I Wanna Be The Guy
U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
So what's the consensus on Littlebigplanet 3? My sister keeps asking me to get it and I've been holding off for some reason.
So what's the consensus on Littlebigplanet 3? My sister keeps asking me to get it and I've been holding off for some reason.
What screen protectors do you all use for OLED Vitas? I have one left over from the 2000 but I assume that won't fit. I noticed a second tiny scratch so I guess I might as well ugly up the 1000 to protect it. They expensive now...
I typically lurk rather than post, but wanted to add a +1 to Wordpress. (It's what we use at psnstores.) Lots of customization, plugins, etc. available for any sort of site you want small or large. Takes a bit more 'setting up' but I think it's worth it in the end.
I wonder if we'll ever get over the weirdass holiday-focused release model with dead summers.
I'm using a HORI one I got at launch, but I've seen that the one I'm using is now being sold for around 25 bucks.
So what's the consensus on Littlebigplanet 3? My sister keeps asking me to get it and I've been holding off for some reason.
Either way, two rhythm games on the same system being released on the same day is a terrible idea.you guys are underestimating how popular IA is.
I don't care if you're a pop idol. i don't care. I don't. I really don't. shut up and give me my plat.
Either way, two rhythm games on the same system being released on the same day is a terrible idea.
I like to plat games I truly love, some devs sure don't want me to though. Like that Katamari Forever: get EVERY item trophy. What the fuck was that shit. There are over a thousand unique items and no guide as to what items are in what areas. I played the game front to back and was missing like 20. No way I'm done.
Good lord. I guess I should just stop using it but it's easier than swapping carts with 2 games (I am a very lazy spikeball).
So I was on the grenade tutorial on my Vita for Helldivers. For the life of me, I couldn't hit those 3 targets 10 feet away. Tried for almost an hour. Kept getting errors trying to joining an online game. My frustration was through the roof trying to play this game. Its not enjoyable at all on the Vita. Said, screw it, gonna play it on my PS3.
Stella's Dungeon is back in Nep Rebirth 3, all is lost.I'll probably still buy the LE but wow fuck Stella
You wanna talk about lazy, I bought P4G digitally on sale when I already own it physically just so I wouldn't have to swap carts to play it anymore.
I... quite enjoyed Stella's Dungeon >.<
(Though I'm not a trophy chaser)
I love that I don't care about trophies nearly enough to go through all of those hurdlesOnly plat I got was VLR, and that was simply because I played the game from start to finish
Resogun: Heroes & ResoGun: Defenders - PS4
These two DLCs add two new modes each for $5 each. It is more Resogun and if you don't like Resogun you aren't going to like these. Two of the modes are just changing around objectives. Heroes's Demolition removes your gun and just has you bomb around pinballs which I didn't think worked. Defender's Commando seemed like a LittleBigPlanet creation complete with terrible Arnold Schwarzenegger impersonator quotes but was a lot of fun to be little guy protecting the city and changes the formula a lot. They added new enemies and art throughout these modes. Fun but not essential. The vanilla Resogun is much better than anything in this DLC.
Lol, exactly the same here. Even the same game!
I like to plat games I truly love, some devs sure don't want me to though. Like that Katamari Forever: get EVERY item trophy. What the fuck was that shit. There are over a thousand unique items and no guide as to what items are in what areas. I played the game front to back and was missing like 20. No way I'm done.
Resogun on Vita is not just very low res, it's also 30 fps.
I couldn't get into it at all, deleted it pretty fast.
I love that I don't care about trophies nearly enough to go through all of those hurdlesOnly plat I got was VLR, and that was simply because I played the game from start to finish
This is pretty much me. If I love a game or a platinum/100% is fairly easy to get, I'll go for it. For instance, I'm playing Transistor right now and I'm absolutely loving it so far, so I'll probably end up platting it.
But certain games are just unenjoyable or too complicated to care. Conception II was just bad. I can't see myself ever really going back and getting a platinum unless I just totally clear out my backlog and don't have any other games to play (not gonna happen).
This is pretty much me. If I love a game or a platinum/100% is fairly easy to get, I'll go for it. For instance, I'm playing Transistor right now and I'm absolutely loving it so far, so I'll probably end up platting it.
But certain games are just unenjoyable or too complicated to care. Conception II was just bad. I can't see myself ever really going back and getting a platinum unless I just totally clear out my backlog and don't have any other games to play (not gonna happen).
This is pretty much me. If I love a game or a platinum/100% is fairly easy to get, I'll go for it. For instance, I'm playing Transistor right now and I'm absolutely loving it so far, so I'll probably end up platting it.
But certain games are just unenjoyable or too complicated to care. Conception II was just bad. I can't see myself ever really going back and getting a platinum unless I just totally clear out my backlog and don't have any other games to play (not gonna happen).
I have a weird relationship with trophies.
I've never looked at anyone elses, I never look at mine. But they effectively let me feel like I 'beat' the game in a way beating the game doesn't. So I always go for the plat, if I can.
This started just with games I loved (Uncharted, D*Souls, etc) but once I started doing it it spread to all games. Oddly, I don't care about percentage -- dlc lowering my % doesn't bother me, and if a game doesn't have a plat I don't care if I get 100% unless I loved the game.
The biggest issue, for me, is that means I invest a lot of 'hassle' time into games going for the plat -- be it finding collectibles, or doing stupid time consuming shit... then, i finally realize how that last trophy is complete bullshit and will take me X hours of stupid shit, and I look back and realize I"m already so vested in getting it... and sometimes it sets off my gaming ocd and i need to grind for it, and sometimes i'm able to escape the gravity and run away from it.
I wish games didn't have trophies. It actively fucks with my play style, and I'm more apt to start up a shitty game that has them than I am a psp/ps1 game I want to play. And this is coming from someone who couldn't even tell you their level, or how many plats they have... it's just a gaming ocd thing. i don't even have ocd in 'real life' with everyday things... it's completely gaming related.
I'm the same way with puzzles of any sort too... i'll sit at a hard crossword all day till i solve it. Plats just... make it exponentially worse. I don't want to just beat games, I want to master them... and i don't feel like I mastered it if I don't have that plat. combine that with time already invested before i realize what a hassle it is, and it's... craptastic at times. (i still like getting them for games i love, like TLOU, racing games, etc)
There are people into the genre that don't like MH,like myself.
Indeed, and there are people that don't own a n3DS, or PS4, or any other console really too. But think of the bigger picture Hikami, do you honestly think this is a good time to release this game?
It really bugs me the more I think about it. Late April/early Mai and it'd be in way less competition and attract a whole lot of more people, which would lead to a more populated online experience and a more interesting community. With this release I just don't see that happening, heck, I don't know if I have any time to play myself and I friggin loved the original and am hyped for all the additions, but it just goes up against some real heavyweights.
That is my problem too... See I was already thinking of NOT buying Bloodborne this month as crazy as it may sound. I'll be getting Type-0 and that comes with the FF XV demo. As things go, I can see myself playing the demo for a couple days, maybe even a week. That's when Bloodborne releases, that would mean not playing Type-0 at all... a week after that it's Axiom Verge, a game that I simply cannot shut up about and can't wait to play. On that same day Kiwami drops and 10 days later, Xenoblade which everyone knows is huge. I don't know what to do lol...
Transistor is an easy and enjoyable plat. I got it within 48 hours of starting the game, actually...fantastic game. Dangan Ronpa 1&2 straddle the line for me, I really would love the plat but the final trip ticket stuff is just so mindless with no real payoff beyond the trophy. I don't get why they do that stuff.
I have a weird relationship with trophies.
I already have trouble finishing games in general because of my attention span being that of a 2-year old. One thing is for sure though, if I do finish a game it is because I truly enjoyed it. That's how I can tell if I really loved a game, if I just liked it and stopped playing it, or if I outright didn't like it at all.
I admire those who actually go after trophies because that gaming flame that I once had in me is still there for them. But don't get me wrong, I love gaming and doubt I will ever stop playing games. It's just that with a busy life, that sense of achievement you get from completing those tasks just becomes work, rather than something that is fun and relaxing.
Never played Xenoblade because I didn't own a Wii, and ever since the game came out it kept screaming at me, wanting to be played. As soon as the n3DS version got announced, I had to pre order it. Thank god there's nothing on my plate for a while after it releases. I may be forgetting something, but I think my next big purchase (and by big I mean something that I am legitimately hyped for and plan on playing for a while) will be Operation Abyss, and that's quite some months away from April.Haha yeah, I know that feel.
Personally, I just gave up. I will not buy a PS4, will not be there for Bloodborne (well, I got the CE guide at least), will not buy Demo/Type-0 and just push all that back to summer, maybe even autumn, if not for some totally ridiculous impulse purchase decision. I just don't have the time for it now. Every game on my buy-when-on-sale list needs a pretty amazing deal to be bought. Steam gets ignored.
All my focus is on MH4U, that is sufficent for my game time, need to do RL stuff sometime too, and Toukiden/Axiom Verge are next since I think they deserve my money/support the most, even if I don't know when I'll get around to playing them.
Good thing I already played Xenoblade on the Wii and don't feel the need to revisit it on the 3DS, or that would be another 100+ reserved for one of the most amazing games of last gen.![]()
Indeed, I mean I don't mind trophies being there and if I get them, cool. I don't even think I ever went as far as looking at a trophy list for any game.Yeah, I get this. That's why I'm at the point where I have to really like or love the games to go for the plat. Life is just too busy now, and there's always a new game that I'm looking forward to coming out, so it's sometimes hard to get too caught up in the trophy stuff.
It's playable but not ideal. I guess the market for it is people who only have a Vita? I appreciate Sony supporting the Vita with ports of Resogun and Helldivers but is seems like wasted resources. Resogun port should have been Resogun Jr. or something and keep the basic gameplay but don't try replicate everything. Helldivers is the most curious because it is a multiplayer focused game and to me mutliplayer games on portables is a waste because if I am playing my portable I am on a bus or somewhere else not on a network. To think they spent probably a lot of money on Vita Helldivers to make it cross play and cross save and very few people will play it on that platform. What they should have done was make a single player only sequel to Killzone Liberation with the same engine and it probably would have been cheaper and people would have paid good money for it. Somebody make me CEO of Sony please!!!
I don't know if you guys are following those news, but Steins;Gate PS3 and Vita release is really close, might be as soon as next month.
Never played Xenoblade because I didn't own a Wii, and ever since the game came out it kept screaming at me, wanting to be played. As soon as the n3DS version got announced, I had to pre order it. Thank god there's nothing on my plate for a while after it releases. I may be forgetting something, but I think my next big purchase (and by big I mean something that I am legitimately hyped for and plan on playing for a while) will be Operation Abyss, and that's quite some months away from April.
Indeed, I mean I don't mind trophies being there and if I get them, cool. I don't even think I ever went as far as looking at a trophy list for any game.
I don't know if you guys are following those news, but Steins;Gate PS3 and Vita release is really close, might be as soon as next month.
I don't know if you guys are following those news, but Steins;Gate PS3 and Vita release is really close, might be as soon as next month.
The game has to be pretty much done, it has been rated by ESRB (M) and USK (12+) now. There is a date of April 10th listed at a UK retailer but it's the only one so far and it's not a very trustworthy one, so who knows. Should be soon, as Shizuka said.Wish they'd give us a release date already. Although, at least they're extremely close to completion before announcing a date, so at least they have that going for them.
Getting the Vita version should be fine right? I'd much rather play the game like that unless it has some major downsides.
Woot, I am excited. All I hear from this game is praise.While not exactly the same if you enjoyed HF you will enjoy Xenoblade.
Ohhhh shit. That soon? My wallet is not ready.I don't know if you guys are following those news, but Steins;Gate PS3 and Vita release is really close, might be as soon as next month.
I don't know if you guys are following those news, but Steins;Gate PS3 and Vita release is really close, might be as soon as next month.
Having watched the anime (which I thought was superb) kinda detracts from me buying the game unfortunately. However, for those who haven't watched the show I would definitely say, BUY THIS. The story, the characters and the world are sooooo good.