I played for 3 hours last night, and I havnt been this blown away by something video game related since I seen Mario 64 for the first time.
Oh nevermind.
I played for 3 hours last night, and I havnt been this blown away by something video game related since I seen Mario 64 for the first time.
Make sure your HDMI cable is plugged in all the way, also try using a different HDMI cable if you have one available.
It's something I want but there's no demo or reviews of the PSVR version so it's hard to jump in
Based off a stream yesterday, yes.Can you play the Rush of Blood demo with Move controllers?
I'm interested in hearing from anyone who has used PSVR with their children. I'm thinking of picking it up (again... after cancelling my pre-order), but I'd rather not get it if it'll only be usable by me.
My kids are 10 and 4, but it is really only the 10 year old that I'm concerned about. The 4 year old wouldn't pay attention long enough anyways.
That's how I felt last time I tried a DK2. Can't wait to try PSVR tonight after work!I played for 3 hours last night, and I havnt been this blown away by something video game related since I seen Mario 64 for the first time.
My VR lens keeps getting foggy after a couple of seconds with the device on my head. Is there a way to get rid of it?
Based off a stream yesterday, yes.
That's how I felt last time I tried a DK2. Can't wait to try PSVR tonight after work!
I've been in gaming a long time. 30 years. I know what success looks like.
Standing in line freezing my balls off for a Wii and not getting one is what success looks like.
..wait a minute, why can't I use my PS Gold wireless headset with VR? What the hell is going on?
..wait a minute, why can't I use my PS Gold wireless headset with VR? What the hell is going on?
Hahahahahahahaa man i am dying over here!!! LMAO
Oh my fucking god! I've finished Batman: Arkham VR and I think this is by far the best VR experience I had until now. The immersion is unbelievable, the graphics are REALLY good and you are batman! yes, really!
It's more like an adventure, but I loved every second of it. There were some really great scenes with shocking moments, some nice riddles and cool, but short, story. It took me 47 minutes to finish the game. But I don't regret a single cent spent on this game.
Everyone who has a PlayStation VR must play this.
Picked mine up this morning and am having a blast. So far like it more than the Vive demo I tried at MicroCenter. The only demo I haven't liked is Drive Club. It started out awesome but started getting motion sickness before the end of the first race and could tell I was headed toward puke city. Also the video with the giant within is fucking terrifying for some reason.
Can anyone explain the 12 year age limit? I have a 6 year old niece who would love this. Would it be okay for short bursts?
I know I should go directly to Sony support, but I think I'll just try here first in case anyone has some great ideas.
I set up my PSVR and everything is working great! Cinema mode works, everything was updated, I played Uncharted 4 through the PSVR, everything is smooth.
However, the moment I try to launch a PSVR games (PS VR worlds, Playroom, the Demo Disk), the TV goes blank, and I get an error symbol in the headset that basically has an X followed by a box labelled HDMI (So as if to say, no HDMI cable).
Has anyone ever encountered this or heard of this happening? I feel like my PU might be a lemon![]()
Thanks. Yeah it's much better now.Try to pull the lenses one step out with the button on the lower right. Also it gets better, not sure it was because the headset heated up to room temperature or just because I had relaxed for a bit, but I don't have any fog issues now.
lmao! At least he tried.Bwahaha. Aw. Poor guy.
Rigs is the first game to make me really feel nauseous in VR. Battlezone demo wasn't great for me either. Game is fun though.
Driveclub gave me no problems.
Thanks. Yeah it's much better now.
Also, does anyone know how to center the screen? After a while it drifts to the left and I'm trying to fix it.
I've been nauseous for two whole hours after playing through rigs' tutorial. Do you ever get use to this?
I've been nauseous for two whole hours after playing through rigs' tutorial. Do you ever get use to this?
I wasn't going to post anymore videos but my brother played The Kitchen demo....
His reactions are real. I nearly died of stitch from laughing so much.
Awesome thanks! That fixed it.Rez made me nearly fall out of my chair, twice.
Try to push the Start button or whatever on the PS4 controller? I don't know if it's for everything, but it centers the screen for me at the Home Screen or in Playroom VR.
I went to Best Buy at noon today. They had VR bundles and non-bundles. Plenty of games. Absolutely no interest from anyone other than me. I was the only person looking at the stuff.
Afterwards I went to Wal-mart. They had Playstation VR stuff in the electronics section. Again, I was the only person looking at it.
This thing is going to bomb hard. Nobody knows it exists and once they see the price will get a PS4 Pro/Xbox One S instead.
Bwahaha. Aw. Poor guy.
Based on the GB stream, Driveclub seems like the hottest mess of the bunch, I'd prob stay away and go with other games.
I went to Best Buy at noon today. They had VR bundles and non-bundles. Plenty of games. Absolutely no interest from anyone other than me. I was the only person looking at the stuff.
Afterwards I went to Wal-mart. They had Playstation VR stuff in the electronics section. Again, I was the only person looking at it.
This thing is going to bomb hard. Nobody knows it exists and once they see the price will get a PS4 Pro/Xbox One S instead.
Have there been any impressions from people here who also have a Vive and/or Rift? Trying to figure out if it is worth picking up.
Thanks for letting us know