is Rogue Legacy actually 1.5 GB on Vita? My 64 GB card is filled to the brim...
Aye, that worked once or twice, but it seems to just be acting up generally. I found the bit of the website where you can click download to vita, so I'm doing it that way instead. Good times!
Man, hope I'm not too late! My Vita recently died. I didn't want to buy a new one, as I have the white Assassin's Creed LE OLED Vita. I never want to part with it. Once I got around to starting the repair process, Sony quoted me about $130 (give or take), and they also assured me that I would be definitely getting back either *my* White Vita, or one just like it. Notes placed on the order about the LE, as well. Just have to wait for my box to arrive, and then wait for the repairs. While not optimal, especially if you are craving Vita, it definitely saved me from upgrading to a 2k model, and spending at least $70 more than I needed to. I want one, don't get me wrong...but not now. Maybe when my launch day 3g Vita dies...NopeI searched for a 1K replacement model but i couldn't find one so i will be ordering a 2K model tomorrow!
Buy it! It's well worth five bucks. Not to mention, until the PSX GTA games get released in NA, this is the only way you can have a "traditional" GTA experience on a handheld.Does anybody know if GTA: China Town Wars has been cheaper?
I found myself having to grind during my Expert playthrough of Mind Zero, no strategy would get me through the bosses. That said, grinding was pretty mindless, I'd do it while watching Netflix.
Is Rogue Legacy actually 1.5 GB on Vita? My 64 GB card is filled to the brim...
I'm pretty dang sure it's way less than that, more like 400MB. It probably requires double that to download + install though
I haven't grinded at all on expert, just 100% dungeon exploration. That's one of the things I really like about the game - it's balanced so that the beginning of every dungeon is quite challenging, but by the very end of a dungeon I can usually auto-battle (or, perhaps, auto-battle after I kill the hardest enemy). And then the boss is challenging but beatable.
I know you beat it already, but did you level your cards? Also, did you tend to forget about boosting? I don't use it except for boss battles, so I figure it's very easy to forget about it. But careful use of boosting gives multiple heals/cures/attacks per turn can lifesave.
For bosses,I use Sana to immediately debuff their armor with Armor Break, then use Kei's +++ or ++++ elemental one hit attack, then with Leo use Tiger/Phoenix Form (depending on which I had at the time - it's the upgraded Fang Form you find in a chest pretty early). I focused all card upgrades on combat and attack buffs (font of fury, etc). Sana is my healer / debuffer, Kei can also heal in a pinch, and Leo can cure status ailments. Bosses go down fast, I haven't had an issue since a very early dungeon where it took me a few tries. I have a bunch of level'd cards for specific elemental defense, etc, that I thought I might need for bosses... but so far, I just keep my basic dungeoneering card set.
I've found elemental attacks are pretty much a waste in my opinion. They require a bunch of card slots (you'll want a slot to increase magic attack, a slot for the attack(s) themselves, and a major/greater boost card)... whereas if you use a non-elemental attack card (like tiger form) you free up a couple extra slots for buff cards and often do the same/more damage w/o worrying about their strengths/weaknesses. For example, Leo often does more damage than stuff Kei's water skill is strong to. I almost never attack bosses with Sana... in fact, her only attack skill is 'armor break'.
USPS is so dumb here right now. Same thing they did with Sword Art Online package last week:
To Denver, then to Golden for no reason, then back to Denver like "oh yeah, this guy doesn't live in Golden at all, wtf?" - 2 days late for nothing. At least this time I didn't have to call and get it redelivered... yet. They'll likely do the same thing with Firefly Diaries LE and I'll have an anxiety attack.
Ps store lists the combined siZe of a game for ps4+ps3+psv instead of each version.I'm pretty dang sure it's way less than that, more like 400MB. It probably requires double that to download + install though
I guess I'll wait for a Steam sale before buying Noire.
USPS is so dumb here right now. Same thing they did with Sword Art Online package last week:
To Denver, then to Golden for no reason, then back to Denver like "oh yeah, this guy doesn't live in Golden at all, wtf?"
I did upgrade all my skills, always used the best ones for my characters and took advantage of bosses weaknesses, but still wouldn't get anywhere if I didn't grind a little. It's required to get the platinum trophy anyway, so I did it all during my Expert playthrough.
They're really going to port them all, aren't they?
ah! the 2K with all its upgrades is still solid!
what are you playing these days anyway! man I hope Kiwami comes out sooner :/
no luck with eBay or such?
Yikes. That shouldn't be happening multiple times. Once could be a glitch. If you don't already, I'd suggest you start using your full zip code + 4... that might help? I'd also call my postal office and explain the issue just to see if they can eyeball whatever is causing the problem. I mean, it could just be terrible employees, but so much of the service is automated now it seems like the machines might be misreading your address for some odd reason until a human in Golden goes 'nope'.
Just like the brazilian postal service lol. My HRAP v4 did the same kind of travelling last year.
Didn't know Unmechanical Extended is out next week:
Never picked it up on Steam, always thought it looked cool, and forgot about the Vita version tbh.
Ps store lists the combined siZe of a game for ps4+ps3+psv instead of each version.
This IFI steam stuff kinda bugs me. I want the LE swag but would prefer to play on PC if it's a solid port, at least for the Vita games. I guess at least this way I have a physical copy too