Depends on the game and his mood but Parker loves to watch or attack stuff on the TV a lot. He loves 2D platformers, I guess because of the simple easy to follow movement. He usually tries to bat at the player.
Here he is watching the Electronic Super Joy character. I've MOSTLY got him trained to watch instead of attack, but he still stands up or sits on the soundbar sometimes.
I couldn't get into OlliOlli 1. I can totally see the appeal but they're not for me. Glad they seem to be a success though.
I miss spring breaks. I'm honestly going to tkae some vacation to catch up on games (and generally decompress) sometime here.
I recall one time after hooking up one my two Wiis to my Moms TV (gave her the one with the busted Disk Drive.....Other M broke it X() and while just moving the pointer around, my families boy cat Smokey just went crazy XD! His eyes were just locked on the pointer and he almost attacked the TV, but my Mom told me to stop moving the pointer and just finish setting the thing up. Cats are awesome honestly

......though one of our three cats hates me X( (she just hisses at me all the time :l, one time badly scratching my leg....).
Sorry you couldn't get into OilOil too, but at least you gave it a shot

. Never would have tried the second one if it didn't land on Plus this month, so that was nice a least

I normally don't do much on Spring Break anyway, but it is a great time to just chill back and catch up on stuff I haven't been playing recently (or in my case, go back to games I recently bought like Neputna Rebirth 1 and Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Remix)

I think the Pac Man World games 1-3 are underrated. Stay away from Ghostly Adventures on PS3. I got Ghostly Adventures 2 on 3DS I am going to try here soon. I want to pick up my Vita more tho. Hard to go back on graphic fidelity and it just isn't as comfortable.
Heard great things about World 2 in particular, so I hope Sony and Namco put up that as a PS2 classic at some point

. Ghostly Adventures, from what I understand, tried really had to copy Galaxy 1 and 2 (power-ups almost 1-to-1 lifted from those games like the Yoshi Tonuge or Fire Mario) but regarding GA2 for 3DS, due to its nature as a 3DS game, it should be somewhat similar to World 1. I say that due to it being on 3DS, the weaker hardware would push the developers to play around with the 3D features and gameplay elements that playing with the 2D/3D planes can provide, so it just may be similar to World 1

Here is a
video of the 3DS game in action, so you have an idea on how it plays

. It looks very similar to the PS3/360/Wii U versions of the first game, so it should be an okay time.
I have little issue adjusting to the visual clarity between my 2DS and Vita due to how my 2DS is running its resolution with the proper screen (verses on the 3DS XL or N3DS XL where the image is blown up to fit the bigger screen). Granted, it does make things hard to see (like in Smash 3DS or DKCR3D), but it overall makes the games look better
