You'll probably want to get B/W first, just to let the new improvements soak in before B2/W2. So much great stuff that came with that game.The exclusives kinda suck IMO
I skipped out on B/W (probably a bad idea) but I'mma definitely pick this up
This has the potential to make my life disappear.![]()
Much like achievements, players of Pokémon Black and White 2 can unlock special medals by completing certain conditions such as winning battles and catching Pokémon. You can display your favourite on your Trainer Card for the whole world to see!
You'll probably want to get B/W first, just to let the new improvements soak in before B2/W2. So much great stuff that came with that game.
Gen 3 has my favorite music, I'll give you that. Gen 5's still the best overall.
There aren't any--there's no such thing as a 3DS-enhanced DS game. If anything, that's likely referring to the 3DS's AR Searcher companion app for this game, which is necessary to unlock the new forms of Thundurus, Tornadus, and Landorus.Any news on what the 3DS enhanced features are?
There aren't any--there's no such thing as a 3DS-enhanced DS game. If anything, that's likely referring to the 3DS's AR Searcher companion app for this game, which is necessary to unlock the new forms of Thundurus, Tornadus, and Landorus.
Huh, I guess I completely read it wrong then. I could have sworn that there was supposed to be some type of enhanced features for this game. Oh well... thanks for clarifying this![]()
On a side note, should I pick up a DS Lite or a 3DS? I gave away my DS Lite, so I'll have to rebuy the machine for $60. Or, should I get the 3DS (even though the library is pretty lackluster right now)?
Someone's whipped up a non-scan version of the new Unova Map.
Guess this confirms that you can access Eastern Unova before the Elite 4, if nothing else.
what a weird detour to reach the league lol. wonder what happened at opelucid city.
Someone's whipped up a non-scan version of the new Unova Map.
Guess this confirms that you can access Eastern Unova before the Elite 4, if nothing else.
>Dunsparce before second Gym
I actually had a Lvl 1. Dunsparce waiting to be traded over, but I'll catch one fresh! Dunsparce is one of my faves and this brings back memories of time spent smashing rocks in the dark caves of Gold and Silver, before the first Gym.
Give it a day or two and we'll know everything.I'm here for the delicious spoilers, feed me more!
I'm here for the delicious spoilers, feed me more!
I wonder what the location marker off the shore, on the boat route, is. Some kind of event while you're on the ship?
The exclusives kinda suck IMO
I skipped out on B/W (probably a bad idea) but I'm definitely pick this up
Courtesy of Serebii, the badge order has been revealed.
Seems like Shizui is the last gym leader, then.
There are a lot of new WiFi and multiplayer functions this time around, in particular, so there'll great chances to trade, get new Pokemon, and exchange items around with your pals. This game's about abusing the communication features of the DS, to their maximum.
lolniceUnno: Yes. It was then that we thought that we would be able to bring decent expansiveness to the in-game world if we use movies since they offer a kind of unlimitedness.
Iwata: What do you mean by unlimitedness?
Unno: For example, A Space Fantasy that previously would have been unthinkable in Unova
Iwata: Huh? A space fantasy with Pokémon? *laughs*
Unno: Or perhaps something like romance
Iwata: Huuuh? Romance in Pokémon!? *laughs*
Unno: Yes. *laughs*
Damn I hated that. No point if you weren't going to a major community area, or some StreetPass meet in North Texas. Must be great for the Japanese, of course.I hope Black City and White Forest are Wi-Fi now...they sucked in Black and White if you don't have any local players.
Level 100 wifi battles please!There are a lot of new WiFi and multiplayer functions this time around, in particular, so there'll great chances to trade, get new Pokemon, and exchange items around with your pals. This game's about abusing the communication features of the DS, to their maximum.