There's two to get in BW. Sending a shiny dog will get you Zoroark. Separately, sending over Celebi will get you Zorua. This is how I understand it from what I've read in places including Serebii, so I assume I've not misunderstood? :sballadofwindfishes said:I was under the impression you only needed one of the dogs or celebi
Really!? Do you have a bunch of spares then? All I need is Celebi, so that's all I'd ask. In terms of spares, all I have is Shiny Entei, Shiny Suicune and uhhh, a Pikachu that knows Fly xD Didn't pick up RaikouNayishiki said:I can give you Celebi and Raikou.
Woffls said:There's two to get in BW. Sending a shiny dog will get you Zoroark. Separately, sending over Celebi will get you Zorua. This is how I understand it from what I've read in places including Serebii, so I assume I've not misunderstood? :s
Really!? Do you have a bunch of spares then? All I need is Celebi, so that's all I'd ask. In terms of spares, all I have is Shiny Entei, Shiny Suicune and uhhh, a Pikachu that knows Fly xD Didn't pick up Raikou![]()
You can put six pokemon in the box, and whenver you battle online or on the battle subway, the game gives you the option of using then or you current party (but not a mix of both).Andrex said:So what's the deal with the Battle Box in the PC?
White, if you have no way to trade.Vyse The Legend said:So, what's the consensus: Black or White, if playing alone.
Woffls said:There's two to get in BW. Sending a shiny dog will get you Zoroark. Separately, sending over Celebi will get you Zorua. This is how I understand it from what I've read in places including Serebii, so I assume I've not misunderstood? :s
Really!? Do you have a bunch of spares then? All I need is Celebi, so that's all I'd ask. In terms of spares, all I have is Shiny Entei, Shiny Suicune and uhhh, a Pikachu that knows Fly xD Didn't pick up Raikou
[edit]Wait, what are these Zorua eggs? Sounds interesting.
Ah cool. If I get both then I'll breed them constantly and give out as many eggs as I can!EvilMario said:Zorua/Zoroark are breedable, so better than passing around people's cherished Celebi/Beast would just be to give us some eggs if someone is breeding.
If Victini is any indication, legendaries will have you pulling your hair out in a rage.upJTboogie said:Is it me or is Pokemon easier to catch? I've caught every Pokemon in one throw, except for Darumaka which only took 2 balls.
Well thank Nihm for that! I thought it was incredibly unfair to make two of the new 156 require a previous game to unlock. Or, as is realistic now, previous games+an R4 card to use an event Pokémon distribution ROM.EvilMario said:Zorua/Zoroark are breedable, so better than passing around people's cherished Celebi/Beast would just be to give us some eggs if someone is breeding.
Nah, wasted five Pokeballs on the zebra when it had one health left. It's all luck, nothing has changed.upJTboogie said:Is it me or is Pokemon easier to catch? I've caught every Pokemon in one throw, except for Darumaka which only took 2 balls.
I'll have my Black version code for you in a little bit.Shiggie said:I registered everyone (except seastars) on the friend code list.
Wasn't easy I tells ya.
I think so, two of my friends caught the cover legendary with a Pokeball -- one of them doing it on their second Pokeball.upJTboogie said:Is it me or is Pokemon easier to catch? I've caught every Pokemon in one throw, except for Darumaka which only took 2 balls.
really soon. and the running seems to be faster than the previous games so you'll feel better ha.VGChampion said:For those who have played the game, how long until I get some running boots or a bike? I feel like I'm walking ridiculously slow in the intro area.
They are dirty cheaters utilising voodoo magics, I swear. I got Victini down to the smallest sliver of HP possible and paralysed him and he still ate through a few ultra balls.darkpaladinmfc said:I think so, two of my friends caught the cover legendary with a Pokeball -- one of them doing it on their second Pokeball.
Victini did take me a few ultras, and one of the karate frog things took me about 20. Maybe my friends just got lucky, I'll see soon when I catch my cover legendary with a Pokeball.Suairyu said:They are dirty cheaters utilising voodoo magics, I swear. I got Victini down to the smallest sliver of HP possible and he still ate through a few ultra balls.
Tell that to Throh. Hate that dick. Well, love him now but I had to catch him with a goddamn ultra ball. An ultra ball! Christ.upJTboogie said:Is it me or is Pokemon easier to catch? I've caught every Pokemon in one throw, except for Darumaka which only took 2 balls.
btkadams said:question: if my starter is a male pokemon, am i not able to breed with a ditto later and make more of him?
It's all luck, man. Literally nothing has changed as far as capturing mechanics go except for the addition of the critical capture, which never happens.darkpaladinmfc said:I think so, two of my friends caught the cover legendary with a Pokeball -- one of them doing it on their second Pokeball.
ok cool, thanks!Android18a said:Yes, you can.
Ditto is a BI slut.btkadams said:question: if my starter is a male pokemon, am i not able to breed with a ditto later and make more of him?
the reason i'm asking is that i read earlier int he thread that a poster recommended restarting the game over and over until your starter is female because having a female is better. i wasn't sure why so i thought maybe you couldn't breed a male of it for some reason. i've bred my males in other games before so i guess it was a stupid question lol.Mr. Sam said:Yeah, dittos are genderless, aren't they?
Really? I've not had trouble with any so far, even Victini was super easy. Maybe I'm just a pro ;D Naww, that's not it.Suairyu said:If Victini is any indication, legendaries will have you pulling your hair out in a rage.
Suairyu said:Anyone with Black online right now who would like to trade the Pinwheel Forest exclusives?
I have a Lilligant and Petilil and would like a Whimsicott and Cottonee.
Cheers, I'll fling the Petilil your way. I'm on the googledoc, just give me a moment to rush to the Pokémon centre and I'll add you.Nayishiki said:I can give you Cottonee.
Well then I'm loving my luck so farIzayoi said:It's all luck, man. Literally nothing has changed as far as capturing mechanics go except for the addition of the critical capture, which never happens.
It'll just likely be a while until you find a Ditto. If you're interested in breeding a bunch of replacement starters for early trade purposes, a female starter is a nice thing to have.btkadams said:the reason i'm asking is that i read earlier int he thread that a poster recommended restarting the game over and over until your starter is female because having a female is better. i wasn't sure why so i thought maybe you couldn't breed a male of it for some reason. i've bred my males in other games before so i guess it was a stupid question lol.
Suairyu said:Cheers, I'll fling the Petilil your way. I'm on the googledoc, just give me a moment to rush to the Pokémon centre and I'll add you.
DrForester said:Victini Get!
Went through 10 pokeballs, including an early find Ultra ball.
Down + B totally worked!
Arren said:I just carefully checked both the back of the outer box and the instruction booklet and there's no mention whatsoever of any restricted compatibility with a certain region.
Bear in mind though that my copy is an italian (european) version.
Woffls said:Many thanks to Nayishiki for sending a Celebi my way. Unfortunately I just realised I can't trade it up until I get my 3DS on March 25th! After that I shall breed Zorua and Zoroark until they pass out ;D
And you for the Cottonee. Now hurry up and catch a Whimsicott already!Nayishiki said:Thanks for Petilil Suairyu.
Android18a said:![]()
If anyone wanted confirmation in photo proof, yes, my PAL Pokemon White runs on my Japanese DSiLL.