CoffeeJanitor said:Rough idea for a team right here. Tell me what you guys think of it (sorry, no items/EVs/movesets, just a rough sketch here)
- Aerodactly: Lead
- Togekiss: Special Tank/Special attacker (maybe support too?)
- Kingdra: Mixed sweeper
- Tangrowth: Physical tank, Statuser/annoyer
- Scizor: Physical sweeper
- Alakazam: Special sweeper
upandaway said:Between this, the monies from the ruins, the pile of items I haven't yet sold and the Star Piece every day... and the fact there isn't a silly money sink villa like in Platinum, I'm feeling good about my dream of 999. It's gonna happen. THIS TIME IT'S GONNA HAPPEN.
I actually got max monies once before, in Silver, 10 years ago. Fucking Slowpoketail. *cries* fucking... slowpoketail...
D-Pad said:Damn it! You guys think so far beyond me it's not even funny. I'm not going to get anywhere in the tourny.![]()
Point taken. I kind of hate Garchomp so I think I'll look for a different poke to take Kingdra's place. Thanks for your opinion.Wiseblade said:Eh, I'm not a huge fan of Using Kingdra outside of Rain teams. Without the doubled speed and boost to water moves, it lacks punch in my opinion. I'd suggest using Garchomp in its place. He's not mixed, but you'll be able to switch him in on all the electric attacks Aerodactyl and Togekiss will draw in and is immediately threatening.
go. said:On another topic : I'm still giving out 31 HP Machops with Ice Punch and Bullet Punch.
you can get any pokemon if someone trades them to you at any point. you just can't bring your own pokemon from a previous gen until after the main story.isny said:Do you have to have beaten the game to get the pre Unova Pokemon in a trade? If so, I'll hit you up for one of these once I get that far, lol
I used a Kingdra in Platinum and it was pretty good. I gave it Outrage, Waterfall, Dragon Dance, Yawn and a Lum Berry to stop the confusion from Outrage.Wiseblade said:Eh, I'm not a huge fan of Using Kingdra outside of Rain teams. Without the doubled speed and boost to water moves, it lacks punch in my opinion. I'd suggest using Garchomp in its place. He's not mixed, but you'll be able to switch him in on all the electric attacks Aerodactyl and Togekiss will draw in and is immediately threatening.
btkadams said:you can get any pokemon if someone trades them to you at any point. you just can't bring your own pokemon from a previous gen until after the main story.
I used a similar Kingdra but with Substitute to block status. Kingdra's not weak, but it gets stopped cold by Empoleon and Ferrothorn, and outsped and OHKO'd by virtually every other dragon outside of the rain.OMG Aero said:I used a Kingdra in Platinum and it was pretty good. I gave it Outrage, Waterfall, Dragon Dance, Yawn and a Lum Berry to stop the confusion from Outrage.
Izayoi said:D-Pad.
I've got a male and female here for you. Which one do you want? IVs are unknown for both, but each such have at least one 31 IV.
Okay, headed to the wi-fi room now.D-Pad said:First, thank you so much! Either is totally fine, but lets go with female.![]()
isny said:Just picked up a Tynamo grinding in Chargestone. I can't believe it's not weak against any type =D
(And seems to be rare to boot)
Izayoi said:Okay, headed to the wi-fi room now.
Remember that Recover is an egg move.
Bold nature with Recover, both of them. Both also have Water Absorb.D-Pad said:Did you already breed it down for me? If so <3 I'll take the male. If not, then female.
Damn, how are you this fast with this stuff? Are you pokesaving them?Izayoi said:Bold nature with Recover, both of them.
But Tynamo is the only one that relies on an ability for this.D-Pad said:How many Pokemon does this make now? 3? Sableye, Spiritomb and now the Tynamo line.
Nope, I only deal with legitimate Pokemon. Having all 646 makes move breeding pretty quick.CoffeeJanitor said:Damn, how are you this fast with this stuff? Are you pokesaving them?
Izayoi said:Bold nature with Recover, both of them. Both also have Water Absorb.
Wow I did not even realize that Recover was a level-up move. Fuck. I even trained a Slugma to get it.D-Pad said:Ah, I see. Recover is a level up move as well. Either one will be great! Thank you.
@Wiseblade: That's true.
Izayoi said:Wow I did not even realize that Recover was a level-up move. Fuck. I even trained a Slugma to get it.
I wish I could read.![]()
I remember one guy in my high school used to pronounce it that way, but that dude was barely literate to begin with.Masked Man said:I can't tell you how many times I've heard "Soo-i-scene"![]()
Am I not showing up in the wi-fi room?D-Pad said:![]()
Your hard work will not go unpaid.![]()
Izayoi said:Am I not showing up in the wi-fi room?
MechaX said:Any other options to get WiFi? I want my Victini.
mcdonalds?MechaX said:I swear, trying to find a spot with true free WiFi these days has been a lot more irritating than expected. These days, a vast majority of the hot-spots (I've tried virtually every fast food chain, Bread Co/Panera, Borders, Barnes & Noble, school, etc) have websites where you have to "sign in" to use their free WiFi, and since my DS Lite doesn't quite have a web-browser, that's pretty much a lost cause. With my router on the fritz, the only open I know of here is using ad-hoc, which the DS also doesn't really support.
Any other options to get WiFi? I want my Victini.
I re-added you and you're still not showing up.D-Pad said:No. I was just about to post how you forgot about me.![]()
Nope. Unchanged. Nintendooooooo.D-Pad said:Izayoi are you still in the room? I rejoined but I still don't see you.
Did you change your friend code since last night?
Izayoi said:Nope. Unchanged. Nintendooooooo.![]()
CoffeeJanitor said:mcdonalds?
D-Pad said:Hate to give such an answer because it's never so easy, but: Get a new router?
D-Pad said:This shit is getting as bad as Brawl now.
Praise Arceus!
Roto13 said:Should I buy Pokemon XD for $7? I probably won't transfer any of the Pokemon from it to my GBA games.
MechaX said:I swear, trying to find a spot with true free WiFi these days has been a lot more irritating than expected. These days, a vast majority of the hot-spots (I've tried virtually every fast food chain, Bread Co/Panera, Borders, Barnes & Noble, school, etc) have websites where you have to "sign in" to use their free WiFi, and since my DS Lite doesn't quite have a web-browser, that's pretty much a lost cause. With my router on the fritz, the only open I know of here is using ad-hoc, which the DS also doesn't really support.
Any other options to get WiFi? I want my Victini.
Not a problem.D-Pad said:This shit is getting as bad as Brawl now.
Praise Arceus!
Edit - Thank you, Izayoi!![]()
Or it gets cleaved in two by a sharpedo and both halves use recover.Endless-Bravado said:I think I hate Staryu now. I just got a Timid Staryu with max HP/Def/SpA/Speed IVs and it once again has Illuminate instead of Natural Cure. It's fucking retarded that these things can't even breed with one another. The only way these things don't go extinct is if a ditto decides to take a swim, sees a staryu, and decides to fuck it. I hate this shit.
drtomoe123 said:
Saw this in a 3DS thread a few nights ago and it's amazing. I can freely use the GTS and trade in my girlfriend's wi-fi-less dorm now!![]()