AnywhereVR app is now available for download @ Japan PS Store. Can mirror your smartphone screen (browse FB, Whatsapp) while relaxing at virtual beach/Mount Fuji lake.
Also, does the targeting computer actually effect gameplay?
Pixel gear update is live, adds up to 4-way local asymmetric multiplayer mode.
Cleared out some space and had a blast playing Brookhaven Experiment. What other roomscale stuff is there aside from Holoball and Job Simulator?
Anyone else finding that their PSVR is just an expensive paperweight now? I dunno, maybe I'm not the gamer I used to be.. PSVR was cool for the first two weeks but I haven't touched it since. I really felt I'd be more into it, but it's just not resonating with me like it has with some others. Feeling I may just try to unload it and make my money back to break even.
AnywhereVR app is now available for download @ Japan PS Store. Can mirror your smartphone screen (browse FB, Whatsapp) while relaxing at virtual beach/Mount Fuji lake.
Anyone else finding that their PSVR is just an expensive paperweight now? I dunno, maybe I'm not the gamer I used to be.. PSVR was cool for the first two weeks but I haven't touched it since. I really felt I'd be more into it, but it's just not resonating with me like it has with some others. Feeling I may just try to unload it and make my money back to break even.
Anyone else finding that their PSVR is just an expensive paperweight now? I dunno, maybe I'm not the gamer I used to be.. PSVR was cool for the first two weeks but I haven't touched it since. I really felt I'd be more into it, but it's just not resonating with me like it has with some others. Feeling I may just try to unload it and make my money back to break even.
Yeah, just kinda waiting around for more content to devour. That new Psychonauts game can't get here soon enough. I'm holding onto my PSVR for a bit, because I have some hope that there will be more and better content coming in the next year. Just gonna be patient and play more traditional games for now.
Have you tried the Headmaster demo?![]()
Anyone else finding that their PSVR is just an expensive paperweight now? I dunno, maybe I'm not the gamer I used to be.. PSVR was cool for the first two weeks but I haven't touched it since. I really felt I'd be more into it, but it's just not resonating with me like it has with some others. Feeling I may just try to unload it and make my money back to break even.
Anyone else finding that their PSVR is just an expensive paperweight now? I dunno, maybe I'm not the gamer I used to be.. PSVR was cool for the first two weeks but I haven't touched it since. I really felt I'd be more into it, but it's just not resonating with me like it has with some others. Feeling I may just try to unload it and make my money back to break even.
Nope the opposite. Traditional games have lost a lot of their appeal
Not yet.
I got my ps vr last night.
For reference, Rez is one of my favourite games ever.
Played it on VR last night.
AnywhereVR app is now available for download @ Japan PS Store. Can mirror your smartphone screen (browse FB, Whatsapp) while relaxing at virtual beach/Mount Fuji lake.
Need this. I don't even need the beach just to be able to see my phone while in VRAnywhereVR app is now available for download @ Japan PS Store. Can mirror your smartphone screen (browse FB, Whatsapp) while relaxing at virtual beach/Mount Fuji lake.
I get the feeling a lot of people skip it because the premise appears dull. I would've skipped it too except for PS Nation raving about it and my wife trying the store demo. It's actually quite fun, I laughed a lot playing it, and it's a pretty meaty game.
Can this be used while playing a VR game?
If this can be launched multitask style and I don't have to close the game I currently have open I will be all over it.
I'm guessing there is a limitation on what phones are compatible?
Have you tried the Headmaster demo?![]()
AnywhereVR app is now available for download @ Japan PS Store. Can mirror your smartphone screen (browse FB, Whatsapp) while relaxing at virtual beach/Mount Fuji lake.
Anyone else finding that their PSVR is just an expensive paperweight now? I dunno, maybe I'm not the gamer I used to be.. PSVR was cool for the first two weeks but I haven't touched it since. I really felt I'd be more into it, but it's just not resonating with me like it has with some others. Feeling I may just try to unload it and make my money back to break even.
Wait... If I have Google cardboard, can I have VR in my VR?AnywhereVR app is now available for download @ Japan PS Store. Can mirror your smartphone screen (browse FB, Whatsapp) while relaxing at virtual beach/Mount Fuji lake.
Played star wars VR. That was a great little experience but they probably should have had some slight instructions as I had to work out what I was doing
I was spinning around in the tie fighter once the swings came and going loop de loop and now I feel somewhat queasy
Wait, what does this mean? You can fly in a Tie fighter? Swings came?
Anyone else finding that their PSVR is just an expensive paperweight now? I dunno, maybe I'm not the gamer I used to be.. PSVR was cool for the first two weeks but I haven't touched it since. I really felt I'd be more into it, but it's just not resonating with me like it has with some others. Feeling I may just try to unload it and make my money back to break even.
Swings = X-Wings (although what he really means is Tie Fighters)
Tie fighter = X-Wing
Do I have to dl Battlefront again just to play the VR thing?
That's a huge game I don't really like counting against my December data cap... just to play 10 min mission. Idk.
I got my ps vr last night.
For reference, Rez is one of my favourite games ever.
Played it on VR last night.
ha, ok, how did you decipher this?
I noticed an update for EVE Valkyrie, is it the Pro patch?
Yes and it's so much better than before. There is also a new free map and more customization on your pilot. Awesome update.
Higher resolution, more and better smoke effects and better lightning is what I noticed. But the higher resolution is the most noticeable.
I did the same. I rushed through the main game and I'm going to savor Area X tomorrow.
Wait... If I have Google cardboard, can I have VR in my VR?
Do I have to dl Battlefront again just to play the VR thing?
That's a huge game I don't really like counting against my December data cap... just to play 10 min mission. Idk.
i think my backordered psvr from when it was weirdly £317 on amazon but out of stock is arriving tomorrow and i'm really excited! I've dug out my old move controllers from the ps3 era and they're charging now.
i've already downloaded the us demo disc and the vr mission for battlefront - of the other games, under £20, which is best? i'm really tempted by thumper.
huh - didn't even notice thumper was on that! thanksThe demo disc has a lot of good demos on it (including Thumper). Until Dawn - Reign of Blood is pretty great. I got it for $20 from Target (not sure if it's $20 on PSN). I've heard Batman is good, but I haven't played it. Personally, my next big purchase will probably be Battlezone.
Confirmed to be getting one for Xmas how is the performance increase with a Pro? I don't have a 4KTv yet but am seriously considering the pro just for I nuts?