I'm probably going to pick up Thumper and Werewolves Within now that I've used the headset for a few days. I've also been thinking about grabbing Rez too
I'm seriously getting tired of waiting for the DOAX3 VR experience.Why is TN doing this to us?
I'm having difficulty figuring out exactly where and how to position the camera so that it accurately tracks my move controllers.
I had to dig out an old PS3 controller charging cable but it doesn't even seem to be charging properly (it dies the second I unplug it).
and yet developers/publishers still don't seem too hot on it.
Does the coupler thing work? Does it alleviate having to switch cables? When wanting to do hdr gaming?
It's sad how the PSVR seems to be sold out everywhere and yet developers/publishers still don't seem too hot on it.
quite honestly I don't even care about full length games. Give me 2-3 hour games that are great experiences and price it accordingly.
In other news, I really want to get SuperHyperCube, but that price is so steep. Even the 20$ flash sale seemed like too much. I blew a lot of money this holiday already, but those beautiful warm neon glowing god rays beaming into my face is difficult to pass up. Anyone have any words on longevity of SHC? I can't stop playing the demo. It feels good, but I could see it getting stale.
I think the big issue is that few publishers--understandably so--want to commit to a full length, AAA VR game because the ROI at the AAA level is pretty steep. Everyone is excited by VR, and experiences like Arkham VR and the X-Wing mission are a great way for devs to get in the design experience, but there just aren't enough units out there to make a reasonable risk for full priced AAA games yet. Games like RE7 and Ace Combat 7 are relatively "easy" fits since, aside from comfort setting issues, they don't have to do much to the actual gameplay to make it VR viable. But other projects aren't quite so easy to transition.
I remember when I tried VR I got a sense of height and felt like I could fall to my death up high but never got a sense of somebody was close to me face, have any of you guys got that feeling yet?
I think this is a common issue with this otherwise perfect VR game. I have the same problem and I've seen other people do as well.My controller goes out of sync weirdly in Play Room VR and I have to re-plonk it into the ghost controller from settings before it... starts swivelling around again. Doesn't do it in any other demo so far.
Oh and Sony having no highly detailed Cinema thing like Oculus Video or even just a fucking competent 3D Media Player speaks volumes of how shit their O/S team are these days.
Oh and Sony having no highly detailed Cinema thing like Oculus Video or even just a fucking competent 3D Media Player speaks volumes of how shit their O/S team are these days.
Huh, I forgot about the Youtube app when Jaunt released but looking again...... My YouTube app still won't update to 1.09.
i remember people talking about this but i'm too lazy to hunt through 333 pages.....if someone easily knows the answer i would appreciate it: there are videos online of workarounds where you can convert youtube videos to psvr and connect a pc to your psvr BUT does anyone have recommendations of videos i can watch that are 360 degrees that work with psvr just using the youtube app on psn?
It's not just you. To get my clearest picture the headset needs to rest pretty heavily on my nose. I feel and sound like I'm wearing a scuba mask. I can only take it for so long.I have a weird issue with VR. I think the reason why I find VR uncomfortable after about an hour is less to do with motion sickness, and more that because this slightly heavy headset is pushing down on the top of my nostrils, the pressure actually shrinks the nose cavity space and I get less oxygen so I get tired out over time. This is just my pet theory but I do notice it's a little tougher to breathe through my nose when I'm using the headset.
I do fancy Batman but I hear it's quite short and the graphics are a bit compromised on the OG PS4, I'm pretty terrible at any recommendations?
I'm considering jumping in tomorrow. I'm in the UK - I've noticed that it seems to be sold out everywhere online at the moment, but is that the case for brick and mortar stores? Game have an interesting deal on at the minute with a camera, Move + games deal on their website, but it's out of stock there. Is that the case for the stores?
Any impressions of I Expect You to Die? Do you need a lot of space to play it? I loved The London Heist and had plenty of room for that.
I also enjoyed the Job Simulator demo but ultimately did not end up buying it because it seemed better standing up, and that requires a little bit of setup in my space. I still intend on buying that one day as well.
Why not try the RE7 demo? It has VR functionality.
Try the RE7 demo. It has various comfort settings.
The following options make it easier. They all require using two HDMI inputs on the TV to get both HDR gaming and non-HDR PSVR social screen. Switch between inputs using the TV remote. If you don't want to use PSVR social screen then you can avoid connecting the PSVR PU to the TV altogether and eliminate one cable & TV input.
To make swapping cables easier connect the PSVR PU to a regular TV input and use one of the following to add a second cable to a HDR TV input to an easy to reach position, then swap the HDMI cable coming from PS4 between the PSVR PU and the extension:
- (premium) HDMI extension cable (male-female)
- (premium) HDMI standard cable (male-male) + female-female HDMI adapter
No cable swapping: Use one of the following for around $30-$40 (the switch/splitter must support HDMI 2 + HDCP2.2 @4K@60Hz+HDR):
- HDMI switch + (premium) HDMI standard cable (male-female). PS4 to switch input, switch output A to PSVR PU input, PSVR PU output to non-HDR TV input, switch output B to HDR TV input. Switch output A for PSVR, B for HDR. Some switches have a physical switch, some have a remote.
- HDMI splitter + (premium) HDMI standard cable (male-female). PS4 to splitter input, splitter output A to PSVR PU input, PSVR PU output to non-HDR TV input, splitter output B to HDR TV input. Manually power off the PSVR PU to get HDR or add a remote controlled power adapter to it for around $5-10.
I want a Rock Band port where you are in the space that you're playing. Starting in a garage, then bigger and bigger Venues until it's a massive stadium and you can't hear anything but the crowds.
Would be really cool.
Sorry, meant the Assembly. I have loading human. New umpressions?
I liked The Assembly when I played through it close to PSVR launch. In fact, I played it right after I finished Loading Human. The Assembly is a solid game. As far as the graphics go, it looks better than Loading Human. I played through the entire thing with Dualshock using regular FPS controls.
I just fired up the game again to see PS Pro and Move changes. Honestly, I do not see much difference in graphics. Granted, it has been a while since I played the game. As far as Move support goes, I prefer Dualshock because with Move, there is no option to move without teleporting. I just do not like teleporting controls for VR.
Sony really needs to make Move controller with an analog stick. I feel it is holding many games back.
It's sad how the PSVR seems to be sold out everywhere and yet developers/publishers still don't seem too hot on it.
omg yes pleaseI want a Rock Band port where you are in the space that you're playing. Starting in a garage, then bigger and bigger Venues until it's a massive stadium and you can't hear anything but the crowds.
Would be really cool.
Personally I think Batman is one of the best looking VR games on the OG PS4. It looks cleaner on the Pro of course, but it's very impressive on the base PS4. For my money the closest to a AAA presentation. As far as length goes, your valuation may be different from mine, but I thought it was easily worth the money. I tend not to mind if a game is short as long as I feel it's well crafted and makes blood use of its runtime.
I also went back to play some more Battlezone using some of the tips people gave me. The ones about sparingly using boost and turning healthier shields to take hits when I was in trouble were very helpful. I actually got to the final volcano. And I thought I had it beat. And then another phase started and I got gang raped by a bunch of AI tanks that spawned (with no lives left). I was pissed; over an hour of play down the drain.
I also found myself feeling a bit curious about cinema mode and nostalgic for a game I hadn't played in years, so I fired up Resogun. Not to ask questions about non-VR games here, but how do you actually find the humans before they die (when it says "human detected")? It feels like total luck if you get to them in time; that's if you can actually find them.
I'm considering jumping in tomorrow. I'm in the UK - I've noticed that it seems to be sold out everywhere online at the moment, but is that the case for brick and mortar stores? Game have an interesting deal on at the minute with a camera, Move + games deal on their website, but it's out of stock there. Is that the case for the stores?
I'm considering jumping in tomorrow. I'm in the UK - I've noticed that it seems to be sold out everywhere online at the moment, but is that the case for brick and mortar stores? Game have an interesting deal on at the minute with a camera, Move + games deal on their website, but it's out of stock there. Is that the case for the stores?
Its so weird because its not losing tracking just.... rotating the thing so its not in the right place. Seems like some odd software drift bug in there.I think this is a common issue with this otherwise perfect VR game. I have the same problem and I've seen other people do as well.
I heard Dev units had a stereo vr media player, so they took it out for some reason. Also, what do you mean by a "highly detailed cinema thing"?
Why is a male to female needed?
I already have a hdmi switch... Trying to see if it works.. But I'm confused.. How do i set it up for the hdr part..
Can you link to the equipment.
Bumping because I feel dumb and still can't figure it outFinally got my gold wireless headphones again but uh it's not working. I plugged it into the jack any suggestions