Yeah, there's definitely more of it than usual. I love it though, so I'm not complaining.
It's not just more, it's also more intense. If this is the direction they're heading, they're really turning Neptunia into a Senran Kagura and it's not just the matter of copying it for one game (Neptunia U).
Are the February PS+ games still going to be downloadable for free until they announce the March ones?
Seriously? I am still at the start and haven't seen anything out of normal... I'm guessing that things escalate over time?
Chapter 6when you interact with the generals you just recruited. You'll get the CGs and know what I'm talking about.
Interesting month. Every week has something that might get me to drop some dollahs into my account.March 3
March 10
- Helldivers (PS4, PS3, Vita)
- OlliOlli2 (PS4, Vita)
March 17
- DmC: Definitive Edition (PS4)
- Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number (PS4, Vita)
March 24
- Jamestown+ (PS4)
March 31
- Bloodborne (PS4)
- Axiom Verge (PS4, Vita)
Can I play Monster Monpiece without sexually harassing my Vita, or is that mini-game mandatory?
Yes, the tapping honestly isn't that bad.Can I play Monster Monpiece without sexually harassing my Vita, or is that mini-game mandatory?
Yes, because hotL#NiQ would have won if I voted.![]()
Yes, the tapping honestly isn't that bad.
So... i'm okay skipping Jak (never played any in the series, but like Ratchet, Sly)? And i'm okay skipping Ben 10 even though i like racers?
I want to skip both, because the $10 bucks or so can certainly be better spent. That doesn't make it easy to skip them.
All I picked up were SAO, VK3, and Tiny Troopers. (i own some of the others already). I feel incomplete for only spending $25 when I was inches from spending $100 for that refund.
you don't need to rub, if that's what you're concerned about. you do need to tap. seemingly random-ish places on many cards, but strategically placed on others to the point that you'll test those places first to see if it's the right place.
Yes, the tapping honestly isn't that bad.
OK, as long as I don't have to give my Vita a handjob.
y no flandy in wall of shame
Do you ever get some sort of fast travel in Tales of Hearts R?
Yep, right at the end of the game.
Well, I did. A whole three hundred handjobs on my Vita.
This month. Damn.
Hey PSNGAF. Kiwami. Let's do this.
This month. Damn.
Hey PSNGAF. Kiwami. Let's do this.
Im looking forward to Helldivers, I hope its good. Hoping for a sale on Counterspy
I can't believe Kick & Fennick only lost by 1 vote. I'm still glad it got 3rd, it was a really fun little platformer.
I can't believe Kick & Fennick only lost by 1 vote. I'm still glad it got 3rd, it was a really fun little platformer. And I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Project Cars got pushed to April.
If Oreshika comes out in EU and is similarly priced to the US, I'll probably pick it up.
Then it's either Tokyo Twilight if it turns out to be as good as it looks or Bloodborne.
Or Persona Q if neither turn out well.
It's 20
I can't believe Kick & Fennick only lost by 1 vote. I'm still glad it got 3rd, it was a really fun little platformer. And I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Project Cars got pushed to April.
Also voted for K&F. March GotM should be interesting, lots of titles.
Edit: how is the Ratchet and Clank trilogy on Vita?
Senran Kagura SV. Fun game, but the fan service is extremely over board and no way to avoid the clothing rip mechanic. This is coming from someone that just came from DOA5.
y no flandy in wall of shame