Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!

#91 - Chasm: The Rift
This game is pure nostalgia for me and it holds quite a few childhood memories i fondly remember. I had a big smile on my face when this suddenly popped up in the PS Store about two weeks ago. Not a flawless game but i certainly love it. And even more so since i acquired the Platinum.
Well i did it but this was much harder than i thought. Downright infuriating. The trophy "Insane Time Traveler" demands that you play the game on the highest difficulty, without dying and only using your starting weapon.
Dying isn't a problem since you can save at any time. In fact, quick save and load is mapped to the D-Pad and the loading times are nealy instant. Hard difficulty is what starts to make this one tough since the game throws a crazy amount of enemies at you. On many instances there weren't even enemies on normal in some parts or just a single one whereas on hard it had ten times as much in some occasion. And of course, killing all of these with the damn shotgun you have from the start is hilarious. Well it has infinite ammo.
This is a prime example as to why i love going for the Platinum.
I needed to master the gameplay. Strafe Jumping and to kite around the goons like a madman, baiting enemies into traps and hazardous environment, triggering attack animations to your advantage. Half way through i felt incredible, for raising my skill level and getting a much better understanding of everything the game has to offer, making it all the more valuable. Together with the trophy for the speedrun this rooted my love for the game even deeper.
I was forced to play the game completely differently. I would have never done that if it wasn't for the trophy.

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