...But I spent at least 70+ dollars to PSN this month already (plus I have to get a 3-Month voucher for PS+ soon too X()....I will get that latter though. I really enjoy Metal Slug XX (got that as a PS+ tittle a while back
), so I will get that for sure latter on
I cannot wait to play Metal Slug 3, I only wish I still lived with my brother so we could play together couch co-op. A place we went on vacation a lot as kids had one of those arcades that replaced the coin slots with a button so you could play for free, and we played the hell out of Metal Slug 3.
Isn't it compatible in the US?Where's the best place to buy UK psn cards online for someone in the US?
Need to buy DXC since it's only compatible with the UK version of it =/
It released March 13th, but the Vita version is lost somewhere at SCEE I guess.Can't find Tokyo twilight ghosthunters on the EU store and it say that the release day was February 18th. Where is it?
Isn't it compatible in the US?.
I was supposed to get a review copy of that Yorbie game, looked okay not amazing from the preview stuff. I dunno if I still am at this point or what, but if I do I'll let you all know what I think. I was spoiled by some devs getting review copies up over a month in advance, but console or no you never know with indies.
Still dunno about getting bloodborne myself. Love the art, monster & world design, the length and difficulty are personally off putting though. So I might get nothing this week. I already have Metal Slug 3 on PC.
I was supposed to get a review copy of that Yorbie game, looked okay not amazing from the preview stuff. I dunno if I still am at this point or what, but if I do I'll let you all know what I think. I was spoiled by some devs getting review copies up over a month in advance, but console or no you never know with indies.
Still dunno about getting bloodborne myself. Love the art, monster & world design, the length and difficulty are personally off putting though. So I might get nothing this week. I already have Metal Slug 3 on PC.
Is that game done now, or? I don't do episodic until the season's over.(life is strange)
Give Armored Core a shot, it's legitimately great even today.
Borderlands looks tempting so I can finish my Vita save. I should just use the PS3 version but maybe $60 just so it runs smoothly because even the PS3 version grinds down.
I was supposed to get a review copy of that Yorbie game, looked okay not amazing from the preview stuff. I dunno if I still am at this point or what, but if I do I'll let you all know what I think. I was spoiled by some devs getting review copies up over a month in advance, but console or no you never know with indies.
This is gonna be similar to the PC/Steam ver. so these would be my mine gripes if they hadn't fixed them
1- The Slug Kamikaze attack seems to be A+B, if you set A (Shoot) to rapid and don't let go when you jump you risk losing your Slug :/
2- Some SFX do not appear to be emulated properly
3- They changed the character select screen and replaced the OG art with generic animu looking one T,T
Otherwise, serviceable port, turn on scanlines to max and the game looks really good.
Does this question really have to be asked?is that Vita LEGO game based on the 3DS version or?
Does this question really have to be asked?
Still dunno about getting bloodborne myself. Love the art, monster & world design, the length and difficulty are personally off putting though. So I might get nothing this week. I already have Metal Slug 3 on PC.
Really wish Sony would make it easier to download psp dlc on the vita.
You'll have no issue with the 'difficulty' of the Souls games / Bloodborne based on your established gaming habits here. It's not hard like, say, Ninja Gaiden is hard. You'll be fine. (basing off of D*souls, not BB... but point stands).
Where's the best place to buy UK psn cards online for someone in the US?
Need to buy DXC since it's only compatible with the UK version of it =/
Hm, good to know (Ninja Gaiden is a pretty good measuring stick for "nope" IMO--fucking Alma, jesus). I hear both that Souls is very hard and that it's not as hard as people say. I'll take one more stab at Demons I guess and see what I think. I didn't do much beyond the tutorial honestly. It's reputation is both intriguing and discouraging.
Looking forward to Bloodborne this week. I should try to finish Persona 3 FES before starting it though.
OK I have $20 and I'm debating if I want to get YS Celceta or Oreshika.
I know exactly what I'm getting for YS but Oreshika looks very interesting but at the same time I feel that I might be disappointed with it overall. So VitaGAF, if you were to choose, which one would you go with?
OK I have $20 and I'm debating if I want to get YS Celceta or Oreshika.
I know exactly what I'm getting for YS but Oreshika looks very interesting but at the same time I feel that I might be disappointed with it overall. So VitaGAF, if you were to choose, which one would you go with?
Well, the former is a much older game, so the chances of it going on sale for a even lower price is quite likely (and that might be very soon, considering Golden Week is sometime next month, and that is where a majority of JP Vita games go on sale).
The latter is a recent game, so the chances of it going on sale are less likely; you are getting a good deal here. The game as a JRPG is a great value based on that name alone, but also having an interesting generation-passing system and great cell-shaded visuals help make the game interesting too.
Don't own it myself, so can't exactly recommend the game. But I do own Ys:MoC and I found that the game is damn good
! Great soundtrack, a massive world to explore and fun combat make it a great game
. If you can't wait till Golden Week, it is a great purchase and I highly recommend it
I probably won't make it, huh?
Is the golden week sale almost warranted? It sounds like conjecture for the time being
Not that I don't want it to be true though. IIRC YS just received a price cut from $30 for $20 in Canada at least
I am sorry to say but probably not.
Well like I said, Ys: MoC is a fantastic JRPG and if you want it, it is at a great price for 20 bucks. Just mentioned Golden Week due to it potentially being cheaper (got a lot during that last year; Persona 4 Golden, Maramusa and others).
Well like I said, Ys: MoC is a fantastic JRPG and if you want it, it is at a great price for 20 bucks. Just mentioned Golden Week due to it potentially being cheaper (got a lot during that last year; Persona 4 Golden, Maramusa and others).
Hm, good to know (Ninja Gaiden is a pretty good measuring stick for "nope" IMO--fucking Alma, jesus). I hear both that Souls is very hard and that it's not as hard as people say. I'll take one more stab at Demons I guess and see what I think. I didn't do much beyond the tutorial honestly. It's reputation is both intriguing and discouraging.
Haha, I thought as much. Maybe it was a mistake to start P3 so shortly before Bloodborne but since I wasn't that busy the last few weeks, this seemed like the perfect time to finally get it done. I normally try to only play one game at a time but just maybe I'll make an exception this time...
Hm, good to know (Ninja Gaiden is a pretty good measuring stick for "nope" IMO--fucking Alma, jesus). I hear both that Souls is very hard and that it's not as hard as people say. I'll take one more stab at Demons I guess and see what I think. I didn't do much beyond the tutorial honestly. It's reputation is both intriguing and discouraging.