I'm pretty sure that I've read somewhere that PSTV is one of the best platforms to play PsOne games on, but can't remember where or why.
Somebody here know the answer?
Some sort of technical advantage? Resolution?
does Fat Princess: Piece of Cake have cross-save with the Android/iOS versions?
So how bad is the Vita version of Ratchet & Clank Q Force/FFA?
It's cheap in the easter sale, but if it's almost unplayable as the early reports seemed to suggest, I'll pass.
Repeating parts of a game because you fucked up is a valuable lesson. Yes, even in JRPGs with uneven difficulty curves. It teaches you to get good.
Some may complain that a game doesn't value your time when it does something like that. However I say that you don't value the game's time when you complain about it.
not even via Facebook saves or what not?
translation of tweet? new ys game for vita? or steam? or?
Uh 'ys' is pronounced as 'ees' so yster= 'easter'I'm thinking localization announcements.
Pair/nudity reference = Senran Kagura
"Ys"ter = Ys Next
Also, update yo' Vitas!
Also, update yo' Vitas!
Did they fix auto dim feature yet?
60 fps remote play is glorious. Work much better than I expected.
How does it compare to the Wii U, for anyone who owns a Vita and a Wii U could you test it?
Remote Play isn't locked fps and is dependent on your internet connection right?
I'm not sure because I've only had a Vita recently with no means to try Remote Play so I want to know how decent it is if I get a PS4 in the future.
Any flaws to note like input lag or big cons? I'm in the dark.
I can't compare it to WiiU, but I will say Vita remote play is freaking magical. It may take some fiddling with settings, but... yeah. It's good.
Pros - ps4 on your vita.
Cons - some people have to fiddle with settings, or, in rare cases, get a better router.
Exactly, all the more reason Ray Gigant's chances aren't great.
Also worth pointing out that One Piece/J-Stars have PS3 & 4 versions.
I'm not holding out hope for Ray Gigant, but stranger things have happened.
Demon Gaze is an excellent DRPG, if you are into the genre it's a must play on the VitaDemon Gaze is finally on sale, does it worth trying for person who is not familiar with dungeon crawlers, payed only Persona Q?
Demon Gaze is an excellent DRPG, if you are into the genre it's a must play on the Vita
In Europe.I see no sale on Demon Gaze...
dont forget to buy this years goty you guys
Does Super Monkey Ball vita get crazy difficult like the other games in the series or are you actually able to finish it?
Well, just Platinumed Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy on my Vita. Although the game ran pretty poorly, I was still able to finish and enjoy the game.
That's one of the things I love most about the Vita. It's become my classic Playstation machine. I'm now considering going back to Metal Gear Solid 2 or giving Suikoden a try.
Which is awesome. Long live the Vita.
Silent Hills being cancelled :'()
Is that confirmed or just speculation based on Kojima leaving Konami?
In Europe.
I had a blast with it and platinum'd it. Hardly 'unplayable'. It's sort of a action action/ arena tower defense sort of game with R&C style action, not your standard R&C game. That is, it plays just like R&C except you're defending a base and attacking an enemy base/completing goals instead of more linear levels. Really fun imo.
I think it's the hardest in the series. With SMB1 you eventually unlock infinite continues so you can just kinda force your way through it. SMB2 has a story mode where you can just do one level at a time. The Vita stages vet just as hard as those games but you always have limited continues. I really enjoyed the game and the stage design is excellent, but yeah I really wish you could just do one stage at a time without being forced to play through the entire thing every time with limited continues. Makes the frustration level a bit too high.Does Super Monkey Ball vita get crazy difficult like the other games in the series or are you actually able to finish it?
Disgaea 5 demo is available on JP PSN store.
when you have superior suspend/resume
you need no auto-save peasantry
It is speculation, but based on the quality of past non-Team Silent Silent Hill games....I am leaning on the game being canned. Kojima looked to be the only one that really pushed for the game to be made and with him out of the picture, Konami might just cancel the game on spite of him leaving (like what happened with the Mega Man creator left; four Mega Man games being canned with him not being their X().
Nope just removed the maps function away from itI thought near was supposed to stop working after the update but it's still there 0.o
It is speculation, but based on the quality of past non-Team Silent Silent Hill games....I am leaning on the game being canned. Kojima looked to be the only one that really pushed for the game to be made and with him out of the picture, Konami might just cancel the game on spite of him leaving (like what happened with the Mega Man creator left; four Mega Man games being canned with him not being their X().
Is that confirmed or just speculation based on Kojima leaving Konami?
Lol I'm not even bothering thenI think it's the hardest in the series. With SMB1 you eventually unlock infinite continues so you can just kinda force your way through it. SMB2 has a story mode where you can just do one level at a time. The Vita stages vet just as hard as those games but you always have limited continues. I really enjoyed the game and the stage design is excellent, but yeah I really wish you could just do one stage at a time without being forced to play through the entire thing every time with limited continues. Makes the frustration level a bit too high.
Without him there to oversee the project they might as well cancel it.
Got half way through the game myself and the game, while it could of ran a bit better, it is more then enough a playable version of an utter PS2 Classic.
Even Jak 3 runs okay (the driving missions control great; that is very, very important considering the frame-rate issues the game has), and Jak 2 run the best between the three games in the collection (very odd, considering this my least favorite of the trilogy XD!).
I overall enjoy the collection so far and I'm glad you enjoyed the game too man. You reminded me that I have to play through MGS1-4 by the end of the year; want to honor the work Kojima did for the series after the whole controversy of him leaving/getting kicked out/ect of Konami (still a bit sour of that X(; Silent Hills being cancelled :'().
Most likely going to start with MGS1 first then move onwards from there....and the series never really clicked with me in the past. I did get all the main-line numbered games (MGS1 through PSN on PS3/Vita, MGS2 and 3 HD through the Vita version of the collection, MGS4 for my PS3 around the time I got my system in 2011) though, so it is just a matter of playing through them.
Heard fantastic things about the series, so it should be quite fun jumping into the MGS series this year.